Zuoz - Zuoz

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Zuoz is a Swiss Community in Upper Engadine in the canton Grisons.


Zuoz used to be the capital of the Upper Engadine. This past can still be read in the many well-preserved buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries. Zuoz was the seat of the powerful Planta family, their coat of arms, the bear paw, is omnipresent (Planta = bear paw).


Around 1137/39 the Bishop of Chur, Konrad I, acquired it from the Count of Gamertingen-Achalm in two letters of purchase Upper EngadineAt that time, the Dorta court in Zuoz already belonged to the diocese. Now the bishop began to rule over the Upper Engadin for over four hundred years, and he also exercised high jurisdiction.

In 1367 came in Zernez the church federation came about against the Austrians striving from the Tyrol for supremacy in the Lower Engadine as well. In 1462, the Upper Engadin gave itself its first constitution with the five-seal letter, and the place retained jurisdiction. In the Swabian Wars of 1499, the Confederates and Graubuenden moved against the army of Emperor Maximilian I, he pushed the Graubünden back - in Zuoz the population set fire to their own houses and fled into the mountains to deprive the imperial army of the supply of food, so that had to withdraw this.

In 1526, the Upper Engadin became part of the Drei Bünde, today's Graubünden, with the Church of God. In 1552 the Reformation was introduced by the humanist, troop leader and governor Gian Travers from Zuoz. In the 17th-19th Century A large part of the artisan population was forced to emigrate to look for work, especially in the neighboring Italian valleys, where the Engadin confectioners were known.

In the middle of the 19th century. With the advent of tourism, a new income and development opportunity arose and the place increased in population and importance.

getting there

Zuoz train station

By plane

Most guests travel via the international airport ZurichWebsite of this institutionZurich Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaZurich Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsZurich Airport (Q15114) in the Wikidata database(IATA: ZRH) on, on the 1 Samedan Airport (Engadin Airport) only private air traffic is handled.

By train

To travel by public transport, take from Zurich coming here the SBBConnection up Landquart and then climbs onto the red narrow-gauge railway of the Rhaetian Railway St. Moritz around. Usually one drives over the Albula line and reaches after driving the Albula tunnel Bever further east to Zuoz.

The rail connection through the Prättigau and through the Vereina tunnel has been made safe for winter, the Vereina tunnel reaches at Sagliains the Lower Engadine, you take the train towards St. Moritz to Zuoz.

In the street

Of Zurich or St. Margarethen Coming from the Rhine Valley you can get there on the Autobahn A13 to Graubünden.

The best way to get to Samedan is via the Julier Pass: you stay on the highway A13 above Chur to Reichenau and leaves the expressway in Thusis, above Tiefencastel and the Julier Pass one reaches Silvaplana. On the main street H27 one drives over St. Moritz and Samedan on to Zuoz.

An alternative that is particularly useful when the Julier Pass comes to the train, is the way through that Prättigau and the car transport through the Vereina tunnel. You leave the autobahn A13 at Landquart and takes the H28 in the direction Davos. The car transporter is used in wintry conditions Monastery through the Vereina tunnel and arrives at Sagliains - Susch to the Engadine. On the main street H27 then it goes in the direction St. Moritz until Zuoz is reached.

The route over the Flüela Pass above Davos to Susch is usually closed in winter.


Tourist Attractions

Reformed Church of St.Luzi
San Bastiaun Chapel
Baselgia Sta Chatrina
Chesa Planta

Zuoz is considered one of the most beautiful Engadine villages, as many old houses with their character have been preserved.

  • The 1 Reformed Church of St. Luzi was first used in the 12th century. mentioned in a document, in 1507 the church was rebuilt in the late Gothic style. The stained glass windows made by Augusto Giacometti and Gian Casty, among others, are worth seeing.
  • 2  San Bastiaun Chapel. The chapel of San Bastiaun probably dates from the 13th century, it was first mentioned in a document in 1472. In the choir there are old frescoes with, among others, Christ Pantocrator, while the modern windows on the themes of the birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ are by Gian Casty (1957) .
  • The 3  Santa Catharina Chapel or Baselgia Sta Chatrigna was first mentioned in 1446, destroyed during the Swabian Wars and rebuilt in the late Gothic style in 1509/10. The chapel has been used by the Catholic parish since 1930 and became their property in 1999.

In the center of the village there are various patrician houses that are well worth seeing:

  • The 4 Planta house resp. Chesa Planta consists of an upper and a lower part of the house, it is the ancestral home of the Engadin patrician family Planta. The tower is just opposite 5 Tuor Planta, which is used as a community archive.
  • The main square with the Gasthaus zum Weißen Kreuz with its coat of arms decoration


In summer

  • In summer there are many well-marked hiking and mountain hiking trails.
  • The 1 Zuoz-Madulain golf course is an 18-hole course in the flat valley of the Inn.

In the winter

  • The clear Zuozer 2 Ski Areaconsists of 2 chairlifts and 3 ski lifts and comprises 10 slopes.
SurnamephoneAltitudeNumber of small and large cabin liftsNumber of small and large cabin liftsNumber of chairliftsNumber of chairliftsNumber of drag liftsNumber of drag liftsKilometers of slopes easyKilometers of slopes easyAverage kilometers of slopesAverage kilometers of slopesKilometers of slopes difficultKilometers of slopes difficultKilometers of freestyle pistesKilometers of freestyle pistesΣ
Zuoz ski area 41 (0)81 830 00 001,716 - 2,340 m32168832 km
  • Zuoz is on the route of the Engadin ski marathon, Elite and amateur athletes can take part in this largest cross-country skiing event. The start is at an altitude of 1820 m in Maloja, the goal is S-chanf. The event each attracts thousands of participants and spectators. The route is part of the large Upper Engadine cross-country skiing network.
  • On March 1st the Chalandamarz instead of. The one in the book The Schellenursli Vividly described folk custom is a celebration of the Roman beginning of the year and is at the same time a custom to drive out winter.






Lyceum Alpinum
  • the 3 Lyceum Alpinum is a boarding school founded in 1904; the grammar school is now attended by around 100 external and 200 internal students, the boarding school students have a very international background. The grammar school can be completed with the Swiss Matura, the German Abitur or the English-language International Baccalaureate and leads to higher education entrance qualification.



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