Tokat - Tokat

Tokat lies in the hinterland of the south coast of the Black Sea and is the capital of the eponymous Turkish Province. The city has around 120,000 inhabitants.

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The region was fought over as early as the Bronze Age. This is where the border region between the Hittites and the Kashkans ran. At the time of Persian rule from the 6th century BC, settlements in the urban area are proven. A guard station was set up in Tokat. The so-called Comana Pontica (8 km from the current city center) quickly gained importance due to its location on two important caravan routes. Only under the Byzantines this changed and the Comana Pontica disappeared and the city of Dazimon emerged, which was later to be renamed to the name Tokat. The city fell to the Ottomans in 1392, but this did not affect the growth of the city. On the contrary, because in the Ottoman Empire the caravan trade took on a new dimension and Tokat profited from it. It was only when the caravan trade declined in the 20th century that Tokat's heyday came to an end. But many buildings still bear witness to this. Today the tobacco industry in particular is the guarantor of bread and wages. The place is also known for copper goods and colorful textiles made using the so-called "Yazma technique". And although the city is crammed with sights, tourists are very rare to come across here.

getting there

By plane

There is at least one flight between Istanbul and Tokat. See Borajet or Anadolujet.

In the street

Tokat can be reached by land, among other things.

  • It is best to take road 180 from the northwest Amasya along the Yeşilırmark to Tokat
  • It is best to take road 200 from the southwest Yozgat coming to Yildızeli. Then turn left onto the 850 in the direction of Tokat.
  • From the southeast of Sivas Coming straight away take the 850 in the direction of Tokat
  • From the northeast either the 010 (Black Sea coastal road) to Ünye and then the connecting road over Niksar to Tokat or on the other side of the Pontic Mountains on the 100 from direction Erzurum coming at Niksar turn left towards Tokat.

The bus station is about 1.5 km outside the center in the north of the city. There are direct connections to and from here Amasya, Ankara, Erzurum, Istanbul, Samsun, Sivas and Trabzon


In Tokat, too, you can move comfortably with the dolmuş. All bus connections for the city can be found near the tourist information office.

Tourist Attractions

Tokat city map

In the city center, the Sulu Sokak, which leads to the old town, and the Gazi Osman Paşa Bulvari, which is the main artery, intersect. Most of the sights are located on these two arteries, while the castle towers over the city.

  • Tokat Kalesi (1). The castle ruins, which supposedly stand on Hittite foundations with a pentagonal protective wall and 28 towers, dates back to the Byzantine era, but was expanded again under Ottoman leadership. Access through a tunnel is now blocked, but it is still impressive. There is also an old Pontic rock grave in the southern part.
  • Taş Hanı (2). Also Voyvoda Hanı called, is next to the museum. In the two-story building from 1631 AD there are small craft shops and a nice tea room.
  • Gok Medrese (3). This building, originally built by the Seljuks between 1271 and 1277, is now the archaeological and ethnographic museum. The building was donated by the last Seljuk Grand Vizier Muineddin Pervane. The stalactite portal, the Hittite finds from Maşat Höyük and the icon collection from the Armenian period are noteworthy.Open: Daily 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (Mondays are closed).
  • Hatuniye Külliyesi (4). This foundation building from 1485 was built by Sultan Beyazit II for his mother Gülbahar Hatun. It contains, among other things, the dome mosque Meydanı Camii, in which ancient columns from Commana Pontica have been built.
  • Horozoğlu Hanı (5)
  • Halef Gazi Tekkesi (6). Small Seljuk dervish monastery from 1292 AD
  • Sünbül Baba Zaviyesi (7). Small Seljuk dervish monastery from 1292 AD with mausoleum.
  • Nureddin Ibn Sentimur Door Besi (8). Mausoleum from AD 1314
  • Hamza Bey Mescidi (9). Small mosque in the east of the city.
  • Paşa Hamamı (10). This bath was built in 1425 under the direction of Yürgüç Paşa, a vizier of Sultan Mehmet I. With numerous zinc-clad domes, this double bathroom is one of the highlights in Tokat.
  • Ali Paşa Külliyesi (11). This foundation was built between 1565 and 1572 AD, as the name suggests, by Ali Paşa, whose mausoleum is also located there. It stands in the cemetery of the Ali Paşa Mosque, which is also integrated here. A Koran school and a bath can also be found here.
  • Latifoğlu Konagı (12). This old Ottoman house from the 19th century, built in baroque style, has been restored and some of it still contains original inventory. On two floors, a museum (Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) shows how spacious and luxurious people lived in Tokat back then. A small café attached to the house invites you to linger.
  • Yağçı Hanı (13)
  • Ebulkasim Door Besi (14). This mausoleum from 1233 AD was built for the Seljuk vizier Ebulkasım Bin Ali El Tusi Kendisi.
  • Sefer Paşa Türbesi (15). This mausoleum was built in 1251 by a certain Ebu Bekir bin Lokman. It is not entirely clear who is buried here. In any case, the associated fountain was donated by Sefer Paşa.
  • Han (16)
  • Sulu Han (17). This two-storey, restored caravanserai on Sulu Sokak probably dates from the Ottoman period and is now home to a soup kitchen.
  • Bedesten (18). This covered part of the bazaar dates back to the 15th century AD and copies the bazaars from Bursa and Aleppo.
  • Kazançılar Mescidi (19). This small mosque was built by Sultan Selim in 1518. The inscriptions above the entrance portal are remarkable.
  • Hisariye Medrese (20)
  • Çukur Medrese (21). This theological school, which dates back to 1152 AD, was structurally modified under the Seljuk leadership of Sultan Izzetin Kaikaus.
  • Haci Turkhanı Mescidi (22)
  • Sultan Hamamı (23)
  • Paşa Hanı (24)
  • Güduk Minare (25)
  • Tatar Haci Mesçidi (26)
  • Saat Kulesi. An octagonal clock tower from 1902 that can be found in the south of the city.
  • Yolbaşi Camii. This half-timbered mosque is located in the south-eastern part of the city.

In the neighborhood:

  • Sebastopolis. If you follow the 850 in the direction Sivas, after 18 km you can turn right and follow the signs to Sulusaray. This little town is literally connected to the old, ancient city of Sebastopolis, as almost each of the houses is largely made of ancient building materials from this city. You can still see the remains of a bath, the remains of a temple, parts of the ancient city wall and everything that has not yet been built into a residential building on the grounds of an open-air museum.
  • Comana Pontica. 8 km to the northeast are these ruins of the early city. The form of society was essentially shaped by a cult around the great earth mother and so it is not surprising that the high priest was also the most powerful man in the state. A few remains of the Ma Artemist temple on a hill near the village of Gümenek can still be found. The excavation finds can be found in the museum.
  • Ballıca Mağarası. About 30 km away, near the village of Pazar, is this stalactite cave, which is one of the most beautiful in Turkey due to its variety of colors. At a length of 680 meters and a depth of 70 meters, you can admire magnificent stalagmites on various levels. This cave, which is around 15 million years old, was only discovered in 1992.
  • Kale. The remains of the Roman city of Magnopolis can be found in this village, about 15 km away. A small castle with underground passages can still be found.


  • For those who want to experience a city steeped in history without being overwhelmed by streams of tourists, Tokat is the right place. There's a lot to discover here.
  • You can swim in the Ali Pasa Hamani from 1572. The Haman is open for men and women until late in the evening.
  • Bird watching
  • Paragliding
  • Trekking
  • Rafting


  • The weekly market takes place on Sundays.
  • Cheese specialties are available in Yörük Mandira in the southern part of the city.
  • There are many regional products to buy in the bazaar area.


Tokat Kebab

The specialty (besides all the regional delicacies that can be got in every city from this region) of Tokat is the Tokat Kebap. This is a delicious grill skewer served with lots of tomatoes and garlic.

  • Huzur restaurant, Gazi Osman Pasa Bulvari. Tel.: 90 356 2142685. Regional cuisine.
  • Sultan restaurant, Cumhuriyet Meydani. Tel.: 90 356 2148147. Regional cuisine.
  • Tokat Evi Honca. Regional cuisine.


  • Huzur restaurant, Gazi Osman Pasa Bulvari. Tel.: 90 356 2142685. Sometimes there is live music here.


  • Yeni Çinar Otel, Gazi Osman Paşa Bulvari 98, Tokat. Tel.: 90 356 2140066, Fax: 90 356 2131927.
  • Çavuşoğlu Otel, Gazi Osman Paşa Bulvari, Tokat. Tel.: 90 356 2122829, Fax: 90 356 2128568.

Practical advice

Tokat is not used to receiving foreign tourists. Therefore, the residents are very friendly, but usually speak neither German nor English. But thanks to the friendliness of the locals, you can usually go very far with your hands and feet. Nevertheless, you should do without mini-skirts and shorts, so as not to gamble away this friendliness with the sometimes very conservative rural population.

The area code is 0356. The post office is located in the south of the city at the town hall


There are many destinations in the area that are worth at least a detour:

  • Amasya. A picturesque old town at the foot of a castle hill with Pontic tombs.
  • Zile. Here Caesar once won briefly and decisively and commented on it with "Veni, Vidi, Vici!".
  • Niksar. Worth seeing old town with beautiful castle ruins.

Web links

  • Official Turkish website[1]
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