Polynesia - 波利尼西亚

PolynesiaYesOceaniaThe easternmost area; the islands are mostly coral reef islands, but there are also volcanic islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands. Polynesia has the most extensive distribution and the largest number of islands, so it is also called "multi-island".


Polynesia is made up of the following island countries:

Some people think that Polynesia also includes the following regions,

Some people thinknew ZealandIt belongs to Australia, and some people think that New Zealand belongs to Polynesia.


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Polynesia is not a unified civilization, but a collection of many scattered islands, proud of its rich and diverse culture and fascinating history. When most Europeans were still living in the dark ages, Polynesians used their knowledge of stars, weather and wildlife to perfect the art of sailing in small wooden boats in the vast Pacific Ocean. In the end, most of these islands became colonies of European powers, but many indigenous cultures and languages ​​still vividly lasted for several generations.


Polynesia is the collective name for many islands in the central and southern regions of the Pacific Ocean. This area is the Polynesian Triangle. The westernmost point is New Zealand, the northernmost point is Hawaii, and the easternmost point is Easter Island. There are more than 1,000 in this area. Inhabited island. This name was first used by the French writer Charles Bross in 1756 to describe these islands in the Pacific, and it was later reduced to the definition we use today.

The Polynesian archipelago is mainly formed by volcanic eruptions. Many islands have beautiful white beaches, palm trees and clear lagoons. They are indeed paradise on earth.


The Polynesian Islands belong to a tropical climate zone. Although warm and hot, the strong monsoon keeps many islands from becoming too hot. During the typhoon season from January to March, these islands will be affected by typhoons.




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