Pignano Palace - Palazzo Pignano

Pignano Palace
Pignano Palace
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Pignano Palace
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Pignano Palace is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in the Cremasca Po Valley, towards the border with the from Lodi; is 13 km away. from Cream, 14 km. from Praise, 37 km. from Milan and 53 from Cremona.


Archaeological excavations show that as early as the fifth century AD. Palazzo Pignano was an inhabited and perfectly organized place, also equipped with a circular temple and civil buildings, including a Palatium from which the locality would have taken its name. Pignano would derive from the Roman Piniano of the gens Valeria, who lived between the fourth and fifth centuries who together with his wife Melania ceded his properties in the area to the poor. to the donation of the court Palatium Apinianum to the monastery of San Savino, During its history Palazzo was destroyed twice, in 951 and towards the middle of the 11th century during the struggle between Milan is PaviaRebuilt in 1155, it was owned by the municipality of Crema in the 12th century. Cream ceded it as a fief to the counts of Vailate and then to other gentlemen. In the mid-fifteenth century it passed, with the centers of the area, under the Venetian domination which lasted until 1797.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Proto-Romanesque parish church of San Martino. It has a gabled façade with three circular pinnacles and a simple rose window without the marble wheel; it faces west and has the particularity of being built in terracotta laid in a herringbone pattern, an arrangement of bricks typical of early Romanesque buildings. Both inside and outside there are elements recovered from previous buildings.
The internal structure has three naves with seven pillars still visible and an eighth walled up in the wall: the seven columns mark the path of Christians in the human time of the week, while the eighth pillar evokes supernatural time, eternity introduced in the history of salvation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The floor of the parish is slightly uphill and the ever closer pillars underline the fatigue of the journey of faith in its earthly pilgrimage. The capitals, dating back to the oldest parish church, are carved with symbols dear to early Christianity: the vine and the bunch of grapes, the palm and the olive tree, the lamb, the dove and the lions. The trussed ceiling, in exposed wood, recalls the structure that supported the tents of the Jewish people, nomads in the desert, traveling to the Promised Land.
The 1963 restorations have recovered the original lines of the ancient parish church, bringing to light the foundations, partly still visible, of a circular building, dating back to the 4th century, with an adjoining baptismal font, found later.
It was a chapel adjacent to a large and prestigious late-Roman villa of which you can admire the remains behind the current parish church, attributed by legend to two real Christian spouses, belonging to the noble Roman family of the Valeri: Melania and Piniano, the first evangelizers of the Cremasca countryside. Melania died in Jerusalem and was proclaimed a saint in 440; it is remembered on December 31st.
The late
Inside the parish church, to the left of the entrance portal, there is always on display a valuable Renaissance lament attributed today with certainty to Agostino de Fondulis, sculptor and architect from Cremona, who was commissioned for a church in Cream in 1510.
It is a complex of eight terracotta statues, once polychrome, life-size, with extremely expressive attitudes and faces: in the center there is the dead Christ lying with his head resting on two cushions and the two Marys supporting the Madonna. who is about to faint; on the right is Mary Magdalene in despair, screaming in pain, flanked by Nicodemus kneeling in front of Jesus; on the left is John the Evangelist, standing, with his gaze turned towards the sky, near Joseph of Arimathea on his knees.
The late, remodeled several times, was restored in 1928 and 1998.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Caramì restaurant, via Trescore 1, 39 0373 475641.
  • 2 The Pomegranate (At the Pomgranat), via Benzoni 23 (locality Scannabue), 39 0373 472609.
  • 3 The Fiesta, via Torlino 4 (Cascine Capri locality), 39 0373 982636.
  • 4 Le Sisters Cafè, via Benzoni 23 (locality Scannabue), 39 340 8346114.
  • 5 Trattoria del Tormo, via Roma 34, 39 0373 920054.
  • 6 Leon Rampante Pizzeria, via Marconi 17, 39 0373 920123.
  • 7 Agripina farmhouse, via Roma 7, 39 0373 90208.

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

How to keep in touch


  • Pandino - The wonderfully preserved castle, rich in frescoes for which it is an almost unique example in Lombardy, makes Pandino an important tourist destination in the Cremasco and of the whole region.
  • Gradella, fraction of Pandino, is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy; in addition to the intact aspect of the rural town planning, with the buildings characteristically painted in yellow with red brick decorations, you can see the Villa Maggi.
  • Cream - Its Cathedral and the church of Santa Maria della Croce are the main reasons of interest; the city was for four hundred years in possession of the Serenissima, a period of which it retains many architectural influences and part of the Venetian walls.
  • Praise - The monumental center in the city and the Basilica of San Bassiano a Lodi Vecchio are the main points of interest.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pignano Palace
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pignano Palace
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