Óbuda - Óbuda

Óbuda is a district of the city of Budapest, precisely the third district.

To know

The ancient city of Óbuda (officially called Óbuda-Békásmegyer) occupies the entire third district of the capital. Its name means "Ancient Buda"and in fact it is one of the oldest parts of the city; its streets offer tourists many centuries-old buildings. It also hosts the island of Óbuda in its territory. Its center is represented by Piazza Florian and the Central Square.


In Óbuda there are remains of human settlements that date back to the Stone Age. Here in Roman times (1st century) Aquincum stood, of which you can still see some remains (see the banner at the top of this article), it was the capital of the province of Lower Pannonia. The Hungarian tribes arrived there during the 10th century and made it one of the seats of the princes first, and then of the kings. At that time the city was called Buda; it was only after the invasion of the Tartars (1241-1242), when Béla IV reconstituted the capital slightly further south, in a better defensible position, that it assumed the current name of Óbuda.

How to orient yourself

How to get

Batthyány Square, an important intersection for various means of transport
  • The metro does not arrive in Óbuda but there is still an urban train (HÉV5 or Budapest H5 HÉV.svg), whose terminus is 1 Batthyany square (Batthyány tér). the most important interchange with connections to the district of Bel-Buda and to line 2 of the metro. Two other lines also start here, one direct to Békásmegyer, the suburb of Budapest and the other to Szentendre, a kind of tourist village on the Danube 40 km from the capital. The railway runs parallel to the river. Up this site you can check the timetable and on this other page you will have a complete transport map in the district.
  • From Pest: it is possible to take line n. 1 of the tram at the 'Árpád híd' station (Linea metro 3 blu on maps).
  • From Hegyvidék you can hop on a tram of lines 4 or 6 or choose the metro (line 2) from 'Széll Kálmán tér' station to Margaret Bridge (southern border of the Óbuda district). The lines also pass through Pest is Belváros.

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Bekasmegyer, Church of San Giuseppe (Békásmegyeri Szent József templom), III. Templom u. 18 (Bus 186 to Templom utca), 36 1 454 05 71, @.
  • 2 Parish of the Trinity (Óbuda-Hegyvidéki Szentháromság Plébánia), III. Vörösvári út 110. (Tram 1 to Varadi utca), 36 1 388 6126. The church was founded in 1946 and built on a project by the architect Perczel Dennis who also designed the mosaic with the image of the triumphant Christ. On the altar there are the relics of S. Ladislao and S. Bonifacio. The church is also equipped with 3 bells, the largest of which weighs around 360 kg and is dedicated to the Trinity.
  • 3 Parish of the Visitation of Our Lady (Újlak Sarlós Boldogasszony plébánia), III. Bécsi út 32. (Accessible by buses 29, 86, 160 and 206 and by Tram 17), 36 1 335 35 73, @. Simple icon time.svgCelebrations: Mon-Sat 6:30 am and 6:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 6:00 pm. - Weekday masses in the chapel of St. Stephen 17:30, Sun 9:00 and 11:00. On the main entrance of the building stands a Latin inscription with the date of foundation of the parish: 1705. The Germans who built the parish took about a year to complete the church. The main altar is the work of the artist Cristopher Hickisch who executed the work in 1799. The bell tower has gone through a long and troubled history; what we see now is the second reconstruction, the work of Ybl Miklós (1877). The frescoes date back to 1920.
  • 4 Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Csillaghegyi Jézus Szíve plébánia) (Bus / tram stop: Csillaghegy), 36 1 368 31 44, @. Simple icon time.svgCelebrations: Mon, Wed 08:00 Tue, Thu-Sat 09:00, 18:00 Sun 11:00, Office hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 08: 30-11: 30, Tue, Thu 16: 00- 17:00.
  • 5 Chapel of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (Csúcshegyi Szeplőtelen Szűz Mária kápolna), III. Menedékház utca 24 (Bus / tram stop: Virágosnyereg út), 36 1 388 6126, @.
  • 6 Chapel of S. Donato in Farkastorki (Farkastorki Szent Donát kápolna), III. Farkastorki út 56. (Bus / tram stop: Királyhelmec utca).
  • 7 Kiscelli Kálvária, III. Doberdó út (Bus / tram stop: Szent Margit Hospital).
Votive altar to San Floriano in Flórián Square
  • 8 Kövi Church of the Virgin Mary (Kövi Szűz Mária plébánia), III. Szentendrei út 69-71 (Bus / tram stop: Kaszasdulo), 36 1 388 65 35, @. Simple icon time.svgMon 14: 00-18: 00; Tue 9: 00-11: 00 (except July and August), Thu 10: 00-13: 00, Fri 14: 00-18: 00. Office hours: Thu: 14: 00-17: 00..
  • 9 Flórián square and surrounding Roman field (Flórián tér és környéke légiós tábor), Vörösvári út. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg24/7. Today's Piazza Florian is the archaeological site where once stood the camp of the legionaries (the military base) of the Romans who founded Aquincum, the Adiutrix II legion of the Roman army. The archaeological area is always open to tourists and offers the remains of second and third century settlements including the ruins of the baths, taverns and soldiers' homes.
  • 10 Budapest gallery and exhibition hall (középkori piactér, Budapest Galéria Kiállítóháza), Lajos ut. 158, @. Close to the ancient site of the medieval market square (12th century). via Lajos has been one of the main streets of Budapest for centuries. In the 18th century there was a brewery here and today it houses the Budapest Galéria Kiállítóháza that is the exhibition hall and art gallery of Budapest.
  • 11 Ruins of the monastery of the Poor Clares (Klarissza templom és kolostor romjai), Kiskorona utca / Mókus ut, 2. There is news of a monastery of Poor Clares in this place since 1334. The monastery church must have had at least three naves, huge for the time. Queen Elizabeth of Poland (wife of Charles I of Hungary) was buried here in 1380. The magnificent remains of the walls can be admired in the garden of the School of Music and Art Llona Andor. The monastery was destroyed in 1541. The most important work of art, the votive altar with the tomb of Elizabeth of Poland is now in the New York Metropolitan Museum.
  • 12 Club of Óbuda, former Inn "Zur Kronen und löwen" (Korona és Oroszlán fogadó és Kávézó 'Zur Kronen und löwen), III. Kiskorona ut. 7, 36 1 250 02 88, @. The inn and café were built between 1816 and 1818 in a classicist style. The building was renovated in the 1990s and is home to the tje Óbuda club.
  • 13 Set of monuments in Lajos street (Lajos utca, Kiskorona utca, Dugovics Titusz tér, Mókus utca, Templom utca), Lajos utca, Kiskorona utca, Dugovics Titusz tér, Mókus utca, Templom utca. In the neighborhood surrounding the neoclassical parish located in Lajos life you can admire some stupendous and particular buildings of the XIX - XX century built in an eclectic Baroque. Not far away, in Dugovics square is the archaeological site of the Roman camp from the time of Titus.
  • 14 Statue of S. Floriano and S. Giovanni Nepomuceno (Nepomuki Szent János is Szent Flórián szobra), III. Lajos Street ~ 168.
  • 15 Funerary monument to Antonio Bonfini (Antonio Bonfini síremléke), Lajos Street 168 (In the church of Saints Peter and Paul). The well-known sixteenth-century humanist Antonio Bonfini asked to be buried here in Budapest. In compliance with his will, the sculptor John Seres created a funeral monument in his honor.
  • 16 Protestant church (Református templom), III. Kálvin köz 4. This church was built in 1785-1786. The central facade has a bell tower erected in 1788. The interior has a single nave. Inside you can admire the remains of the walls of the ancient medieval castle.
  • 17 Ruins of the Medieval castle (Középkori Vár maradványai), III. Kálvin János köz 2-6. (Inside the Protestant church). Simple icon time.svgReservation required. Here you can visit the remains of the 11th-14th century castle, when Budapest was an important defensive base on the Danube.
  • 18 Ruins of the Franciscan convent (Ferences templom és kolostor romjai), Vöröskereszt utca 1 (Bus / tram stop: Flórián tér).
  • 19 Trinity statue (Szentháromság szobor), Szentlélek tér (Bus / tram stop: 'Szentlélek tér'). The original statue of the Trinity was built thanks to donations from the wealthy Zichy family after the plague of 1738-1739. Due to the construction of the Árpád bridge the statue was demolished in 1956. The remaining pieces of the old statue are now in the Kiscelli Cavalry Museum. In 2000 it was decided to rebuild the statue and relocate it to its original site. Today the composition stands on three columns: S. Rocco, S. Sebastiano and S. Felice. The images of S. Carlo Borromeo, S. Francesco and S. Floriano stand out on the highest columns. The bas-relief below depicts the penitent David and the good shepherd. The central altar shows the Virgin Mary and Santa Rosalia below her.
Remains of the Roman amphitheater in the heart of Óbuda
  • 20 Remains of the Roman camp (Porta Praetoria lit., keleti táborkapu maradványai), Kórház utca 7 (Bus / tram stop: Flórián tér). Here, where today there is the pleasant Biergarten, so dear to the Germans, and a café, there was once the eastern entrance to the Roman camp of the third century. Not far away is one of the panoramic bridges over the Danube.
  • 21 Kassak Museum (Kassák múzeum), Fô tér 1, 36 1 368 70 21, @. Ecb copyright.svg600 HUF (2 €, July 2014). Simple icon time.svgWed-Sun 10: 00-17: 00.
Zichy castle, Main square
  • 22 Zichy Castle (Zichy kastély), Fô tér 1.. This Baroque castle was built in 1740 for the Zichy family. The two side wings, joined in the 19th century, enclose a garden while the park of the castle extends to the rear.
  • 23 The women who wait (Várakozók Varga Imre szobra), Laktanya utca 7.. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg24/7. It is a sculptural group by the great Hungarian artist Varga Imre. They are depicted in bronze of women with umbrellas who seem to be waiting for someone. The sculpture complex is located at the northern corner of the main square (Fő tér) at the intersection with Laktanya ut.
  • 24 Main square (Fő tér és környéke), Fő square (tér). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg24/7. The central square of Óbuda and the surrounding streets (Laktanya utca, Hídfô utca lit. Barrack utca, Bridgehead utca) is in itself a monument with its street lamps, cubes, neoclassical buildings manages to perfectly evoke the 18th-19th century. Number 4 of the square houses the Zsigmond Kun museum in an eighteenth-century building. Number 5 is also a historic building in neoclassical style with a beautiful balcony and is now a private apartment. The rest of the square is part of the medieval Chapter dating back to the 11th-14th century. The former palace of the archpriest of Budapest and the churches of St. Peter and St. Mary were located right here although today no trace remains.
Town Hall and the Main Square
  • 25 city ​​Hall (Városháza), Fő tér 3. ([Bus / tram stop: Szentlelek ter), 36 1 437 85 00, @. The town hall building, with the municipal administration offices was a historic building, demolished in 1900. Six years later, in 1906 the current one was built where the previous one stood.
  • 26 Roman amphitheater (Aquincumi polgárvárosi amfiteátrum), Szentendrei út 150 / Zsófia u. 1 (Bus / tram stop: 'Aquincum'). Ecb copyright.svgFree (from outside). Simple icon time.svg24/7 (guided tours inside by reservation and accompanied by a tour guide). The amphitheater was built around the 2nd century and renovated several times to its current semicircular appearance with 80 meters long axes.The arena is surrounded by a 3 meter high wall.
  • 27 Roman military amphitheater (Aquincumi katonai amfiteátrum), Bécsi út, 2 (Bus / tram stop: 'Katinyi mártírok parkja'). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg24/7. The military amphitheater for the training of soldiers is located south of the original Roman camp. This amphitheater was built by the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius and the works were supervised by the second legion Adiutrix. The longitudinal axis measures more than 130 m and the fighters' cabins (i.e. the inside of the arena) were built with herringbone vaults.
Synagogue of Óbuda
  • 28 Synagogue of Óbuda (Óbudai zsinagóga), Lajos utca 163 (Bus / tram stop: Szentlelek ter), 36 1 268 0183. Simple icon time.svgNot open to visitors. Although it cannot be visited from the inside, this synagogue, the oldest in Budapest, is worth admiring at least from the outside. Still functioning today, it is a masterpiece of European neoclassical architecture. It was built in the 19th century.
  • 29 Former silk processing factory (Selyemgombolyító), III. Miklós tér, 1 / Harrer Pál utca 46 (Bus / tram stop: Raktár utca).
  • 30 Trichora cell (Cella trichora, Ókeresztény kápolna romjai), Raktár utca-Hunor utca-Kunigunda utca, 6-Körte utca (Bus / tram stop: 'Óbudai rendelőintézet'). On via Raktar there was once a Roman cemetery and near this an early Christian chapel. The Cella Trichora is what remains of it. It must have been an ancient clover-shaped chapel built in 360 AD. in memory of local martyrs and saints.
  • 31 Church of S. Pietro and Paolo (Szent Péter és Pál templom), Lajos utca 168 (Bus / tram stop: Szentlelek ter).
  • 32 Architecture Museum (Országos Műemlékvédelmi Hivatal - Magyar Építészeti Múzeum Budapest), Mokus utca 20. (Bus stop: 'Kiscelli utca', Tram stop: Szentlelek ter), 36 1 388 61 70.
  • 33 Aquincum Museum (http://www.aquincum.hu/), Szentendrei út 135 (Bus / tram stop: Záhony utca or Kaszásdűlő or Aquincum (The museum is between these last two stops)), 36 1 250 16 50, @. Ecb copyright.svgSummer € 5.5, low season € 3.3. Simple icon time.svgApril-October: Tue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00; the rest of the year mostly closed or open until 5pm. The Aquincum museum collects all the testimonies of Roman Budapest (then it was called Aquicum) and offers guided tours of the sites of archaeological interest. Guided tours (English, German and French, as well as Hungarian of course) are available by reservation only by contacting the museum in advance.
  • 34 Spa museum (Fürdő Múzeum, Thermae Maiores), Flórián tér 3-5 (Bus / tram stop: Flórián tér), 36 1 250 16 50. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Outdoor archaeological site. Admission is free but you can buy a guided tour accompanied by a guide.
  • 35 Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism (Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum), Korona tér 1 (Bus / tram stop: Szentlélek tér), 36 1 375 62 49, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdults: 800HUF, Students: 400HUF, Photos: 1.000HUF, Videos: 2.000HUF. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm.
  • 36 Art Gallery (Budapest Galéria Varga Imre Gyűjteménye), Laktanya utca, 7 (Bus / tram stop: 'Florian ter'), 36 1 250 02 74, fax: 36 1 250 0274. Ecb copyright.svg800 HUF. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 10: 00-16: 00, Sat-Sun 10: 00-16: 00. Art gallery almost entirely dedicated to the collection of Varga Imre, the famous sculptor from Budapest.
  • 37 Kiscelly Museum (Kiscelli Múzeum), Kiscelli u. 108 (Bus / tram stop: Remetehegyi or S. Margherita Hospital), 36 1 250 03 04, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 3.3 plus pass for photos and videos. Simple icon time.svgApril-October: Tue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00, (the rest of the year closes at 16:00). The museum is a container for all kinds of works of art: furniture, chests, collections of architectural pieces, photographs, paintings, toys, ethnic elements, postcards, posters, maps. , manuscripts, painted objects and embroidered objects, flags and works in glass, porcelain and ceramic. In short, an incredible collection in a complex Baroque building once the home of the Trinitarian monks.
  • 38 Textile art museum (Textilmúzeum, Textil- és Textilruházati Ipartörténeti Múzeum, Goldberger Textilipari Gyűjtemény), Lajos utca 136-138 (Bus / tram stop: Szentlelek ter), 36 1 250 10 20, fax: 36 1 250 1020, @. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm. The museum is a real institution dedicated to the preservation of the works, tradition and memory of textile art in Hungary.
  • 39 Victor Vasarely Museum (Vasarely Múzeum Budapest), Szentlélek tér, 1 (Bus / tram stop: 'Árpád-híd'. The museum is right on the corner of the square.), 36 1 388 75 51. Ecb copyright.svgAdults € 3, students € 1.4. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-17: 30. Museum dedicated to the entertaining pop-art works of Victor Vasarely.
  • 40 Óbuda Museum (Óbudai Múzeum), Fő tér 1. (Same indications as to reach the Victor Vasarely), 36 1 250 10 20, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdults € 3, students € 1.4, free on the first Saturday of the month. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm. The Obuda museum offers a glimpse into the local history of the district, when the Budapest we see today did not exist yet. In the inventory of the finds we find pieces of furniture, collections of the history of technology, clocks, office furniture, objects in glass, ceramics, porcelain, cloth, coins and objects that show us the past of the city, its flourishing commercial traffic and life in all areas of human activity.
  • 41 Obuda District Cemetery (Óbudai temető) (Bus / tram stop: 'Óbudai temető'). Historic cemetery of this ancient district.

What to do

Beaches and outdoor pools

  • 1 Aqua fitness (Aqua fitness in Nyugdíjasháznál), III. Szérűskert u. 39 (Bus / tram stop: Kaszasdulo), 36 1 367 15 22. Ecb copyright.svg5000 HUF in a group of 20 people (250 HUF per person). Simple icon time.svgWed 06: 45-07: 45. Swimming pool with the possibility of practicing Aqua fitness in a retirement home for the elderly.
  • 2 Obuda beach (Óbudai Strand), III. Laborc u. 2, 36 1 388 97 70. Ecb copyright.svg1300 HUF, (free for children under 6). Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 16: 00-20: 00, Sat-Sun 09: 00-19: 00. High season from June to mid-August.
  • 3 Róma beach (Római Strand), III. Rozgonyi Piroska utca 2 (Bus / tram stop: Romaifürdo), 36 1 388 97 40, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdults 2300-2600 HUF. Afternoon (Mon-Tue-Thu from 16:00) 1700 HUF - Children, students and pensioners 1700/1800 HUF. Family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) 6300/7000 HUF, Family (1 adult and 2 children) 4600/5200 HUF, Camper ticket 1000 HUF, Paid cabin 600 HUF. Simple icon time.svgannual opening: 8 June. 3 swimming pools equipped for every comfort. The center has a sauna and a steam room. The water with a temperature of about 30 ° is composed of low concentration of calcium, magnesium and of calcium, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and limestone.
  • 4 Aquincum hotel, III. Árpád fejedelem útja 94, 36 1 436 41 30, @. Ecb copyright.svgEntrance to the swimming pool for adults: 4700 HUF (weekend: 5800 HUF). Simple icon time.svg10:00-22:00. The hotel has a spa and a swimming pool with thermal water derived directly from Margaret Island on the Danube. Besides the thermal pool, the spa's services also include a sauna, a steam bath and a Jacuzzi.
  • 5 Csillaghegyi beaches and swimming pools (Csillaghegyi Strandfürdő és Uszoda), III. Pusztakúti út 2-6 (Bus / tram stop: Csillaghegyi), fax: 36 1 250-1533, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdults 1700 HUF, Reduced 1300 HUF, after 17:00 (Mon-Fri) 1300 HUF. Entrance to the pool 20 min massage: 2800 HUF. Wednesday 1200 HUF. 3 swimming pools for adults, mini-pool for children, aromatherapy, massages, infrasauna, cardiovascular massages, all this is offered by this center. also equipped with a green area of ​​90 square meters. This beach is the oldest in the capital and has been offering services to tourists since 1850. The last renovation dates back to 2000.
  • 6 Punkosdfurdoi beach (Pünkösdfürdői Strand), III. Királyok útja 272 (Bus stop: Pünkösdfürdő), 36 1 388 66 65. Ecb copyright.svg1700-1800 HUF, afternoon (weekdays from 16:00) - 1300 HUF (adults). Children (always) - 1300-1400 HUF. Family admission (2 adults and 2 children - 4700-500 HUF), Family admission (1 adult, 2 children) 3400-3600 HUF. Cabin at 500 HUF-. Swimming pools for adults and children, Sauna, catering service.

Outdoor activity

  • 7 Görzenál amusement park (Görzenál), III. Árpád fejedelem útja 125 ([Bus / tram stop: 'Tímár utca'), 36 1 250 47 99, 36 20 982 69 79. Ecb copyright.svgHUF400 / day. Simple icon time.svgFri: 14:00 until sunset. Sat-Sun: 09:30 - until sunset. Park closed in case of rain. Skating, Bike Motocross, Speed ​​Skating, Basketball - All on an area of ​​14,000m2. - Skate rental: HUF 500/3 hours, Protective equipment HUF 100/3 hours -. -For more info.
Csucshegy Mountain Area
  • 8 Nature trail on the Csucshegy mountain (Csúcshegyi tanösvény), III. (Bus / tram stop: Urom), @. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg24/7. Major attractions on the trail: Railway in the Falconer Valley, the old houses and buildings on Via Vienna and Vörösvári, the Catherine springs, the Roman fountain and the Roman villa, the stone bridge on the Harsánylejto slope and finally the mountain chapel and the monument to the army.
  • 9 Óbudai Island or Hajogyar Island (lit. Shipyard-island, Hajógyári-sziget) (Bus / tram stop: Filatorigát, then cross the bridge 'K'). This islet on the Danube is home to the Sziget fesztivál in August. In thecentral Europe it is the most popular and loved festival and attracts 300,000 visitors annually. Young and old, Hungarians and foreigners gather here for this event. The rest of the year, however, remains a beautiful place for cycling, kayaking along the river, fishing or just to bring the children who will love to play here.


  • 10 Football fields in Obuda (Műfüves sportpályák), III. Laborc u. 2 (Bus / tram stop: Laborc utca), 36 1 388 97 70, 36 1 388 97 70, @. Ecb copyright.svg6900 HUF / hour. Simple icon time.svgduring the week: 8: 00-21: 00, weekends: 08: 00-15: 00. Soccer field in synthetic grass 20x40m.
  • 11 Tennis courts (Teniszpályák), III. Laborc u. 2 (Bus / tram stop: Kubik utca), 36 70 702 37 19, 36 1 240 56 01, @. Ecb copyright.svg4.300 / 3.500 / 4.900 HUF / hour (prices vary depending on the day of the week and the time slot). Simple icon time.svgAvailable intervals: 07: 00-11: 00/11: 00-16: 00/16: 00-22: 00.
  • 12 Ice sports (Óbudai Gepárdok Jégcsarnok), III. Kubik utca (Bus / tram stop: Kubik utca), @. Ecb copyright.svgAdult admission 900 HUF. Simple icon time.svgSat 10: 30-11: 50 & 16: 00-17: 50, Sun 10: 00-11: 20 & 14: 30-17: 50. Possibility to rent skates. The arena, 56x26 meters wide, is surrounded by a thick tempered glass wall. Locals often use it for hockey or skating.
  • 13 Bicycle rental (Óbuda Kerékpárkölcsönző), III. Laktanya Street, 1 / B (Bus / tram stop: Szentlelek ter), 36 20 207 31 33, @. Ecb copyright.svg200 HUF per hour (0.60 €). Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 7: 00-19: 00, weekend 9: 00-19: 00. You are required to leave a valid ID and a deposit of 10,000 florins (35 €)
  • 14 Ice rink in Fő tér (Fő téri jégpálya), III. Fő tér (Just before the town hall in Fo ter (central square)). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg08: 00-22: 00 (30.Nov.-2.Feb.). Outdoor ice rink in the central square during the winter months. Skates can also be hired.
  • 15 Aquincum School (Aquincumi Ált. Iskola - Műanyag jégpálya), III. Arató Emil tér 1. (Bus / tram stop: Aquincum). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgduring the week: 15: 00-20: 00, weekend: 9: 00-20: 00 (6. Jan.-2.Mar.). Yet another chance to ice skate outdoors. Admission is free but you will have to pay for the rental of skates in case you don't have any of your own.
  • 16 Kayaking at the UTE (Kajakozás az UTE Kajak-Kenu Szakosztályában), III. Árpád Fejedelem u. 71 (Bus / tram stop: 'Tímár utca'), 36 30 827 03 21. Ecb copyright.svg800 HUF each lesson, full month 6000 HUF. Simple icon time.svgTue, Thu start at 6:00 am. Wed 18:30. River kayaking lessons lasting 1 hour or 1 hour and a half.
  • 17 Climbing at the Imre Varga School (Falmászás a Varga István Kereskedelmi, Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola és Szakiskolában), III. Hatvany Lajos utca 7 (Bus / tram stop: Újmegyeri tér), 36 1 243 09 73. Ecb copyright.svg1500 HUF. Simple icon time.svgWed 15: 00-17: 00.
Bibic boathouse
  • 18 Boat rental (Sárkányhajó bérlés), III.Rómaipart 44 / entry at Rozgonyi Piroska street /, 36 20 2362789, @. Ecb copyright.svg600 HUF per person. Simple icon time.svgbus 106 from m3 Árpád híd to the Nánási út stop or from Batthyany tér to the Romaifürdo station. Possibility of driving courses for small boats and boat rental. Ask for S.ra Zsuzsa Varga.
  • 19 Wiking Yacht Club (Wiking Yacht Klub), III. Hajógyári sziget 606, 36 1 388 61 53, fax: 36 1 250 3950, @. Ecb copyright.svgrental from 1700 to 4500 HUF. Possibility to rent a boat alone or with coxswain for one, two or three hours. Departure from Pier 11 in front of Elizabeth Bridge or from Batthyany tér from the port of Margaret Island.
  • 20 Water taxi (Vízitaxi), III. Hajógyári sziget 606, 36 20 466 79 29, @. Ecb copyright.svgBudapest sightseeing tour on the Danube 1 hour: 50 000 HUF. Half an hour: 25 000 HUF. Hike to Szentendre: HUF 75,000 / HUF 80,000.. Rental of six different types of jet skis.
  • 21 Trip .... to jail .... (Római Rabszolgagálya in Dunán), III. Rozgonyi Piroska u. 28 (Bus / tram stop: Romaifürdo), 36-20-9683-685, fax: 36 1 240 3353, @. Ecb copyright.svg2400/2900 HUF per day per person. Simple icon time.svgMay-October. The name may frighten but the galleys in question are the typical Roman ships, carefully restored and modernized that will allow you to enjoy some magnificent excursions of 2, 3 or six hours to Visegrád, Vienna and other destinations.
  • 22 Romaifurdo sports club (Rómaifürdő SE), III. Petur u. 22. (Bus / tram stop: Romaifürdo), 36 1 240-30 48, @. Ecb copyright.svgcanoe tour 2500 HUF, tour for 4 or 5 people (whole canoe) 3000 HUF. Tour in 7-8 people at 4500 HUF. 1 person in a kayak: 1900 HUF, 2 people: 2200 HUF. Tourist canoe excursion on the Danube for groups of 6 people.
  • 23 Fitnesspark (Felnőtt fitneszparkok), III. Arató Emil square (Bus / tram stop: Romaifurdo). There are at least 12 outdoor parks in Obuda where fitness equipment can be found. Some locations are: Huszti ter, Rick u. , - Csobánka square, - Gladiator u., - 226 Bécsi street, Heltai square, - 81 San Marco street, - Balazs Orban u. and Gyógyszergyár and Kerek utca.
  • 24 Bekasmegyer Cultural Club (Óbudai Kulturális Központ - Békásmegyeri Közösségi Ház), Csobánka tér 5 (Bus / tram stop: Bekasmegyer). Ecb copyright.svgPrices vary depending on the activity you participate in. It is a branch of the Obuda Cultural Center. Here puppet shows and plays for children are staged. The Bekas Blues group also await lovers of good music. In addition, in the afternoon (from 19: 00-20: 00) small cultural meetings dedicated to teaching, entertainment and sport are organized and are open to people of all kinds and ages.
  • 25 Csillaghegy community house (Csillaghegy Közösségi Ház), Mátyás király útja 13–15. (Bus / tram stop: Csillaghegy), 36 1 240 07 52. Ecb copyright.svgThey vary from activity to activity.. Simple icon time.svgThey depend on the activities but usually open in the afternoon from 6pm to 8pm. It too is a branch of the district's cultural center. Inside are organized workshops of craftsmanship, puppet shows, natural food markets and other beautiful events and events.
  • 26 Racing at the OTE sports center (Futás to TUE pályán, OTE Sporttelep), III. Kalap utca 1. (Bus / tram stop: Becsi utca (near Vörösvári street), approx. 600 from the sports center. An alternative is to take tram line 1 from Árpád híd or tram 17 to Becsi street), 36 1 240-5547, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgEvery 9: 00-21: 00 except Tuesdays. Thursday also in the afternoon 15: 00-17: 30. unofficial site



  • 1 OTP Bank, III. Flórián tér 15 (Bus / tram stop: Flórián tér), 36 1 366 6388. Simple icon time.svgMon 7: 45-18: 00, Tue-Thu 7: 45-17: 00, Fri 7: 45-16: 00. OTP Bank is the main one in the district, very close to the district of Buda.


  • 2 Auchan Obuda, Szentendrei út 115 (Bus / tram stop: Kaszasdulo), 36 1 437 00 54, fax: 36-1 888 7799. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 06: 00-22: 00, Sun 07: 00-21: 00. Services: Post office and ATM.
  • 3 Tesco supermarkets (TESCO Bécsi út Hipermarket), Bécsi út, 258 (Bus / tram stop: 'Kubik utca' Buses: 160, 260, 260A starting from Batthyany tér). Exchange offices, various shops, a hypermarket as well as post offices, cafes, restaurants and a beauty center.


  • 4 Vörösvári street market (Hospital Street Central Market, Vörösvári úti Piac, Óbudai Piac, Kórház utcai Vásárcsarnok), III. Verőfény utca (Bus / tram stop: 'Flórián tér'), 36 1 367 38 47. Simple icon time.svgMon 07: 00-16: 00, Tue-Fri 06: 00-18: 00, Sat 06: 00-14: 00.

Shopping centers

  • 5 Flórián shopping center (Flórián Üzletközpont), III. Florian square (Flórián tér) 6-9 (Bus / tram stop: 'Flórián tér'), 361 439 38 00. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 07: 00-19: 00, Sat: 07: 00-14: 00, Sunday closed.. Shopping center with at least 56 shops.
  • 6 Eurocenter shopping center (Eurocenter Óbudai Bevásárlóközpont), III. Bécsi út 154 (Bus / tram stop: 'Perényi út', or bus: 160, 260 to 'Váradi utca'). Simple icon time.svgShopping Center: Mon-Sat 10: 00-20: 00, Sun 10: 00-18: 00. Interspar supermarket: Mon-Sat 06: 00-22: 00, Sun 08: 30-19: 30. Cinema Mon-Fri: 13: 00-22: 45, Sat-Sun 10: 00-22: 45. Shops: Alexandra Bookshop, Alpha Zoo Pet Shop, Blues Shoes, a grocery store, a casino, a hypermarket, an MKB company bank, a sex shop / lingerie shop, an IT shop, a cinema, a gym and a well-stocked shop Pharmacy.

How to have fun

Night clubs

  • 1 Goldberg Pub (ex-Goldberg söröző), III. Nagyszombat utca 6 (cross between Lajos utca and Nagyszombat utca, BKV hev symbol.svg Bus / tram stop: Timar utca), 36 1 240 75 80, @. Retro Sports Pub better known as the Goldberg ex-pub
  • 2 Schlosser pub (Schlosser söröző), III. Lajos u. 102. Simple icon time.svg11:00-23:00. From Batthyány tér take Bus 60 to Selmeci u. or take the tram: 17 from Margaret bridge to Selmeci u.
  • 3 Kiskorona Cafe Pub (Kiskorona Kávézó-Söröző Budapest), III. Bokor utca 2 (Bus / tram stop: Katinyi martirok park), 36 1 315 92 43.


Sziget festival, one of the biggest singing events in all Europe
  • 4 Blue Yuk / Red Yuk (Kék Yuk / Vörös Yuk), III. Fényes Adolf utca 28 (Bus / tram stop: Timar utca. Night lines: 901, 923, 937 or 960), 36 70 771-6666, @. Ecb copyright.svgVariable. Simple icon time.svgFri 19: 00-03: 00 Sat 22: 00-6: 00. Music festivals where live albums are often recorded.
  • 5 Kobuci Pub (Kobuci Kert), III. Fő tér 1. (Bus / tram stop: Szetlelek ter), 36 70 205 72 82, @. Ecb copyright.svgBeers HUF300-600, Spirits and Wines HUF400-2100. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri: from 4pm, Sat & Sun from 11am. Located in the garden of Zichy Castle, it serves hot dishes and hundreds of types of drinks. Some nice local bands perform here.


  • 6 Cinema Hall, III. Bécsi út 38-44., (Új Udvar Conference Center, Tram: 17), @. Ecb copyright.svgVariables. Simple icon time.svgDifferent, depending on the events hosted. Cinema Hall was opened in 2010. It is one of the best places to meet people in the capital: 2500 square meters of space, six rooms and a gallery with a large terrace. The cinema is often used for conventions and conferences, concerts and parties as well as small shows. There are also several rooms; The red room is used for large events and can hold hundreds of words. The green room serves many purposes and can hold up to 200 people seated, it is used for seminars and presentations and for more or less official meetings. Sala blu: it is a gallery with an exclusive atmosphere, used for gala dinners, product launches by companies and other events. Entrance hall: More than 200 people can sit here too. It is the most booked room for conferences, exhibitions and parties. VIP room: this room for 100 people is also used as a theater and for large events it is used to host distinguished guests. Yellow Hall: it is a concert hall designed with an elegant design and suitable for concerts and parties, even private when it is given to individuals.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Harapo Mokus (Harapó Mókus Vendéglő lit. Squirrel Bite Restaurant), III. Zápor utca 69 (Bus stop: Florian ter or Tram stop: via Varadi), 36 1 388 6151, @. Ecb copyright.svgFixed menu: 900 HUF, Full lunch from 5000 to 6500 HUF. Simple icon time.svg12:00-23:00. Good quality restaurant with a wide choice of dishes. Here you can taste typical Hungarian cuisine.
  • 2 Hidfo Pub (Hídfő Pub Étterem-Söröző lit. Bridgehead Pub Restaurant), III. Hídfő utca 18. (Bus / tram stop: Szentlélek tér), 36 1 250 10 32, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull lunch from 3100 HUF to 4000 HUF.
  • 3 KataPult (KataPult Étterem), III. Montevideo utca 9 (Bus / tram stop: Szépvölgyi útca and then walk to Kolossy ter), 36 1 242 60 00. Ecb copyright.svgVegetarian lunch: 2060 HUF wide choice of drinks and desserts.


  • 4 Daubner pastry shop (Daubner Cukrászda), III. Szépvölgyi út 50., Budapest, 2nd district (From Kolosy tér take buses 29, 65 or 165 to 'Ürömi út'), 36 1 335 22 53. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 09: 00-19: 00. Excellent cakes and sweets of all kinds,
  • 5 Coffee Pastry Cziniel (Cziniel Cukrászda és Kávéház), III. Nánási út 55 (Fermata bus/tram: Nánási út (Bus 106 e 934)), 36 1 240 11 88, @. Ecb copyright.svg500 HUF a pezzo.
  • 6 Pasticceria Don Bosco (Don Bosco Cukrászda), III. Bécsi út 177 (Fermata bus/tram: Szent Margit Kórház), 36-20 771 6570, @. Simple icon time.svgMar-Dom 10:00-19:00. Filiale della pasticceria Don Bosco sita nel secondo distretto di Budapest in Budaörsi út 117. Tel.: 36 20 3902777
  • 7 Pasticceria Emil (Emil Cukrászda), III. Bécsi út 314. (Fermata bus/tram: Obuda (stazione centrale) o Kubik ut), 36-1 240 75 35. Simple icon time.svgMar-Dom 10:30-18:30. Questa pasticceria si trova non distante dal consolato del Ghana a Budapest.
  • 8 Pasticceria italiana Gianduia (Gianduia Olasz Cukrászda, Fagyizó), III.Szentendrei út 36/A (Fermata bus/tram: Bogdáni ut), 36-1 439 18 40, @. Simple icon time.svgLun-Ven 10:00-20:00, Sab 09:30-13:00, Su closed.
  • 9 Pasticceria Koch Danica (Koch Danica Cukrászda), III. Vörösvári út 41. (Accanto alla fermata del tram: 'Óbudai rendelőintézet'), 36 1 242 17 31, 36-30 942 81 75, @. Simple icon time.svg09:00-19:00. A parte la qualità e l'assortimento di dolciumi e torte, questa pasticceria vi colpirà per le forme stravaganti delle sue torte.
  • 10 Pasticceria Sik (Sík cukrászda), III. Lukács György utca 1. (From Linea metro 2 rossa: Batthyány tér prendere BKV hev symbol.svg5 fino a 'Bekasmegyer'), 36 1 243 22 06, 36 30 991 10 09, @. Simple icon time.svg10:00-19:00. Questa pasticceria crea torte per ogni occasione e festa. Torte di matrimonio, torte sceniche e molto altro.
  • 11 Pasticceria e caffetteria Zazz (Zazzi cukrászda és kávézó), III. Bécsi út 57-61 (Szépvölgyi út o Kolosy ter), 36 26 56 41 21. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm. Dolci e dolciumi, gelati e cioccolate oltre a torte da asporto.

Average prices

  • 12 Ristorante Bivalyos (Bivalyos Étterem), III. Királyok útja 172. (Fermata bus: Sinkovits Imre 'Mátyás király út'), 36 1 368 89 20, @. Simple icon time.svg09:00-24:00.
  • 13 Ristorante Bonyai (Bonyai Étterem), III. Reményi Ede utca 3. (Fermata bus/tram: Kaszásdűlő), 36-30 219 99 96, fax: 36 1 240 61 02. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti da 1490 HUF, Insalate da 750 HUF, Piatti a base di carne da 2450 HUF, Zuppe da 490 HUF. (Tutti i prezzi includono anche il contorno).. Simple icon time.svgLun-Ven dalle 11:30, Sab dalle 16:00.
  • 14 Night Club Csónakház Mulató (Csónakház Mulató), III. Római part 30. (Fermata bus/tram:'Romaifürdo'(anche via tram d'acqua) o Nánási út), 36 70 380 55 71, fax: 36-1 250 0426. Ecb copyright.svgZuppe 700-1000 HUF , Primi piatti 1500-2500 HUF, insalate 500-1200 HUF, dessert 700 HUF.. Simple icon time.svgLun-Giov 16:00-22:00, Ven-Dom 12:00-23:00.
  • 15 Ristorante Knuckle Grill (Csülök Grill Étterem), III. Szentendrei út 89-95. (Fermata bus/tram: Kaszásdűlő), 36 1 240 02 54. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti 1100-1500 HUF, Insalate 400-1050 HUF, Zuppe 500-690 HUF, Piatti principali 1300-2500 HUF, Menu tipici della casa 1200-3000 HUF.. Simple icon time.svgLun-Ven 10:00-22:00, Sab-Dom 11:00-23:00.
  • 16 Ristorante Déjà Vu (Déjá Vu Étterem), III. Montevideó utca 3/b (Fermata bus/tram: Szépvölgyi út), 36 20 933 20 91, fax: 36 1 242 0102.
  • 17 Pizzeria Don Pepe (Don Pepe Étterem), III. Víziorgona utca 11. (Fermata bus/tram: Békásmegyer), 36 20 334 44 45, fax: 36 1 243 66 26. Ecb copyright.svgFish&Chips da 2000 HUF, ali di pollo da 2000-2800 HUF, Pizze 3500 HUF. Simple icon time.svg11:00-23:00.
  • 18 Ristorante Gigler (Gigler Vendéglő), III. Föld u. 50/c (Fermata bus/tram: Szent Margit Kórház.), 36 1 368 60 78. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti: 370 HUF, Insalate:500 HUF, Zuppe 320-700 HUF, Primi piatti: 1000-1600 HUF. Maiale e pollame da 920 a 1200 HUF. Piatto tipico del posto: 2800 HUF.. Simple icon time.svgMar-Sab 12:00-22:00, Dom 12:00-16:00, Chiuso il Lunedì.
  • 19 Ristorante greco Gyradiko (Gyradiko Görög Étterem), III. Királyok útja – Pünkösdfürdő utca sarok (Fermata bus/tram:'Punkosdfurdo'), 36 20 938 73 20, fax: 36 20 541 0922, @. Ecb copyright.svg300-1500 HUF, Insalate- 300-1400 HUF, Carne- 1300-2900 HUF, Pesce- 1000-2800 HUF. Pitas, dessert, vini da 300 ai 700 HUF-. Simple icon time.svgLun 13:00-23:00 Mar 11:00-23:00, Mer-Sab 11:00-01:00, Dom 11:00-23:00. Un'altra sede dello stesso ristorante si trova nel XIII distretto in Victor Hugo utca. 35.
  • 20 Ristorante cinese Hao Hao (Hao-Hao Kínai Étterem), III. Lajos utca 70-72. (Fermata bus/tram: Galagonya utca), 36 1 430 07 70.
  • 21 Ristorante e bar Humphrey’s (Humphrey’s Étterem & Bar Óbuda Bowlingcenter), III. Bécsi út 136. (Fermata bus/tram: Varadi utca), 36 70 333 33 30, fax: 36 1 439 2445, @. Simple icon time.svg10:00-24:00. In questo ristorante-bar servono del tradizionale cibo americano, con tanto di barbecue, colazione all'americana e hamburger ma anche cibo italiano, creolo, messicano con piatti sia a base di carne che vegani. Nel locale è presente anche una sala per giocare a bowling.
Kehli Tavern
  • 22 Taverna Kehli (Kéhli Vendéglő), III. Mókus utca 22. (Fermata bus/tram: Pacsirta, o Fermata bus/tram: Szentlélek tér.), 36 1 368 06 13, fax: 36 1 250 4241, @. Ecb copyright.svg1000-3600 HUF, Insalate- 600-800 HUF, Primi piatti- 2000-4800 HUF e Zuppe- 700-900 HUF. Simple icon time.svg12:00-24:00.
  • 23 Caffetteria Kemences (Kemencés Kertcafe), III. Vörösvári út 131. (Fermata bus/tram: Becsi ut), 36 1 430 06 11. Simple icon time.svgDom-Lun: 11:00-15:00, Mar-Sab- 11:00-22:00. Cucina tipica ungherese.
  • 24 Taverna Kerek (Kerék Vendéglő), III. Bécsi út 103. (Fermata bus/tram: Selmeci utca), 36 1 250 42 61, fax: 36 30 352 50 21.
  • 25 Taverna Kisbojtar (Kisbojtár Vendéglő), III. Bojtár utca 29. (Fermata bus/tram: Kisbojtár utca), 36 1 367 54 40, @. Ecb copyright.svgPiatti a base di carne: 1300-4000 HUF, Zuppe 500-900.
  • 26 Ristorante Kisbuda (Kisbuda Gyöngye Étterem), III. Kenyeres utca 34 (Fermata bus/tram: Selmeci utca.).
  • 27 Ristorante Kőbarlang (Kőbarlang Étterem), III. Pásztordomb tér 1/a. (Fermata bus/tram: Bekasmegyer), 36 1 244 06 74, @. Simple icon time.svg12:00-22:00.
  • 28 Caffetteria e rtistorante Passport (Passport kávéház & étterem), III. Flórián tér 6-9 (Fermata di Florian ter), 36 70 597 61 77, @. Ecb copyright.svgpanini e antipasti: 600-1900 HUF, zuppe 580-700 HUF, insalate 750-1180 HUF, piatti a base di carne 690-1680 HUF, primi piatti 980-1780 HUF, fast food 1 180-1 380 HUF, pancakes 880 HUF, prodotti da forno 980-2290 HUF, pesce 1500-2000 HUF, quesadillas 1000-1200 HUF, pasta 1000-1500 HUF, dessert 500 HUF. Simple icon time.svgLun-Sab: 08:00-23:00, Dom 11:00-22:00.
  • 29 Ristorante italiano Pasta Pizza (Pasta el Pizza Olasz Étterem, Csillagvár Étterem és Kávézó), III.Rákóczi utca 36 (Nel centro commerciale Csillagvar), 36 1 250 86 56. Ecb copyright.svgEconomici. Simple icon time.svg10:00-19:00. Qui si possono mangiare tutti i piatti tipici della nostra cucina dalle zuppe ai piatti di carne, dai primi piatti alle pizze.
  • 30 Pizza da asporto Paradicsom (Pizza Paradicsom), III. Vörösvári út 13 (Fermata bus/tram: Varadi utca), 36 1 439 19 88. Ecb copyright.svgsandwiches HUF200-300, giant salads (550-750g) HUF700-1300, meat/cheese/veggie dishes for two (maybe four, 1.5-2.5kg!!) HUF4000-8000, pizzas (in three sizes, thirty types)HUF1100-3300, desserts HUF500-800, juices (1 L) HUF400,. Simple icon time.svg24/7. Aperto tutti i giorni. Panini 200-300 HUF, insalate 700-1300 HUF, carne/formaggi/verdure per 2 persone abbondanti 4000-8000 HUF, Pizze (3 misure e 30 tipi diversi) 1100-3300 HUF, dolci 500-800 HUF, Succhi da litro 400 HUF.
  • 31 Puskás Pancho Sport Pub (Puskás Pancho Sport Pub, Symbol 220 Éves Pinceétterem), III. Bécsi út 56 (Fermata bus/tram: Kolossy ter), 36 1 333 56 56. Ecb copyright.svgPrimi piatti ungheresi1000-5000 HUF,Contorni 550-1000 HUF, antipasti 1700-3000 HUF, Snacks 1500-2700 HUF, Zuppe 1000 HUF. Simple icon time.svgLun-Ven: 7:30-24:00, Sab-Dom 11:30-24:00. Antico ristorante (200 anni!) che serve cucina ungherese e spagnola, Essendo ospitato in uno Sport club, il locale ha a disposizione più di 15 televisori su cui seguire gli eventi sporivi.
  • 32 Régi Sipos Halaszkert, III. Lajos utca 46. (Fermata bus/tram: Szépvölgyi út), 36 1 250 80 82, fax: 36 1 368 6480, @. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti: 1000-3500HUF, Insalate: 400-700 HUF,Carne: 2000-3400 HUF, Zuppe: 600-900 HUF..
  • 33 Ristorante Rezpatko (Rézpatkó Vendéglő), III. Szentendrei út 333. (Fermata bus/tram: Csillaghegy), 36 1 240 91 22. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti 1000-1500 HUF, insalate 460-600 HUF, carne 1900-2200 HUF, dolci 500-600 HUF. Simple icon time.svgOgni giorno 11:30-22:00.
  • 34 Ristorante Rozmaring (Rozmaring Kertvendéglő), III. Árpád fejedelem útja 125. (Fermata treno suburbano: Timar utca), 36 1 367 13 01, fax: 36-1-367-1299, @. Ecb copyright.svgMenu da 3 portate 4500 HUF, & a la carte. Simple icon time.svg12:00-23:00.
  • 35 Stereochef (Stereochef), III. Bécsi út 63 (Fermata bus/tram: Kolosy tér), 36 70 555 55 18, @. Ecb copyright.svgStereo burger 2480 HUF, Bistecca (0.6kg) 9980 HUF, Cocktails 1300-1900 HUF, caffe 600 HUF, tè 500-900 HUF. Simple icon time.svgLun-Mar 7:30-23:00, Mer-Gio 07:30-03:00, Ven: 7:30-05:00, Sab 09:00-05:00, Dom 09:00-23:00.
  • 36 Ristorante Szü@net (Szü@net Étterem), III. Zápor utca 74. (Fermata bus/tram: Kiscelli utca), 36 30 605 61 76. Simple icon time.svg10:00-22:00. Cibo ungherese e internazionale.
  • 37 Wasabi Sushi & Wok (Wasabi Wok & Sushi Étterem), III. Szépvölgyi út 15. (Fermata bus/tram: Szepvolgyi), 36 1 430 10 56. Ecb copyright.svgPranzo Lun-Ven 4990/5490 HUF Cena Lun-Ven 5990/6490 HUF, Fine settimana e festivi: 6490 HUF, Teppanyaki MENU: 7490 HUF. Simple icon time.svg11:00-23:00. Menu a la carte, sushi e cibo Teppanyaki.
  • 38 Zöld Kapu Vendéglő (Zöld Kapu Vendéglő), III. Szőlő utca 42. (Fermata bus/tram: Selmeci utca), 36 1 387 70 28, @. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti:1000-3500 HUF , insalate: 400-700 HUF, primi piatti: 1800-5200 HUF, Pasta: 500-1000HUF, dessert 600-1000 HUF. Bevande alcoliche locali 800-1000 HUF, Vini bianchi ungheresi 1800-2900 HUF, Vini rossi ungheresi: 2600-6000 HUF.. Simple icon time.svg10:00-22:00. Wi-fi disponibile.

High prices

  • 39 Ristorante indiano Maharaja (Maharaja Indiai Étterem), III. Bécsi út 89-91. (Fermata bus/tram: Katinyi), 36 1 250 75 44, @. Ecb copyright.svg800-2000 HUF, Piatti a base di carne- 2500-4000 HUF, Spiedini 2700-7000 HUF, Zuppe- 800-1300 HUF-. Simple icon time.svgOgni giorno 12:00-23:00. Cibo di ottima qualità, soprattutto in fatto di pollame e carni varie.
  • 40 Uj Sipos Halászkert (Új Sipos Halászkert), III. Fő tér 6 (Fermata bus/tram: Szentlelek Square.), 36 1 388-87 45, @. Ecb copyright.svgAntipasti caldi e freddi da 1000 a 2800 HUF. Piatti vegetariani o di pesce: 700--4400 HUF, Primi piatti e carne 1700-500 HUF Contorni e dolci: 500-1000 HUF.. Simple icon time.svgLun-Ven: 12:00–23:00, Sab-Dom 12:00–24:00. Questo locale di lusso dispone anche di separè privati per piccoli o medi incontri (massimo 72 persone). Esiste anche una zona dedicata all'esibizione di band musicali per una serata nella migliore delle atmosfere di Budapest.
  • 41 Ristorante Pastrami (Pastrami Étterem és Kávéház), III. Lajos utca 93-99 (Fermata bus/tram: Nagyszombat utca), 36 1 430 17 31. Ecb copyright.svgSandwich 1900-4000 HUF, zuppe 1000-1200 HUF, insalate: 2200-2500 HUF, Primi piatti 2000-3500 HUF, dessert 800 HUF.. Simple icon time.svg08:00-23:00.
  • 42 Udvar House Restaurant (Udvarház Étterem), III. Hármashatárhegyi út 2 (Fermata bus/tram:Hedvig utca), 36 1 388 8780, fax: 36 1 388 6921. Ecb copyright.svgAppetizers/Salad/Mains/Soups/Desserts HUF2000-3500/900/3600-6000/1000-1400/500-600.

Where stay

Moderate prices

'Rómaifürdő' Beach, Pension Fontana
  • 1 Hotel turistico Kunigunda (Kunigunda Turista Hotel, Kunigunda Kollégium), III. Kunigunda útja 25. (Fermata bus/tram: terminale Bécsi út / Vörösvári út), 36-1 388 93 28, 36 1 919-23 62, 36 20 279-86 00, fax: 36 1 368 9477, @. Ecb copyright.svgDormitorio con letti in comune 2.580 HUF, Studenti: 4000-9000 HUF (singole). Hotel pensato per lavoratori, turisti e studenti con prezzi largamente accessibili; 211 letti organizzati in stanze comuni, singole, doppie, triple e quadruple. All'interno dell'hotel è presente anche un ristorante, una sala giochi, un bar, un parcheggio auto. La Reception è aperta h24.
  • 2 Pensione Irisz (Irisz Panzió), III. Szentendrei út 341. (Fermata bus/tram: Csillaghegy), 36 1 240 25 97, fax: 36 1 454 1012, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingole €28, doppie 35 € triple 45 €, Colazione: €4 al giorno (Apr-Ago 2014). Hotel sul modello di quelli scandinavi per un massimo di 26 persone e 11 stanze.
  • 3 Mini Camping, III. Kossuth Lajos üdülőpart 72/Királyok útja 307. (Fermata bus/tram: Újmegyeri tér), 36 30 200 37 52, @. Ecb copyright.svgSpazio campeggio tenda posto auto = 5500 HUF a notte.. Check-in: 11:00, check-out: 10:00.
  • 4 Romai Camping (Római Camping), III.Szentendrei út 189. (Fermata bus/tram: Romaifürdo), 36 1 388 71 67, @. Ecb copyright.svgBungalow da 3000 HUF a persona; Caravan entrata per 4 persone: 11070 HUF; Camper entrata per 4 persone 9510, Tenda entrata per 4 persone 8565 HUF.. Spazio disponibile per 1500 tende e camper. Acqua calda/fredda, elettricità e tasse incluse. Bambini e animali domestici entrano gratis. Wi fi disponibile.

Average prices

  • 5 Alfa Art Hotel (Alfa Art Hotel*** Superior), III. Kossuth Lajos üdülőpart 102. (Fermata bus/tram:'Romaifürdo'), 36 1 453 34 28, fax: 36 1 240 8150. Ecb copyright.svgSingole a €64-97 Doppie a 78-108 €. I prezzi variano a seconda del tipo di camera.. Hotel a tre stelle, 42 camere ben arredate. Internet disponibile.
  • 6 Attila Hotel, III. Attilia utca 20. (Fermata bus/tram: Rómaifürdő, l'hotel è a 400 m a piedi.), 36 1 240 33 73, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola: €9000 doppia 10.000€ tripla: 11.000€ quadrupla: 12.000€. Colazione disponibile con un extra di 1.000 HUF- Parcheggio sorvegliato, Wi fi disponibili. Nel quartiere, inoltre, sono presenti numerose possibilità di divertimento e numerose attrazioni.
  • 7 B&B Hotel Budapest, III. Rozália utca 76-78. (Fermata bus/tram: Romaifürdo), 36 1 454 16 10, fax: 36 1 242 15 34, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola: €40 doppia 48€ tripla: 58€ appartamento: 72€ Jacuzzi I.: 58€, Jacuzzi II.: 75€ (prezzi al 2014, colazione inclusa).
  • 8 Hotel Noe (Hotel Noé ***), III. Királyok útja 301. (Fermata bus/tram: Újmegyeri tér), 36 1 454 0742, fax: 36 1 454 0745. Ecb copyright.svgSingola:43-48 € doppia 48-53€.
  • 9 Hotel Romai (Hotel Római), III. Szent János utca 16. (Fermata bus/tram: Szent János utca), 36 1 244 81 82, fax: 36 1 244 8183, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola 11.500 HUF doppia 17.000 HUF, appartamento- 20.000-24.000 HUF. I prezzi includono già le tasse locali, il parcheggio e la colazione-. Oltre ai normali servizi di un hotel di qualità, questo offre la possibilità di praticare diversi sport ad un costo aggiuntivo (compresi sport d'acqua sul Danubio).
  • 10 Hunor Hotel ***, III. Pünkösdfürdő utca 40. (Fermata bus/tram: Medgyessy Ferenc utca), 36 1 243 09 49, fax: 36 1 244 0821, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola 8.000-10.000 HUF doppia 12.000-14.000 HUF (prezzi maggio 2014). 140 stanze e 10 suite lusso.
  • 11 Pensione Alfred (Alfréd Panzió), III.Vasút sor 20 (Fermata bus/tram: Békásmegyer station), 36 1 436 93 16, 36 30 525 58 32, fax: 36 1 436 9317, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola €32, doppia 49€, tripla 72€, quadrupla 78€. Stanze famiglia 64-73€ (prezzi 2014). Questa carina pensione è pensata per creare un'atmosfera famigliare con 20 stanze per 45 persone e una sauna all'interno della struttura. La pensione offre anche la possibilità di prenotare escursioni a cavallo, strutture per giocare a tennis, una sala massaggi, un giardino e un parco. Il Wi fi è compreso nel prezzo e d'estate c'è l'aria condizionata.
  • 12 Duna-Party Pension (Duna-Party Panzió), III. Királyok útja 93. (Fermata bus/tram: Szamos utca), 36 1 250 46 22, fax: 36 1 250 3667, @. Ecb copyright.svgDoppie 10.000 HUF,(tutto l'anno eccetto aumenti per Capodanno, campionati di Formula I e per il Sziget Fesztivál). Stanze doppie con bagno in camera e doccia, aria condizionata, internet, TV satellitare, bar e parcheggio inclusi.
  • 13 Remete Hotel (Remete Panzió), III. Remetehegyi út 91. (Fermata bus/tram: Bécsi út / Vörösvári út (capolinea)), 36 1 250-3437, fax: 36 1 250 3437, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola 45-50 €, doppia 50-55 €, tripla 60-65€, quadrupla 65-80 €. Tasse e colazione incluse.
  • 14 Villa Fontana (Villa Fontana Panzió), III. Nánási út 24/a (Fermata bus/tram: Romaifürdo), 36-1 453 09 00, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola 9000 HUF, doppia 13.000 HUF. 9 stanze tutte molto ben attrezzate con bagno in camera, TV satellitare e internet.

High prices

  • 15 The Aquincum Hotel Budapest, III. Árpád fejedelem útja 94. (Fermata bus/tram: Szentlélek tér), 36 1 436 41 00, fax: 36 1 436 4156, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola/Doppia da 60 a 150 € (2014).
  • 16 Holiday Beach Budapest **** (Holiday szálloda), III. Kossuth Lajos üdülőpart 72./Piroska utca 3-5. (Fermata bus/tram: 'Mátyás király út'), 36 1 436 71 60, fax: 36 1 436-7161, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingola/Doppia 79-89 €. Suite Singole/Doppie 89-109 €. Appartamenti famiglia 139-169 € (2014). 68 stanze e suite con parcheggio esterno sorvegliato.

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • 6 Centro culturale di Obuda (Óbudai Kulturális Központ, Internet kávézó), III. San Marco utca 81 (Fermata bus/tram: 'Vihar utca'), 36 1 388 73 70, fax: 36 1 388-23-73, @. Ecb copyright.svg150 HUF ogni mezz'ora. Simple icon time.svgLun-Ven 8:00-20:00. Il centro culturale di Obuda dispone anche di un internet cafè sovvenzionato dall'amministrazione. Nei pressi si trova anche l'interessante Galleria San Marco con alcune mostre.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Óbuda
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Óbuda
3-4 star.svgGuida : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the district without problems. L'articolo contiene un adeguato numero di immagini, un discreto numero di listing. Non sono presenti errori di stile.