Waghäusel - Waghäusel

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Waghausel lies in the Baden Rhine Plain and since 1975 comprises the 3 districts Waghäusel, Kirrlach and Wiesental, of which Waghäusel itself is the smallest. The area of ​​the city belonged to the bishopric from the 11th century to 1806 Speyer, then it came to bathing.

getting there

By plane

By train

At the 1 railway station stop the regional railways of the Karlsruhe Transport Association The Rhein-Neckar transport association also starts in Waghäusel for journeys to Mannheim

In the street

  • Waghäusel has with the Symbol: AS 41 Kronau connection to the motorway A5.
  • It runs past Waghäusel Hockenheim coming B36.


Map of Waghäusel

Tourist Attractions

Central building of the Hermitage


  • The 1 Hermitage was built around 1725, extended by Johann Balthasar Neumann around 1737. A part of the Hermitage fell victim to the industrial plant of the sugar factory (closed in 1995). One of the remaining three wings is inhabited, the other two are used for association work (astronomy) and lectures.
  • The Monument to the freedom fighters from 1849. The bronze sculpture stands at the entrance to the Hermitage and was made in 1999 on the anniversary of the Battle of Waghäusel Pioneers of democracy dedicated.
  • 2 Monastery with a Marian pilgrimage church
  • The nature reserve is in the immediate vicinity Wagbach lowlands.
Monument to the freedom fighters 1849


  • Day labor house


  • Revolution monument from 1849







Practical advice

  • Telephone code: 07254
  • Postal codes: 68743-68753


Lying in the vicinity


Web links

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