Austria - Österrike

Austria - Location
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Austria - Weapons
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Austria[1] is a country in Central Europe. Capital is Vienna.

Planning before the trip

To take with you to Austria

To bring with you from Austria

Facts about Austria

The tributary Lambs in Salzburg

The country is mostly very mountainous, but in the eastern part of the country it is more plains.


Austria was formerly a great power in Europe. Among other things, it had control over Benelux, Czech Republic and Hungary. Austria participated in the First World War 1914-1918, then under the name Austria-Hungary. It was a loss in the war. During World War II received Nazi Germany control over the country.

The locals




Austria can be divided into nine areas; as in Germany, they are called federal states.


These are the largest cities in Austria.

Getting to Austria

By plane

In the biggest cities Vienna, Salzburg, Linz, Thank you, Klagenfurt and Innsbruck there are international airports. There are also a lot of smaller airports.

By bus

By train

You can get to Austria by train from all neighboring countries.

By boat

With car

You can get to Austria by car from all the neighboring countries.

With bike

Relocation in Austria

By plane

By bus

By train

The national operator is called ÖBB [2] and in some places there are small local railway companies. The ticket system works so that you buy a ticket that is valid on any train on a certain route for a month. If you want to get away cheaper, there are low-cost tickets that apply to a certain departure, but they are only available for direct trains and can be purchased via the website.

If you are a group of 2-5 people traveling, there is a cheap day pass, "Easy-out-ticket", which applies to all regional trains in Austria, but not during rush hour. In July 2008, the card cost € 28.

With car

Those who drive a car in Austria should remember that you have to pay for the use of the motorways. Some passes, tunnels and bridges such as The Brenner Pass between Innsbruck and Italy also costs extra. The landscape is really nice at high altitudes. Remember that the car (especially the brakes!) Should be in good condition when driving on mountain roads.

By taxi

With bike

With lifting


Acceptable currencies

The currency is the euro.

Traveler's checks

Charge card

Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted in larger cities and in places where there are a lot of tourists.



Food and drinks

First, you should preferably eat a soup. Usually is clear broth with noodles or shredded pancake so-called. "Fritatensuppe". Two well-known dishes from Austria are wienerschnitzel and apfelstrudel. Strudel is available in many varieties but has in common that it is a form of long roll with filling. Poppy-filled roll is called Mohnstrudel. Knödel is available both as an accessory to the main course, so-called. Semmelknödel and as a dessert when it is filled with apricots, for example.

To see

  • Vienna
  • Salzburg
  • Alps
  • Mountains and deep valleys

To do

In Salzburg and Vienna, a lot revolves around classical music that the country is known for. In other parts of Austria, it is sports that apply. Cycling and hiking in the Alps in summer, slalom and snowboarding in winter.




It is unlikely that a tourist will be involved in a crime in Austria. The biggest danger is usually avalanches in winter.

Police, fire brigade and ambulance can always be called by calling 112. They can also be called by calling 122 (fire brigade), 133 (police), 140 (mountain rescue) and 112 (ambulance).


Problem solver

In Sweden

In place


Absolutely not to be missed