Pandino - Pandino

Visconteo Castle
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Pandino is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in the Po Valleycremasca. It is 14 km away. from Cream, 14 km. from Praise, 35 km. from Milan; much farther away, at 60 km., is its provincial capital Cremona


Pandino appears in a document of 1144 in which it is said that the parish church was dependent on that of San Sigismondo di Rivolta d'Adda. Its history changes radically when in the mid-fourteenth century Bernabò Visconti has a castle built there which will serve as a residence, for himself and for the courtiers, during hunting trips. The presence of the building feeds the development of the town, which begins to grow and populate. The church of Santa Marta and the ancient Sanctuary of the Madonna del Riposo rise.

In the fifteenth century the Sforza imposed on the Pandinesi the construction of walls to protect Pandino from the advance of the Venetians. However, the walls are not finished and the walls in some places are replaced by embankments that allow the Venetians to take over Pandino by invading it.

In the following centuries the Spanish, Austrian and Napoleonic dominations followed one another, to then merge into the new Italian unitary state.

How to orient yourself

In the municipal area of ​​Pandino there are the centers of Gradella, a village that is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy and Nosadello.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

State Road 472

The former state road 472 Bergamine, which connects the Lodigiano with the Bergamasco, runs along Pandino and connects it with a short path to the Paullese Cremona - Milan to the south and to the RivoltanaMozzanica - Rivolta d'Adda North.

Provincial Road 415

The provincial road PaulleseCremona - Milan, one of the major communication arteries of Lombardy, is not far south of Pandino.

How to get around

What see

The courtyard
  • 1 Visconteo Castle. Ecb copyright.svgThe visits are guided. Adults: € 4, adults over 70: € 3. Groups: € 3, including a visit to the historic center: € 4, with a full day visit: € 7. Children up to 6 years: free. Children from 6 to 18 years: 2 €. Schools: € 2, with even 1 laboratory: € 3, with even 2 laboratories: € 4. It was Bernabò Visconti, Lord of Milan, who chose Pandino as a place to devote himself to his favorite activity: hunting. The Pandino area, at the time rich in woods inhabited by numerous game, not far from Milan, represented the ideal place. Around 1355 the construction of the castle began with the typically Visconti imprint given by the square plan with an internal courtyard with a round of pointed arch arcades, a loggia on the upper floor, four corner towers. The exterior is equipped with numerous single-lancet windows on the upper floor originally distinguished by the servants, mullioned windows on the noble floor; they contribute to giving the building a characteristic of a noble residence rather than a fortress. In the courtyard, the entire east side of the ground floor was open, preceded by the portico, and originally served as a hall for the banquets that were held there after hunting parties.
The castle was completely decorated during the fourteenth century. These frescoes are largely still existing and contribute to making the castle of Pandino one of the most beautiful testimonies of the wall painting of the time, as well as being one of the few castles that has preserved the pictorial decorations. Numerous are the reproductions of the coats of arms of the Visconti family (the snake) and of the della Scala, in honor of Regina della Scala, wife of Bernabò Visconti and daughter of Mastino II della Scala, lord of Verona. The frescoes are mostly geometric or floral decorations; among the few human figures a Sant'Antonio Abate who had to protect the health of the inhabitants of the castle and a San Cristoforo to preserve them from sudden deaths.
In the fifteenth century the castle needed interventions to reinforce its safety following the expansion of the Republic of Venice which gradually approached Pandino, taking possession of, for example Cream and its territory. Therefore the defense towers were superimposed on the two entrances, which however did not prevent the Venetians from seizing the castle twice; but it always returned after a short time in the hands of the Milanese dukes.
After the Sforza, the Viscontis became lords, the castle of Pandino passed into other hands, changing ownership several times until it was purchased by the Municipality of Pandino in 1947.
Today the castle houses the municipal offices for a small part; the rest is open to visits and can be visited every day (2013), by booking a visit at:
Church of Santa Margherita
  • 2 Parish church of S. Margarita. The ancient parish church, by now deteriorated, was rebuilt in the eighteenth century in a neoclassical style; the works began in 1783 and ended in 1791. The designer was the architect Felice Soave, a well-known figure in the architectural field, trained in Parma with the teachings of Petitot, then influenced by Piermarini. His design for the facade of the Milan Cathedral was later made by Amati. The importance of Piermarini in the Milan area of ​​which Pandino was a part is probably one of the reasons that led to the involvement of such an important artist in the design of the new parish church, one of the first examples of Lombard Neoclassicism.
The facade is inspired by the Pantheon, with eight imposing semi-columns and Corinthian capitals supporting a tympanum pediment. Inside, the four columns that support the nave stand out. Two imposing pulpits separate the presbytery from the nave. The decoration of the vaults dates back to Bertella and is the work of the early twentieth century.
The church preserves works prior to its construction, coming from the previous temple or from other churches in Pandino; among them, on the right wall after the last chapel, the altarpiece by Andrea Mingardi known as il Keyghino depicting the Assumption. It also boasts the apsidal altarpiece by Marcantonio Mainardi Enthroned Virgin with Child and Saints Martha and Margaret and the altarpiece depicting the Trinity with Santa Margherita. The fourteen late eighteenth-century canvases are attributable to Federico Ferrario; the organ is a Serassi de 1788.
Santa Marta
  • 3 Oratory of Santa Marta. In front of the castle, following the expansion of the town and its population, the church of Santa Marta was erected. Its function was initially a palatine church, as the castle did not have a chapel. Built in the second half of the fifteenth century, it was modified in the eighteenth century. In fact, the demolition of the parish church which was to be replaced by a new temple determined the use of Santa Marta for liturgical celebrations, which therefore had to be enlarged. Consequence of this was the closure of the narthex which allowed the extension of the church.
In ancient times, a complex of buildings belonging to the Confraternity of Santa Marta was annexed to the church, which enjoyed particular privileges in its use. The church boasts, like the castle, a good patrimony of frescoes that probably date back to the sixteenth century. It depicts the two patron Saints of Pandino, Martha and Margaret, and God the Father who irradiates the Virgin with the Holy Spirit in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel who came to announce the conception of Christ.
Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell'Apparizione
  • Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell'Apparizione (of Tommasone or of Riposo). The apparition of the Madonna to a certain Tommasone it is located in the first decades of the fifteenth century, an episode that led to the construction of the Sanctuary. The small chapel built on the site of the apparition was incorporated into the Sanctuary which was built at the end of the fifteenth century and consisted of this chapel, a fountain, the church with a portico, the hermit's house that guarded the sacred place. The wooden statue of the Madonna was transferred from the external niche, the place of the apparition, to the main altar.
The church had a single nave with two side altars with the statue of San Rocco and the large canvas of the Assumption of Keyghino, which is now located in a chapel at the back on the right side of the new parish church. The walls featured numerous frescoes with images of Saints. Today, fragments remain in the remains of the ancient Sanctuary. The suppression of religious congregations according to a reform of Maria Theresa of Austria in 1775 brought the church to decline. Sold to private individuals, the proceeds were used in the construction of the new parish church.
In 1995 the first stone of the new Sanctuary was laid, which was completed in 1997 with the construction of a modern-style building.

Events and parties

  • Festival. Simple icon time.svgthe third Sunday of October..

What to do


The country produces quality cheeses and butter; among the cheeses it is worth mentioning the panarone, cheese with a bitter taste that comes from Pandino. The area is also known for the production of quality local salami.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices


  • 1 Ad Convivium, via De Gasperi 3, 39 0373 90266.
  • 2 Trattoria Pesa, via Indipendenza 44, 39 0373 920095, fax: 39 0376 91310.
  • 3 Osteria Vecchia Pandino, via Milano 35, 39 0373 90001.
  • 4 The Borgo, via Maggiore 17 (in Gradella), 39 0373 971919.
  • 5 Osteria degli Amici, via Maggiore 18 (in Gradella), 39 0373 90163.
  • 6 Soul & Pepe, via Garibaldi 2 (Location Nosadello), 39 0373 90194.
  • 7 Trattoria Caffè della Corte, via Castello 32, 39 0373 971806.
  • 8 Via Milano, via Milano 30, 39 0373 475645.
  • 9 Foxes, via Indipendenza 34 (in Nosadello), 39 0373 90100.
  • 10 Wang's Garden, Via Fontana, 18, 39 0373 91699.
  • 11 Tokyo Fusion Restaurant, viale Europa 19, 39 0373 500540.


Where stay


  • 1 Carabinieri station, Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 39 0373 90032.

Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 2 Taccani, Via Umberto I 49, 39 0373 90017.
  • 3 Municipal, via Castello 15 (in Nosadello), 39 0373 920984.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, via Stefano da Pandino 32, 39 0373 920095, fax: 39 0373 91310.


  • Pignano Palace - To see the early Romanesque church of San Martino built over the remains of an early Christian basilica of the fifth century AD. C.
  • Cream - Its Cathedral and the church of Santa Maria della Croce are the main reasons of interest; the city was for four hundred years in possession of the Serenissima, a period of which it retains many architectural influences and part of the Venetian walls.
  • Praise - The monumental center in the city and the Basilica of San Bassiano a Lodi Vecchio are the main points of interest.
  • to Gradella, a fraction of the municipal territory of Pandino 4 km from the capital, which is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy; in addition to the intact aspect of the rural urban planning of the country, with the buildings characteristically painted in yellow with red brick decorations, you can see the Villa Maggi.

Useful information

  • IAT office, via Stefano da Pandino, 39 0373 920410. Tourist information office.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pandino
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pandino
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