Burgenland - Burgenland

Esterházy square in the city of Eisenstadt
Burgenland - Localization
Coat of arms and flag
Burgenland - Coat of Arms
Burgenland - Flag
Institutional website

Burgenland is one of the federal states (Bundesland) ofAustria.

To know

The Burgenland (in HungarianŐrvidék, in CroatianGradišće, prekmuro Gradišče,SlovenianGradiščanska) is the land Austrian more eastern, flatter and more recent (it has been part of Austria since 1921, following a referendum).

Geographical notes

It borders to the east with theHungary (counties of Győr-Moson-Sopron and of Vas), to the west with the Lower Austria and the Styria. To the south it borders for a few kilometers with the Slovenia (region Overseas/Prekmurje) and north for a few kilometers with the Slovakia (Bratislava region).

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

How to get

How to get around

Burgerland has a dense and well-built road network.

What see

What to do

Where stay

At the table


Other projects