Tomsk (Oblast) - Tomsk (Oblast)


The oblast Tomsk (Томская область) is in the Russian Federal District Siberia. It is surrounded by the oblasts Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Circle. The local time is GMT 7 (from May 29, 2016) and thus one hour more than before.



Map of Tomsk (Oblast)

  • 1 TomskWebsite of this institutionTomsk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTomsk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTomsk (Q976) in the Wikidata database - The capital is a 400 year old Siberian city of historical importance and famous for its traditional wooden houses and neoclassical university buildings called "gingerbread".
  • 2 AssinoWebsite of this institutionAssino in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAssino in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAssino (Q104111) in the Wikidata database - a large city on the railway line from the Taiga to Tomsk
  • 3 NarymNarym in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNarym in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryNarym (Q1020157) in the Wikidata database - This swampy village is the oldest settlement in the region (1596) and has been home to numerous exiles, from Decembrists to anarchists to everyday Soviet citizens, including some very famous communists (Stalin, Rykov, Sverdlov, Ruybyshev).
  • 4 SeverskWebsite of this institutionSeversk in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageSeversk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSeversk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSeversk (Q193909) in the Wikidata database - the second largest city in Tomsk Oblast; a large plutonium producing city, closed to foreigners and a secret city under the USSR
  • 5 StreschewoiWebsite of this institutionStreschewoi in the encyclopedia WikipediaStreschewoi in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsStreschewoi (Q180082) in the Wikidata database - a small oil man town on the Ob river north-west of Tomsk
  • 6 Bely JarWebsite of this institutionBely Jar in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBely Jar (Q746483) in the Wikidata database - has a pier on the Ket and is the terminus of the railway line from Taiga via Tomsk.
  • 7 KolpashevoWebsite of this institutionKolpaschewo in the encyclopedia WikipediaKolpaschewo in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKolpaschewo (Q154725) in the Wikidata database - has a small airport, a shipping pier on the Ob and is the center of river fishing
  • 8 KedrowyWebsite of this institutionKedrowy in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKedrowy in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryKedrowy (Q145669) in the Wikidata database - was founded in 1982 as an oil workers' settlement. The development of oil production does not meet, so that the population development stagnates

Other goals


The Tomsk region was an important center of Western Siberia for a long time, but lost its importance after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which crossed the region in the south. But with the discovery of oil at the end of the 20th century, the Tomsk Oblast received a vital injection of economic importance and recaptured part of its status as an important region of Western Siberia.

Tourists will find that the Tomsk region lives up to their Siberian expectations. It's sparsely populated, spacious, flat, wooded and yes, it gets pretty cold in winter! Its main attraction is the city of Tomsk, which is worth a detour from the Trans-Siberian Railway for its historical significance, architecture and Siberian culture.


getting there

By plane

By train

On the territory of the region runs the Tomsk railway line, which connects the population centers of the region with the Trans-Siberian Railway at Taiga railway station connects the Kemerovo region.

You can travel from Moscow to Tomsk without changing trains from the Yaroslavl railway station in the capital by long-distance train No038H "Tomich" or by train No030Ì. The distance is more than 3600 km, the travel time less than 2.5 days.

The northernmost part of the region (the city of Strezhevoy and the Aleksandrovsky districts) is within the reach of public transport from the Nizhnevartovsk railway station.

In the street

A section of the federal road runs through the region M53-RUS.svg "Baikal" with a branch to Tomsk, which connects Novosibirsk in the west with Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk in the east.

The area can also be approached from the Kemerovo side via the P400 Tomsk-Mariinsk regional route.

The city of Strezhevaya and the Aleksandrovsky district can be reached through the Khanten-Mansiysk Autonomous Region through the built section of the Northern Perm-Tomsk Road (the section between Strezhev and the village of Kargasok is still under construction, so there is no year-round connection between Tomsk and Strezhev there).


Tourist Attractions

  • In Tomsk there are more monuments of Wooden architecture in the style of Siberian baroque, art nouveau and classicism has been preserved than anywhere else in Russia. Much of this splendor has been lost for various reasons, but something has been preserved. In many quarters you can still see traditional Siberian wooden buildings, houses decorated with filigree carvings. In Tomsk, the only Siberian city, groups of several standing old wooden houses have been preserved, which are to be placed under UNESCO protection, several such groups of houses have been restored since 2004. A municipal program for the preservation of at least 701 old houses has been adopted. At the same time there is very little space left for development within the borders of Tomsk and there is almost no free space in the city center, so that the wooden buildings of the old Tomsk are being destroyed by developers who are erecting new buildings in their place, which do not always have the meet basic aesthetic requirements. There are also masterpieces of stone architecture in Tomsk, including the beginning of the XX. Century that give the city a really unique look. An order from the local administration came into effect to prohibit the construction of deliberately burned down houses on the site. It is allowed to build parks and squares in such places.
  • The 1  Talovskie goblets (Таловские чаши). Talovskie goblets in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTalovskie goblets in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryTalovskie goblets (Q4450568) in the Wikidata the village of Basandajka there are no glasses with wine or beer, but one of the symbols of the Tomsk region. These are peculiar puddles of water with raised edges made of earth or masonry that were created in the Middle Ages. It is not known what they were used for. Many believe that they are related to artistic or religious functions. Some scholars have even linked them to local legends about the Holy Grail.
  • 2  Dyswestny Klyuch (Дызвестный ключ). Dyswestny Klyuch in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDyswestny Klyuch in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryDyswestny Klyuch (Q4171543) in the Wikidata a natural monument near the Lara nature reserve. Water gushes out of a crevice and forms a one and a half meter high waterfall, which then cascades down in cascades about 40 m long. The spring water flows into the Tugojakovka River.
  • 3  Blue rock (Синий Утёс). Blue rock in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBlue rock (Q4420274) in the Wikidata database.About 7 kilometers from Tomsk, near the village of Kolarovo, on the bank of the Tom River, there is a rock made of gray-blue slate, which is called "Blue Rock" because of its color. It is a geological natural monument.


Hiking, skiing, water sports, mountain biking, motorcycling, caving, sailing, mountaineering and climbing




You should prepare for extreme climates, especially in winter you need suitable clothing to protect yourself against the cold. It is helpful, whenever possible, to use local sources of information to be warned of floods, forest fires, etc. There are forbidden areas that you should avoid as much as possible.

Nature is very pristine and represents a danger for the inexperienced. If you are in the forest, you should watch out for snakes, which usually warm up in the sun on the stones. There aren't many of them, but some could be venomous vipers. The other problem these (and other regions of the Northern Hemisphere) have is ticks. Your bites may be infectious, vaccinations are recommended.

One should never stray further from human settlements without the appropriate equipment and leave the path, destination and intended period of the hike or rafting tour behind with every tour.



Web links - Official website of Tomsk Oblast

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