Sentier maritime du Saint-Laurent - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Sentier maritime du Saint-Laurent — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

St. Lawrence Seaway
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Official site

the St. Lawrence maritime trail is a maritime route in Quebec to Canada.


The St.Lawrence Maritime Trail is a network of launchings, safe shelters, rest areas, accommodation services, food and campsites for sea kayakers following mainly the coast of the St. Lawrence River at Quebec. In fact, the maritime trail of the St. Lawrence is made up of nine “blue routes” which, together, extend from Pointe-Fortune orAkwesasne in the South-East of Quebec up to Baie-Trinité on the North Coast or up to Pointe-a-la-Croix in Gaspesie in the Chaleur Bay. The part enters Repentigny Where Against Heart up to Three Rivers is in development.


Haut-Saint-Laurent blue route

The Haut-Saint-Laurent blue route covers nearly 200 km crossing lakes Saint-François, Saint-Louis and Deux-Montagnes as well as the Ottawa River. From this road, you can continue by Ontario towards in particular another portion of the Ottawa River, the northwest shore of Lake Saint-François or the Thousand Islands. You should know that there are dams and dikes erected by Hydro-Québec, but there are locks to cross them. The Haut-Saint-Laurent blue route includes 69 sites public stops between Pointe-Fortune north and Akwesasne South. The journey takes place on calm waters accessible to all.

It is important to know that the route passes through the St. Lawrence Seaway and that it is therefore necessary to respect the laws and regulations issued by the Corporation de gestion de la Voie Sea du Saint-Laurent available on their website.

The Haut-Saint-Laurent blue route is divided into eight sections:

  1. Lac Saint-François - West
  2. Lake Saint-François - Center
  3. Lake Saint-François - East
  4. The ponds
  5. Lake Saint-Louis
  6. Perrot Island
  7. Lake of the Two Mountains
  8. Ottawa River
  • Haut-Saint-Laurent blue route maps Logo indicating a link to the website – Eight maps are available free of charge on the website of the Fédération québécoise du canot et du kayak, but you must complete an identification form.

Blue Route of Travelers

The Blue Route of Travelers begins at Saint-André-d'Argenteuil on the Ottawa River downstream from the Carillon hydroelectric power station. It crosses the Lac des Deux-Montagnes from Saint-Placide up to Two-Mountains. Then, it is divided into two with one route going to the Rivière des Prairies and the other to the Rivière des Mille-Îles. The road ends on the St. Lawrence River at the end of Île de Laval.

Several sectors of this road are suitable for fishing, including Carillon Bay, the Rivière des Prairies downstream from the hydroelectric power station and the Sainte-Rose archipelago.

The blue route of the Voyageurs is divided into eight sections of 20 km :

  1. The berries of the culture (of Saint-André-d'Argenteuil To Saint-Placide)
  2. Au gré du vent (on the Ottawa River from Saint-Placide To Oka)
  3. The big blue (ofOka To Saint-Eustache)
  4. The thousand and one islands (of Saint-Eustache To Terrebonne)
  5. At the meeting of the three waters (from Terrebonne To Repentigny)
  6. From river to vine (from Repentigny To Saint Sulpice)
  7. With the current (the western part of the Rivière des Prairies at Laval)
  8. Along the water (the eastern part of the Rivière des Prairies at Laval)
  • Maps of the Blue Route of Travelers Logo indicating a link to the website – Maps are available free of charge on the website of the Fédération québécoise du canot et du kayak, but you must complete an identification form.

Greater Montreal Blue Route

The blue route of Greater Montreal stretches along the shores of the island of Montreal as well as the Bizard Islands, the Nuns and the Boucherville Islands archipelago.

Annually, the Blue Island Tour is organized. It is a question of carrying out the tour of the island of Montreal by kayak in four days. Visit the Greater Montreal Blue Route website for more details.

  • Official website of the Greater Montreal Blue Route Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link – Offers a route guide.
  • Maps of the Greater Montreal Blue Route Logo indicating a link to the website – Maps are available free of charge on the website of the Fédération québécoise du canot et du kayak, but you must complete an identification form.

Blue route Lac-Saint-Pierre – Les Deux Rives

The blue road Lac-Saint-Pierre – Les Deux Rives stretches for approximately 325 km divided into two sectors: Les Deux Rives extending over 125 km and the Lac-Saint-Pierre World Biosphere Reserve extending over 200 km. The Deux Rives sector extends from Three Rivers in the Pointe-du-Lac sector up to Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade on the north shore and Becancour in the Saint-Grégoire sector up to Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent. The sector of the Lac-Saint-Pierre World Biosphere Reserve is still under construction. It extends from Lavaltrie up to Three Rivers on the shore and Sorel-Tracy up to Becancour on the south shore including the Berthier / Sorel islands.

  • Maps of the Greater Montreal Blue Route Logo indicating a link to the website – 15 cards are available free of charge on the website of the Fédération québécoise du canot et du kayak, but you must complete an identification form.

Blue route Quebec – Chaudière-Appalaches

The Québec – Chaudière-Appalaches blue route extends over 300 km on the St. Lawrence River. On the south shore, she begins to Leclercville and ends at Saint-Vallier while, on the north shore, it stretches from Deschambault-Grondines up to Sault-aux-Cochons. This itinerary includes 98 sites authorized stops.

  • Maps of the Québec – Chaudière-Appalaches blue route Logo indicating a link to the website Logo indicating tariffs 40 $ C per person or 50 $ C by family. – 18 maps of this route are available by subscribing to the Sentier maritime du Saint-Laurent (membership gives access to a total of 131 maps of the maritime trail).

Blue route south of the estuary

The blue route south of the estuary stretches for nearly 400 km along the south shore of the St.Lawrence Estuary Berthier-sur-Mer up to The Méchins. She understands 95 sites riparian stop.

This itinerary includes several must-see destinations: the islands of Kamouraska, the'Green Island, the Bic national park and Île Saint-Barnabé. It is possible to observe seals, whales and sea birds.

  • Official site of the Blue Route of the South of the Estuary Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Maps of the Blue Route of the South of the Estuary Logo indicating a link to the website Logo indicating tariffs 40 $ C per person or 50 $ C by family. – Maps of this route are available by subscribing to the Sentier maritime du Saint-Laurent (membership gives access to a total of 131 maritime trail maps). Membership also gives access to four rustic campsites for free along the road in addition to some discounts at stores.

Blue Route of Gaspésie

The Blue Route of the Gaspé is the largest navigable network in the Quebec. It spans 700 km of The Méchins on the south shore of the St.Lawrence River to Pointe-a-la-Croix in the Chaleur Bay. She understands 160 sites stop.

This itinerary includes several must-see destinations: the Forillon national park, Perforated and The Baie-des-Chaleurs.

  • Maps of the Blue Route of Gaspésie Logo indicating a link to the website Logo indicating tariffs 40 $ C per person or 50 $ C by family. – Maps of this route are available by subscribing to the Sentier maritime du Saint-Laurent (membership gives access to a total of 131 maritime trail maps).

Blue Route of Charlevoix

The blue road of Charlevoix extends over 185 km of Sault-aux-Cochons up to Tadoussac along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River.

  • Maps of the Blue Route of Travelers Logo indicating a link to the website – Maps are available free of charge on the website of the Fédération québécoise du canot et du kayak, but you must complete an identification form.

Blue Whale Route

A beluga off Tadoussac

The Blue Whale Route extends over approximately 350 km along the north shore of the St.Lawrence Estuary Tadoussac To Baie-Trinité. She understands 80 stops.

It is especially possible to observe seals, belugas and whales.

  • Blue Whale Route Maps Logo indicating a link to the website Logo indicating tariffs 40 $ C per person or 50 $ C by family. – Maps of this route are available by subscribing to the Sentier maritime du Saint-Laurent (membership gives access to a total of 131 maritime trail maps).

To go


To see


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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