Bergamasco (Lombardy) - Bergamasco (Lombardia)

Bergamasco (Lombardy)

The Bergamasco is an area of ​​the Lombardy.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Bergamo - City of ancient atmospheres, Bergamo Alta from its refuge on a hill looks at the new modern city that is spreading like wildfire. Modernity did not hurt the ancient city, it did not outrage it; she has kept away from it with respectful respect. And this is why she can proudly show the tourist, almost like in a painting, the image of her wonderfully intact ancient heart on the hill where the city was born. .
  • Serious
  • Under Monte Giovanni XXIII - birthplace of Pope John XXIII.

Thermal centers

How to get

By plane

In this region there is an international airport:

The area is also affected by the airports of:

By car

Outputs of theA4 motorway:

On the train

The main station in the area is that of Bergamo.

How to get around

What see

Old Square, Bergamo high
Castle of Bianzano

What to do

At the table


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