Vaglio Basilicata - Vaglio Basilicata

Vaglio Basilicata
Vaglio Basilicata - Entrance arch to the fortified nucleus
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Vaglio Basilicata
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Vaglio Basilicata is a city of Basilicata.

To know

The town is part of the "Alto Basento" Mountain Community

Geographical notes

Vaglio Basilicata is located in the province of Power. It is a few kilometers from the regional capital. The original nucleus of the ancient town rises on the south-eastern slopes of Serra S. Bernardo, on the relief of Mount Cenapora. It dates back to the early medieval period and probably originates around a Norman fortress. In pre-Roman and Roman times, the residential area was located in Serra di Vaglio, about 4 km from the current town, where the remains of an indigenous settlement dating back to a period between the 10th and 3rd centuries have been found. B.C. A little further north of Vaglio, in Macchia di Rossano, a monumental sacral complex from the 4th century has been found. Over the centuries, therefore, the changed political, economic and social situation has involved the abandonment of the original site in favor of the current one.


Panoramic view of the fortified nucleus
Entrance arch to the fortified nucleus

The origins are ancient, as evidenced by the discovery in the area of ​​various tombs datable between the end of the sixth and mid-fifth centuries BC. and, in the locality of Serra di Vaglio, the remains of a Lucanian settlement, with traces of frequentation ranging from the 10th to the 3rd century BC. It was called Vaglio (from the Latin VALLEUS, 'valloncello') until 1863, when it took the name of Vaglio di Basilicata, transformed into Vaglio Lucano in 1933 and into the current one in 1955. In late antiquity, probably, the population gradually moved from the ancient to the present site, so the locality of Serra fell into a state of neglect. The name “Terra di Balio” originates in 1268, when it was destroyed by the Angevins; during the Middle Ages it belonged to several feudal lords. Property of the Spinelli family in the second half of the sixteenth century, it later passed to the Salazar; it was Francesco Salazar, count of Vaglio, who at the time of Masaniello (first half of the seventeenth century) promoted, together with other powerful lords, a violent revolt against the Spanish viceroyalty, but ended up beheaded in the castle of Barletta. Sold at auction in 1632, it was bought by the Massa di Ventimiglia, subsequently becoming the possession of the Quarto di Laurenzana, who obtained the title of count and kept it until the dismantling of feudalism by Giuseppe Bonaparte in 1806. In 1861 Vaglio was sacked by bands of brigands led by Crocco and Borjes. Since that time, the country has followed the fate of the region and of southern Italy in general.

How to orient yourself

The town is small in size and revolves around two landmarks: the ancient fortified nucleus and the Museum of the Antiche Genti di Lucania. From any direction of the provincial road you arrive, you are in the center of the village, near the Piazza dei Caduti: from there the ascent to the ancient fortified nucleus, the provincial road to the archaeological sites and via Alfieri, which leads to the Museum of the Antiche Genti Lucane. It is advisable to park under the museum and start the walk from the fortified nucleus.

Monument to the Fallen of Vaglio


Old Town

  • fortified core
  • area of ​​more recent construction
  • museum and park

Archaeological sites

  • Greenhouse
  • Rossano


  • Molino
  • Tataseppe
  • Isca d'ecclesia
  • Steal
  • Tiera of sieve
  • Ciscarella
  • Meadows
  • Baggiano
  • Black eye

How to get

By plane

Vaglio Basilicata panorama of the town from the fortified nucleus

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

The town can be reached from Salerno through the E45 roads Salerno-Reggio Calabria and then E847-Basentana Sicignano degli Alburni (SA)-Metaponto (MT) up to Potenza; leave the E847 road at the exit towards Tricarico / Vaglio B./Tolve/Cancellara/Oppido Lucano and continue on the SP10 Venosina / SP10.From Bari you arrive directly through the SS96 and from Foggi via the SS655 and SS658. It is located 115 km from Salerno, 118 from Bari and 115 from Foggia.

By bus

  • Grassani and Garofalo. Simple icon time.svgDepartures from Vaglio: 07:00, 07:15, 07:15, 13:10, 15:30, 16:00, 18:00; Departures from Potenza: 11:20, 12:50, 14:05, 17:10, 19:05. The bus lines of this transport company connect Vaglio Basilicata with the cities of Tolve, Cancellara, Power and other localities of the Basilicata.

How to get around

The junction for the excavations of Serra Vaglio Basilicata
Vaglio Basilicata the road to Serra-Rossano

The town is small, so you can easily move around on foot, appreciating both the architecture. both the surrounding landscape. There is a taxi service only in the city of Potenza, about 15 km away. To reach the archaeological sites of Rossano and Serra it is necessary to use a private car; for those who love trekking, it is also possible to visit the surroundings through very scenic side streets.

What see

In the town you can admire different architectures. Inside the ancient center, there are the mother church of San Pietro Apostolo (15th-16th century) and that of San Giuseppe (16th century). Of particular interest are other places of worship, such as the churches of San Donato, also known as the churches of Santa Maria di Nazareth (11th-13th century), that of Santa Maria del Carmine (15th century) and the former convent and church of Sant'Antonio. You can also visit the archaeological excavations of Serra di Vaglio; Finally, in Macchia di Rossano there is the sanctuary of the goddess Mefitis, dating back to the fourth century BC, and the rural church of the Madonna di Rossano, rebuilt in the nineteenth century.

Vaglio Basilicata Cathedral of San Pietro
  • mother church. Dedicated to St. Peter, it has a sixteenth-century layout and contains works such as the Madonna del Rosario and the Holy Family, by the artist Antonio Stabile. In it there is also the body of San Faustino Martire, patron saint of the town. It is located inside the fortified nucleus and overlooks a small square closed by buildings on all sides. On the simple stone facade, rectangular openings are visible that provide light inside, while the bell tower is surmounted by a domed roof.
Church and Convent of Sant'Antonio Vaglio Basilicata Potenza
  • Former Convent of Sant’Antonio Abate. It is attached to the church with a single nave, which has a 17th-century sculpture of the Saint on the main altar, some paintings dating back to 1600 and a splendid fresco by Geronimo Todisco depicting the Madonna, Saint Anne and the Child Jesus.
Vaglio Basilicata church of San Donato
  • Church of San Donato. It is a small but graceful stone building built in 1553, which houses a statue of the saint from the sixteenth century and a carved altar from 1587.
Vaglio Basilicata church of San Giuseppe 01
  • Church of San Giuseppe. It is located in the fortified core, behind the cathedral.
Vaglio Basilicata convent of the Carmine
  • Church of the Carmine. at the beginning of the town, it is preceded by a large garden with a fountain and has a beautiful portal with a round arch of the century. XVIII. In front of the church there is a statue of Padre Pio.
Entrance to the museum of the Antiche Genti Lucane Vaglio
  • Museum of the ancient people of Lucania. It houses a series of reconstructions accompanied by archaeological finds: the interior of a palace from the sixth century. B.C. and the hall of a sanctuary, dedicated to the goddess Mefitis, from the 4th century. B.C. We can also find bronze vases and tableware of Etruscan or Greek import, as well as men's weapons and women's jewels, always of the Greek type. The grave goods are exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum of Basilicata, in Potenza. The upper floor contains seventy-five machines faithfully reproduced from the drawings contained in Leonardo da Vinci's codes, such as the tank, the bicycle, the ball bearings, the pianola, the webbed glove and the flying machines. It is possible to test its operation and study its mechanics. The reproduction of the codes produced by the artist is also part of the exhibition.
Excavations of Serra di Vaglio
  • Neviera. On the slopes of Mount Giove we find the neviera. These are the remains of two buildings side by side, circular in shape: one is partly underground, the other rises above the ground. Like other neviere, it was for a long time used as a deposit for snow destined for consumption during the summer period. The snow, carried on the shoulder to the snow pit, was introduced into the pit and beaten layer by layer, exerting strong pressure. It was then covered with dry foliage and with a mobile canopy; with this system, it was possible to store ice for months. It was used for the wealthy families of Vaglio and one of them, the owner, traded the ice in Basilicata is Puglia.
  • Serra di Vaglio. In the territory of the municipality is the archaeological site of the inhabited area of Serra di Vaglio, attributed to the Peuketiantes people. The archaeological area stands on the top of a hill, at 1100 m a.s.l.; from it it is possible to see Mount Vulture, the surrounding villages, the Basento valley and the Lucanian Dolomites. The place is also rich in water.
The first phase of the inhabited area dates back to the 8th century BC; the remains suggest nuclei of huts separated by burial areas. Indigenous peoples probably lived here, identified with the Peuketiantes remembered by the historian Hecateus of Miletus, characterized by the burial of the dead in a fetal position.
At the end of the 7th century BC on the eastern side a princely residence was built, equipped with architectural decorations in painted terracotta of the Greek type, probably due to the artisans of Metaponto.
The finds found in the nearby necropolis of "Braida di Vaglio" between 1994 and 1995 and dated between the end of the sixth and mid-fifth centuries BC are connected to the inhabitants of the site. They are rich grave goods that recall artifacts of Greek origin, testifying to the link that the wealthy classes of the time had established with the colonies of the Metaponto area: in fact, there are bronze vases and ceramics by Greek or even Etruscan artisans. These were used during the banquet rite. The weapons of the men and the jewels of the women are also of the Greek type. The richest trousseau is that of a "princess", who died as a child, and was probably covered with ornaments intended for the future wedding ceremony. Among these are amber earrings and necklace, now exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum of Basilicata, in Potenza.
The Lucanians occupied the territory during the 5th century BC, establishing a series of fortified settlements on the heights, which dominated small agricultural settlements in the valley floor. In the 4th century BC the village of Serra di Vaglio was surrounded by defensive walls of 2.5 km in length. The walls were built with a Greek type technique; on some stone blocks it is possible to recognize Greek letters, which allow to identify the quarry of origin and to reconstruct, in some way, the commercial and cultural networks of the place. On the doors, flanked by towers, there is an inscription bearing the name of the city magistrate who supervised the work (Nummelos).
At the beginning of the third century BC the city was destroyed by a fire and abandoned.
A house was rebuilt on the site using techniques of the time. Inside some artifacts have been placed, including the Pythoi (terracotta vases), which give the building its name, and a weighted loom, of rather rare manufacture as the fabric is worked in the upper part. For educational purposes, a small three-layer excavation was reproduced, in each of which finds belonging to the three different eras were placed: bones and pieces of artifacts for the most ancient period, vases (the Pyhtoi) and blades for the more recent ones.
Church of S Maria di Rossano
  • Church of S. Maria di Rossano. It is located in Rossano, near the archaeological excavations. It is surrounded by an enclosed garden, containing a simple coffee table with stone seats.
  • Excavations of Rossano. You can admire the remains of a sanctuary of the goddess Mefite, an indigenous divinity object of worship also by the Roman conquerors. The place is an excellent example of the coexistence of multiple cultures, as inscriptions in Greek, Latin and Oscan coexist. During the summer the place hosts theatrical performances and entertainment activities.

Events and parties

  • Food and wine and historical-cultural itinerary, Piazza Tamburrino (entertainment of various kinds spread throughout the country), @. It is defined as a moment of conviviality, fun, entertainment, free cultural expression; it is possible to taste typical Lucanian foods and also attend concerts, exhibitions, artistic crafts, falconry shows and street art. Churches and museums are open for the occasion.
  • Theater Season "At the theater among the magical places of Basilicata" (classical theater performances during the month of August), @. The event is part of a project aimed at enhancing quality theatrical production and involving a wider audience, within the framework of the historical and artistic heritage of the Basilicata region. On the stage set up at the archaeological site of Rossano, pieces of the Greek and Roman theater, cabaret, comedies alternate.
Santa Maria di Rossano Church 02

  • Patronal feast of San Faustino (feast for the patron saint). The feast of San Faustino (May 20) is celebrated on the first Saturday following May 19. Even today, the Madonna di Rossano is celebrated together with San Faustino; until 1970 the feast of the Madonna di Rossano consisted in making a procession in honor of the Madonna, which started from the Mother Church and arrived at the Chapel in the locality of Rossano, where Mass was celebrated. The statue of the Madonna was carried on the shoulders all the way, about 5 kilometers long on old sheep tracks that were not always easily practicable. Animals also participated in the procession, which constituted the means of transport for the sick and for food to be consumed after Mass. In the afternoon, the faithful returned to the village by walking through all the streets of the inhabited center in procession up to the Mother Church. From 1970 onwards, after the construction of the road with asphalt, the statue of the Madonna was transported by truck decorated for the occasion.
  • Exhibitions (trade shows with all kinds of products). On 24 June and 9 September the whole town is filled with stalls and exhibition stands. You can buy goods of all kinds and taste, in particular, the products of the farms of the region.

What to do

After visiting the town and the sites of Serra and Rossano, it is possible to take numerous walks through the green and panoramic country roads. In the neighboring villages, such as Campomaggiore, Castelmezzano, Pietra Pertosa, there are attractions of various kinds, especially during the summer. The accommodation facilities also organize excursions.


  • Musciacchio Srl, Via Camillo De Mattia, 10, 39 0971 487116. Bakery products

How to have fun

The town is only 15 km from Potenza, the regional capital, so it is possible to enjoy all the entertainment that the city offers. There are, however, some premises located in the territory of the municipality.

Night clubs

  • Moon Light Disco - nightclub, SS. 407 Basentana exit industrial area, 39 345 3052369.
  • Biagio Donato Pietragalla - Games Room, Largo Mercato (games room and billiards). In the center of the village, the restaurant also offers bar service.
  • Utilia Bar, via Carmine, 28, 39 3486909707. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 06: 45-01: 00.

Where to eat

Typical Lucanian gastronomy

Average prices

  • The Abode of the Knights, Contrada Tataseppe, 1, 39 340 3745730. It is a family business characterized by the breeding of sheep and goats and the production of durum wheat. "La Dimora dei Cavalieri" offers its guests the company's products: white lamb, ricotta and cheeses. For the focaccia and the “homemade” pasta, the flour of own production is used. The wine is also of own production.
  • Masseria Milan, Contrada Rossano, 39 0971 487579. The farmhouse extends over a dense valley of woods, immersed in the green of nature. It is about 100 meters from the Rossano site.

He is dedicated to cattle and sheep breeding and to the cultivation of durum wheat and vegetables. It is all strictly locally produced. Among the dishes that the farm offers its guests, the typical dishes of Vagli cannot be missing: lain 'e cicr' (lagane and chickpeas), lain 'e fasul' (lagane and beans), strscinar 'e pzzent' (strascinati and pezzente sausage ), cauzncidd '(ravioli), rcchitell' (orecchiette), u 'sciscill' (chicken offal in sauce), cutturieddu (sheep stewed three times), sozizz 'arrstu (roasted sausage).

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • Casetta Dei Prati Bed & Breakfast, Contrada Prati, 8 (a few kilometers from the town, reachable through the Via Appia or the provincial Venosina), 39 347 874 2731, @. The property is located a few steps from the Parco della Foresta Grancia and Campomaggiore Vecchio, where outdoor shows are held, from the Medieval Castles of Brindisi di Montagna, Cancellara, Brienza, from the Federiciani Castles of Lagopesole, Melfi and Venosa, from the archaeological excavations. of the Goddess Mefitis and Serra in Vaglio di Basilicata, from the Volo dell'Angelo and the Via Ferrata on the Lucanian Dolomites between Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano, from the snow-covered fields of Sellata Pierfaone, from the volcano of Monte Vulture with the Monticchio lakes. It is a villa surrounded by greenery, with car parking, large garden and soccer field. It offers bed and breakfast, but also, on request, tasting of typical products: homemade pasta and bread, main courses of meat, mostly goat or grilled milk lamb, but also excellent cheeses, from pecorino to provolone up to braids, scamorze and ricotta. The cured meats such as sausage, brawn and capocollo are also tempting. The wifi line is also accessible in the rooms.
  • Bed and Breakfast Mattia, Contrada Blaghetto, 4 (a few kilometers from the town, reachable through the Via Appia or the provincial Venosina), 39 0971 487692. Immersed in the unspoiled nature of Basilicata, the b & b consists of 4 bedrooms, each with a bathroom. The house is in an excellent position just 2 km from the ss407 and close to many points of interest such as the archaeological excavations of Rossano di Vaglio, the Parco della Grancia, the villages of Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano. Horseback riding and typical dinners are organized.
  • Locanda Di Eolo, Contrada Rubavento, 16 (a few kilometers from the town, reachable through the Via Appia), 39 329 074 4245. It is a hotel-restaurant, therefore it has an internal section used for catering. There is also a conference room and it is equipped with elevators. The reserved parking is attached to the hotel.


The town is absolutely quiet, as are the archaeological sites and secondary roads. If you are walking in the countryside, you should beware of dogs, as there are many grazing animals.

Public utility services

  • Pharmacy Di Mango Dr. Francesca, Via Paschiere, 17 (town center), 39 0971 487396.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Italian post, Via Carmine, 94 (at the entrance to the town), 39 0971 487695, fax: 30 0971 487002.


For tourist information, contact the Visitor Reception Center on 329 6446446. For guided tours, excursions and recreational activities, contact the CEAS DOLOMITI LUCANE Environmental Education Center at 328 7338268. The Park offers wonderful tourist experiences to discover the nature and resources of the territory, along the Park Itineraries.

There are several Visitor Centers particularly equipped for school tourism and environmental education, and services for guided tours and excursions are offered.

For lovers of sporting activities we point out that the Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane Park has been listed as one of the best places in the world for bouldering, in addition to this, Orienteering is highly recommended. of the Flight of the Angel.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Vaglio Basilicata
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Vaglio Basilicata
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