Weingarten (Baden) - Weingarten (Baden)

Weingarten (Baden)
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Weingarten (Baden) is a municipality in the northern district of Karlsruhe, it lies between Hardtwald and Kraichgau.


The remote settlements belong to the community of Weingarten 1 Sallenbusch and 2 Sohlhöfe .

getting there

By plane

By train

The 1 Weingarten train station is on the Rheintalbahn route between Karlsruhe and Bruchsal, trains of the lines stop there S31 and S32 of KVV.

By bus

In the street

  • The busy one B3 crosses vineyards from north to south. The next motorway entrances to A5 are Symbol: AS 42 Bruchsal and Symbol: AS 43 Karlsruhe-North
  • The Bertha Benz Memorial Route goes through vineyards.


Map of Weingarten (Baden)

Tourist Attractions

Walk's house and watch tower
  • 1 Watch tower, built in 1589. Renovated in 1884. In 1956 a plaque and an angel relief to commemorate the war victims. The tower is open during the day and a small museum tells the story of the tower. Free entry.
  • 2 Walk's house, built in 1701. The house was renovated around 1980 and is used as a "romantic hotel".
  • 3 Market bridge, built in 1823 by Tulla. She crosses the Walzbach.
  • 4 water wheel, built in 2002, is reminiscent of the old mill wheels along the Walzbach.
  • 5 St. Michael and 6 Church of the Resurrection in the center of the village


  • Hike to the 7 Weingartener Moor






Practical advice


Neighboring places are Stutensee, Bruchsal, Walzbach valley, Pfinztal and the city Karlsruhe.


Web links

https://www.weingarten-baden.de/ - Official website of Weingarten (Baden)

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