Sonnino - Sonnino

Sonnino seen from above
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Institutional website

Sonnino is a city of Lazio.

To know

When to go

Tourists prefer to stay mainly in summer due to the proximity to the seaside areas of Terracina, San Felice Circeo is Sabaudia.

How to orient yourself


  • Capocroce
  • Cascano
  • Walled Houses
  • Cerreto
  • Cotinole - Barns
  • Frasso
  • La Sassa
  • Monte Romano
  • Sonnino Scalo

How to get

By car

The Pontina state road (SS 148) and the Via Appia state road 7 (SS 7) connect mainly with Latina is RomeThe NSA 255 TerracinaNext, (better known as Freeway Frosinone-mare) connect with Frosinone and with the A1 Rome-Naples.

On the train

Railway line Rome-Formia-Naples, station of Priverno-Fossanova.

By bus

From Priverno is Latina urban bus service COTRAL.

How to get around

What see

Catholic churches

  • 1 Church of San Michele Arcangelo, Via Castello. Church of 1210, commonly known as Sant'Angelo.
  • 2 Church of San Giovanni, Via Vittorio Emanuele II. About 1200.
  • 3 Church of San Francesco, Via San Francesco. About 1300.
  • 4 Church of San Pietro, Largo Don Giovanni Varrone. From 1867.
  • 5 Church of the Divine Maternity of Mary, Peace Square. From 1938.

Points of religious interest

  • 6 Church of the Madonna della Pietà, Via Velosca. From 1596.
  • 7 Monastery of Santa Maria delle Canne, Street of the reeds. 7th century.
  • 8 Chapel of the Madonna of Loreto, Via Guglielmo Marconi. Of 1606.
  • 9 Sacred Icon of the Most Holy Mary of Grace, Via Castello. Byzantine style icon dating back to the 12th century kept in the church of San Michele Arcangelo in Sonnino.

Natural Areas

  • 10 Calanche di Santo Nicola, Via San Nicola.
  • 11 Camposoriano Natural Monument, Via Campo Soriano.
  • 12 Catauso, Via Cerreto.
  • 13 Ancient spring of Bagnoli, Via Bagnoli.

Points of historical interest

  • 14 Terre di Confine Museum, Via Cristoforo Colombo, 39 351 204 2438, @. Ecb copyright.svg3€. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 09: 00-13: 00 and 15: 00-19: 00. The border theme that characterizes the Demoethnoanthropological Museum, inaugurated in 2008, enhances a vocation of the territory, perceived in various ways and represented by contemporary social life. Sonnino's history from the Middle Ages to the modern age has continually dealt with issues concerning borders.
The Museum's mission has two purposes:
  • revisit the contents of tradition in the light of contemporary experience, inviting us to reflect on the cultural boundary as a limit and as a resource;
  • to focus on those moments, those aspects and those characters who participate in the process of building the local notion of cultural heritage.
The exhibition is organized in sets, visions, dramatizations and other multisensory suggestions.
  • 15 Devil's Bridge, Via Campo Soriano.
  • 16 Fontanella Tower, Via La Sassa.
  • Well of S. Antonio, Via Campo Soriano.

Events and parties

  • 1 San Marco Fair. Simple icon time.svg25 April.
  • 2 Feast of Le Torce. Simple icon time.svgAscension Eve: Sat 2pm to Sun 4am.
  • 3 Sagra della zazzicchia (Sausage festival), Garibaldi Square. Simple icon time.svgFirst weekend of August.
  • 4 Goat Festival, Sonnino Scalo. Simple icon time.svgLast Thursday of August.

What to do

  • Trekking


In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; Sonnino is part ofNational Association of Oil Cities.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sonnino
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sonnino
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