Caravaggio (Italy) - Caravaggio (Italia)

Tree-lined avenue leading to the sanctuary
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Caravaggio is a city of Lombardy.

To know

Caravaggio is an important center of faith in the western Bergamo plain also known for having given the nickname to Michelangelo Merisi (actually born in Milan).


The first written source that certifies the existence of Caravaggio dates back to 962 AD. Until the twelfth century the documents on the town remained few. In 1182 the municipality of Caravaggio was appointed for the first time and, four years later, it was placed under the control of Milan by Federico Barbarossa.

Until the Italian Risorgimento Caravaggio was the scene of numerous battles for the conquest of the country.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car

For Caravaggio passes the State Road 11 Upper Padana that connects Turin with Venice.

Other important roads that pass through Caravaggio are the Provincial Road 185 Rivoltana which connects the town to the Milanese hinterland, the Provincial Road 121 for Bergamo and the Provincial Road 129-Provincial Road 130-Provincial Road 131 is Provincial Road 132.

The highway passes through Caravaggio BreBeMi (Brescia-Bergamo-Milan).

On the train

In the municipality of Caravaggio there are two railway stations: the first, south-west of the historic center, is located on the Treviglio-Cremona, while the second, located in the hamlet of Vidalengo it is placed on the line Milan-Venice.

How to get around

What see

Sanctuary of Caravaggio
Church of Ss Fermo Rustico
New door
  • Main attraction1 Sanctuary of Caravaggio, Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 39 0363 3571, fax: 39 0363 357203. The Marian sanctuary dedicated to the cult of Santa Maria del Fonte, which, according to Catholic tradition, appeared in that locality on May 26, 1432, in front of the young peasant Giannetta de 'Vacchi, was built starting from 1432 at the behest of the Forane vicar of bishop of Cremona, Bonincontro de 'Secchi. The erection of the current Marian temple, strongly desired by the archbishop of Milan Carlo Borromeo, began in 1575 following a project by the architect Pellegrino Tibaldi (known as Pellegrini). The sanctuary stands in the center of a vast esplanade surrounded by a large portico on four sides. In the square in front of the church there is a marble obelisk and a large fountain. The highest point of the sanctuary (64 m) is the dome; the architecture is characterized by the gray of the plaster and the red of the bricks. The interior has a single nave with a Latin cross plan and a classic style. The decoration of the temple is the work of the Caravaggini painters Giovanni Moriggia is Luigi Cavenaghi. Below the main altar is the Sacro Speco, which houses the wooden statuary group that reconstructs the scene of the Apparition. Under the Speco is the underground Sacred Source, which can be accessed from the outside of the temple, where there is a fountain from which water can be drawn. According to legend, this is the exact place where the young Giannetta de 'Vacchi witnessed the first apparition of the Madonna, who, as proof of her divine origin, made a spring of water gush out of the ground. The underground access to the Sacred Source consists of a long corridor of about thirty meters, which crosses the church from side to side and was covered with mosaics by the painter Mario Busini in the 1950s.
  • 2 Church of Saints Fermo and Rustico (Insigne Archpriest Church of Saints Fermo and Rustico Martiri). The church, in Gothic style, was built in the thirteenth century on a previous religious building to remember a local legend, according to which, in 306, the two Saints Fermo and Rustico passed through the city and resurrected a dead man. The façade of the church is tripartite and in it we can distinguish a marble portal surmounted by a ten-spoke rose window and a pediment with three niches containing the statues of the Madonna, of S. Fermo and S. Rustico.
  • Church of the Holy Family, Via San Francesco. The church has a very simple structure, but contains a canvas depicting the Holy Family of Bergamots from the Church of St. Elizabeth.
  • 3 Church of S. Bernardino and convent of Santa Maria degli angeli. After the sanctuary and the parish church it is the most important Caravaggio religious building. It was consecrated in 1489. The style of the building refers to the Franciscan canons: the church is a large hall with three chapels on the left and two in front, between which a small atrium leads to the presbytery and choir, which is flanked by the sacristy and the short square bell tower. The fresco cycle is important of the Passion of Christ of the caravaggino Stop Stella dating back to 1531.
  • 4 Church of S. Giovanni. now deconsecrated, but of considerable architectural interest.
  • 5 Church of S. Elisabetta. The small seventeenth-century church is attributable to the Baroque style. The single nave interior ends in a rich altar. The choir contains a 17th century wooden crucifix, previously housed in the disappeared Church of San Defendente. The church has a small cloister.
  • 6 Church of S. Liberata. Small cult building located on the outskirts of Caravaggio, it is, as can be seen from the dates reported on some frescoes, of sixteenth-century origin. Of Bramante architectural style, the church has a hexagonal plan.
  • 7 Gallavresi Palace.
  • Villa Clelia.
  • Villa Rocchi.
  • 8 Arch of Porta Nuova. Monumental arch, built in the eighteenth century, which adorns one of the entrances to the historic center of the city; the avenue that starts from the Arch, with a total length of about two kilometers, connects the center of the town with the Sanctuary of Caravaggio. The Arch was erected on the occasion of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin at the Sanctuary, granted in 1708 by Rome and celebrated in 1710; it was finished in 1709 and inaugurated in 1710 to coincide with the coronation celebrations.
  • 9 Fontanile Brancaleone Nature Reserve.
  • 10 Chapel of S. Bartolomeo.

Events and parties

  • Festival of Santa Liberata, Seriola district. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 18.
  • Feast of the Angel. Simple icon time.svgsecond day of Easter. Procession to the sanctuary
  • File: 5107CaravaggioSantuario.JPG. Simple icon time.svgMay 26.
  • Feast of the patron saints of Caravaggio, Fermo and Rustico. Simple icon time.svgAugust 9.
  • Feast of St. Bartholomew, Via Valle. Simple icon time.svgAugust 24.
  • Palio dei Rioni. Simple icon time.svgSeptember.
  • I CARAVAGGIO. Simple icon time.svgSeptember 29. Feast of St. Bartholomew
  • Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Via San Francesco. Simple icon time.svgOctober 4th.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Caravaggio Post Office, Largo Luigi Cavenaghi, 39 0363350377, fax: 39 0363350837. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8.20-19 Sat 8.20-12.35. For info


  • Soncino - Fortified village with walls and a fortress in excellent condition, it was for a long time an outpost of the Cremonese against the Brescians.
  • Orzinuovi - Center on the Oglio, it was opposed as a stronghold to Soncino on the opposite shore. It has remains of fortifications, the castle, and a beautiful square with a Venetian flavor, a legacy of the domination of the Republic of Venice.
  • Cream - Its Cathedral and the church of Santa Maria della Croce are the main reasons of interest; the city was for four hundred years in possession of the Serenissima, a period of which it retains many architectural influences and part of the Venetian walls.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Caravaggio (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Caravaggio (Italy)
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