Sierras de Cordoba - Sierras de Córdoba

The Cerro Uritorco at Capilla del Monte. the highest mountain of the Sierra Chica

The Sierras de Cordoba are a low mountain range in the central Argentina. It runs through the entire west of the province of Córdoba and forms the border with the province of San Luis in the southwest.

The Sierren are the easternmost mountain ranges of the so-called Sierras Pampeanas and a major travel destination because of the lovely landscape. Especially the place Villa Carlos Paz is visited by more than a million visitors every summer and has a corresponding infrastructure. In addition, the area is a popular local recreation area for the residents of the metropolis Cordoba.


The Sierras can be divided into six travel regions, three of which are particularly popular with visitors in summer. The regions result from the natural division by the three main chains - Sierra Chica in the East, Sierra Grande in the northwest and Sierra de los Comechingones in the south - and the valleys in between.

The main destination of most tourists is the one measuring about 100 km from north to south Punilla valley in the center of the area, a densely built-up holiday area with reservoirs and rivers, the epicenter of which is the summer metropolis Villa Carlos Paz is. In January one can speak of mass tourism here, but those seeking peace and quiet can still find refuge from the crowds in the outskirts and in smaller towns. It looks a little sweeter Calamuchita Valley in the south, where fir forests have been created through afforestation, which give the area a certain alpine flair. The large reservoirs at Embalse and Villa Ciudad de America make it attractive for a beach holiday and form the transition to the quiet southern sierras. Fewer travelers get lost in the more remote Traslasierra valley in the west of the region on the border with the neighboring province San Luis. Between the Calamuchita and Traslasierra valleys rise with the Sierra de los Comechingones the highest peaks of this low mountain range.

A recreational area northwest of the city Cordoba is this Sierras Chicas called area on the eastern slope of the Sierra Chica, a lovely zone with sleeping towns, small reservoirs and streams. The northern sierras again have their own character, with little tourism, lower mountain ranges and greater drought; the area is also noticeably poorer than the rest of the province.


The larger towns in the Sierras de Córdoba almost all have a complete tourist infrastructure and are visited by many Argentines and foreigners every year.

Punilla valley

Colonial Church of San Marcos Sierras
  • Villa Carlos Paz, 75,000 Ew. , largest resort in the Sierras de Córdoba
  • Cosquín, 40,000 Ew., Popular place with many folklore and rock festivals
  • La Falda, 35,000 Ew., English influenced holiday resort
  • Capilla del Monte, 15,000 Ew., Very idyllic place at the north end of the valley, known for the mountain popular with esotericists Uritorco.
  • La Cumbre, 10,000 Ew., Highest place in the northern valley.
  • San Marcos Sierras, 1,000 Ew., Alternative ecovillage in the north of the Punilla valley with rich agricultural production and hippie flair.

Calamuchita Valley and Southern Sierras

Villa General Belgrano
  • Santa Rosa de Calamuchita, 25,000 Ew., The largest holiday resort in the region with good swimming and hiking opportunities
  • Embalse, 15,000 Ew., Seaside resort on the reservoir Río Tercero
  • Villa General Belgrano, 10,000 Ew., A holiday resort reminiscent of an alpine town with Central European gastronomy
  • Villa Ciudad de America, 2,000 Ew., Up-and-coming small resort on the charming reservoir Los Molinos
  • La Cumbrecita, 1,000 Ew., Idyllic, car-free place in the alpine style
  • Villa Alpina, 1,000 Ew., Mountaineering Mecca near the Cerro Champaquí, the highest mountain in the Sierras.
  • Achiras, 2.500 Ew. southernmost large resort of the Sierras, relatively close to the city Villa Mercedes (Prov. San Luis)
  • Alpa Corral, 800 Ew., Quiet resort at Río Cuarto

Traslasierra valley

Street at Merlo
  • Villa Dolores, 40,000 Ew., Quiet country town, little tourism
  • Mina Clavero, 15,000 Ew., Tourist metropolis of the valley with good swimming and hiking opportunities
  • Merlo, 10,000 Ew., Already in the province of San Luis, very popular resort with one of the healthiest microclimates in Argentina
  • Nono, 3,000 Ew., Small, idyllic village near the reservoir La Viña

Sierras Chicas

  • Alta Gracia, 55,000 Ew ,, interesting city with colonial buildings
  • La Calera, 35,000 Ew., Suburb of Córdoba on a picturesque gorge
  • Río Ceballos, 30,000 Ew., Up-and-coming city on the natural reservoir La Quebrada.

Cordoba itself is not located directly in the sierras, but 15 km east in a plain leading to the Argentine Chaco belongs.

Northern sierras

Other goals

  • Quebrada del Condorito National Park. Condor sanctuary on a rough plateau furrowed by ravines with a good panoramic view of the entire province.


The Sierras de Córdoba are the second most popular holiday destination for Argentines after the Atlantic coast, with more than 2.5 million visitors per season. The reason for this is the beauty of the landscape and the diverse swimming and hiking opportunities. The traveler will therefore find a very good infrastructure almost everywhere.

The Sierra de los Comechingones and the Sierra Grande In the center of the area are the two highest mountain ranges, in the first is the highest mountain in the Sierras, the Cerro Champaquí (2,790 m). Lower "foothills" are those Sierra de Pocho in the west and the Sierra Chica in the east, as well as numerous smaller but more undiscovered regions in the north.


We speak with the usual deviations from "standard Argentine" in the Sierras Pampeanas.

getting there

The best point of arrival is the city Cordoba at the east end of the Sierras. She is with that plane, the train and the bus to reach.

There are also direct bus connections from some of the larger cities in Argentina to some of the tourist spots, e.g. to Villa Carlos Paz or La Falda.


In the eastern part of the Sierras, especially in the Sierras Chicas and in the Punilla Valley, the localities are very well connected by bus, the frequency is often only 15 minutes. But the bus network is also quite good in the rest of the sierras. On the other hand, it is difficult to get to remote areas without your own car.

Tourist Attractions

Estancia of the Jesuits in Alta Gracia
  • Cerro Colorado petroglyphs, in the north of the Sierra Chica.
  • Jesuit colonial manor. In Alta Gracia in baroque style.
  • Candonga Colonial Chapel, near Río Ceballos.
  • Los Terrones rock formations. Near Capilla del Monte, in the same area is also the Ongamira Grotto.


The whole area is excellent for hiking and trekking, and you often only come across a few other tourists off the beaten track. The peaks of the Sierras are also suitable for more ambitious mountaineers because of their steepness, even if they certainly cannot keep up with the Andes.

The lakes are ideal for surfing, water skiing, diving and swimming. In some of the rivers you can do canoe rafting.

Paragliding can be done in La Cumbre.


In the tourist resorts there are a large number of restaurants, mostly with typical Argentine (meat) or international cuisine.

Central European specialties are often found in the Calamuchita Valley, especially in Villa General Belgrano and the neighboring villages of Villa Berna and La Cumbrecita.

The sweets of the Sierras are famous nationwide, especially the Alfajores and other pastries, as well as the various types of jams and other spreads.


The tourist resorts all offer a rich nightlife, especially in the high season from January to March and in July. Only in a few places, especially in the main resort Villa Carlos Paz However, even "underground" friends will be happy.

There are numerous festivals in the region:

  • in Cosquín takes place in January Folklore festival and a rock and a cuarteto festival in February
  • in San Roque near Cosquín takes place with Cosquín skirt the largest rock festival in the country in February
  • in Villa Carlos Paz there are several rock and pop festivals, mostly quite commercially oriented
  • in Capilla del Monte finds a Reggae festival (Oye Reggae) takes place at the end of January

There are also traditional festivals:

  • the very popular Beer festival (Fiesta de la Cerveza) in October in Villa General Belgrano
  • in the same place that Viennese cake festival (Fiesta de la Masa Vienesa) during Holy Week


There are no particular security threats in the region. There are pickpockets in Villa Carlos Paz and other major tourist resorts, but hardly any armed gangs. For natural risks see the section below Sierras Pampeanas.


The climate is mild and especially dry in the west.

In summer it is very warm in the valleys with an average of 25 ° C-30 ° C during the day, on the plateaus of the Pampas Serranas the temperatures are around 20 ° C. However, you always have to expect short, cooler, wet periods.

Autumn is pleasantly warm (valleys average 20 ° C-25 ° C, plateau around 15 ° C) and mostly very sunny with a few cloudy days, but hardly any rain. However, it is often very fresh at night.

The winter is mild (valleys 15 ° C-20 ° C, plateau around 5 ° C) and almost rainless, but snowstorms can occur in the plateaus when there is cold snap. There is almost never any snow below 1000 m.

Spring is generally a little warmer than autumn (valleys 22 ° C-27 ° C, plateau around 17 ° C), but especially in November and December it is changeable and humid.

You can bathe in the rivers and lakes from about mid-October to the beginning of May, even with the frequent warm periods in winter, the water sometimes heats up to bathing temperatures.


  • A worthwhile city visit is close Cordoba, a culturally very active metropolis with 1.5 million inhabitants, which is already in the Chaco plain.
  • From the Sierras de Córdoba you can easily get to the Sierra de San Luis or straight into the rougher and higher sierras of Catamarca and La Riojathat promise more adventure.


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