Agropoli - Agropoli

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The small town Agropoli with the old town on a hilltop and a marina is located on the Cilento coast in the southern Italian province Campania.


Agropoli - view over the city

The small town Agropoli is one of the most important places in the Cilento coast and is located at the western entrance to Parco Nazionale del Cilento. The old town center with the castle is located on a rocky elevation that slopes steeply towards the sea and is therefore strategically located; towards the northeast, the mouth of the river closes after a stretch of beach Testene Via San Marco runs towards Paestum and Salerno North. On the west side, at the foot of the cliff, there is also a stretch of beach and the marina.


The rocky elevation of today's city was already populated by fishermen and hunters / gatherers in prehistoric times. Somewhat at the same time as the foundation of "Poseidonia" / Paestum the Greeks used the estuary of the Testene river as a natural port for trade with the local population and in the 7th century. B.C. An Artemis temple was erected on the top of the rock, the elevation was called "Petra" (rock). In Roman times the settlement "Ercula" existed in the area of ​​the river mouth, with the increasing silting up of the port Paestum the port of Ercula gained in importance.

With the invasion of the Gothic Vandals, the ruling Byzantines (who were under Eastern Roman rule) withdrew in the 5th century. A.D. on the more easily defended rocky hill, the settlement was named Acropolis ("Upper Town"), soon the Bishop of Paestum had to retreat here. The fortress was then conquered in 882 by the Arab Saracens advancing as far as Salerno and the fortifications expanded, in 915 the bishops of Capaccio succeeded in driving the Saracens out.

In the Middle Ages were Agropoli and that close Castellabate awarded as a fiefdom, for the next centuries the city was in the hands of the House of Aragon and the Grimaldis, among others.

getting there

Agropoli Marina
Map of Agropoli
Porta del Cilento

By plane

The nearest international airport is the Naples airportNaples airport in the Wikivoyage travel guide in a different languageNaples Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNaples Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNaples Airport (Q849383) in the Wikidata database(IATA: NAP).

By train

From Napoli Centrale can the train station from 1 Agropoli - Castellabate with the regional train of Trenitalia can be reached in one and a half hours without changing trains.

By bus

The line 34 the CSTP - Azienda della Mobilità Salerno of Salerno leads past Paestum to Agropoli and on over Castellabate to the tourist port town Acciaroli further south.

In the street

From the autobahn A2Salerno - Reggio di Calabria is used from the Symbol: ASBattipaglia the one leading south SS18. The well-developed main road leads past the archaeological site of Paestum towards Agropoli. The old one runs just before the place SS18 through the hills of the Cilento via Ogliastro-Silento further south, the modern partly well developed SP430 runs as a tangent along the town and continues inland to Sapri in the southeast of the Cilento, the SS447 turns south towards the archaeological site of Elea-Velia, Ascea and Palinuro.

The SR267 runs south of the city Castellabate and further as the coastal road Costiera Cilentana to the south.

By boat

The nearest international ferry port is that of Naples, in Salerno mainly cargo and container ships dock, but increasingly also ferry ships. You can moor your private yacht in the marina (Porto turistico).


Locally one moves on foot, the ascent via Via F.Patella to the old town is best done on foot.

Tourist Attractions

From the central 1 Piazza Vittorio Veneto one arrives at the Via F. Patella, which is lined with numerous shops, to the old town. The ascending street finally becomes a flat staircase ("Scaloni"), which leads through the 2 City gate leads to the old town on the hilltop.

Churches and sacred buildings

Chiesa Madre dei Santi Pietro e Paolo
Agropoli: Chiesa Santa Maria di Costantinopoli
  • the 3 Chiesa Santa Maria di Costantinopoli near the city gate at a vantage point over the harbor was also mentioned for the first time in 1583, the altars and altarpieces date from the 18th and 19th centuries. Century
  • the 4 Chiesa Madre dei Santi Pietro e Paolo is the oldest church in Agropoli and is in the tradition of a church mentioned in a papal letter around 593. In the much younger current building there are several altars with altarpieces from the 17th and 18th centuries. Century, the church has recently been extensively restored.

Castles and palazzi

Porta Monumentale
Aragonese Castle
  • the upper town is surrounded by a well-preserved city wall. From the terrace in front of the city gate there is a great view over the harbor and the Cilento coast 5 City gate (Porta Monumentale) is still emblazoned with the coat of arms of the last feudal lords, the Duchi Delli Monti Sanfelice.

Various bars and restaurants can be found in the upper town.

  • The 6 Aragonese Castle was repeatedly expanded into its current triangular shape with three round corner towers on the ground of a first fortification from the Byzantine and Saracen times in the time of the Angioviner and Aragonese, a moat makes access difficult. Through the "Castello" was Marguerite Yourcenar inspired to describe the castle in the novella "Anna Soror".
  • from the 16th century. originating round 7 Torre di San Marco lies on a rocky ledge on the coast north of the city and was part of a series of guard towers built under the Spanish viceroy to counter the pirate threat.
  • the 8 Torre San Francesco is located near the Franciscan convent, founded in 1230, on a rocky promontory west of the port.
  • the lighthouse 9 Faro Punta Fortino was built in 1929 in the Venetian style.
  • the widely visible chimney of the brick factory, which was closed in 1970, remained as 10 "La Fornace" "La Fornace" preserved as an industrial monument.


Alley passage in the old town
  • Visit of the old town
  • You can swim on the beaches on both sides of the cliff, at least as attractive beaches can be found along the coast to the north.
  • Hikes in the vast Parco Nazionale del Cilento, this also includes marine reserves that invite you to snorkel.
  • Visit to the archaeological site of Paestum with the Greek temples (many visitors will visit the region for this reason)


Via F. Patella

Boutiques, jewelery and specialties from the region are available in the shops around Piazza Vittorio Veneto and Via F. Patella, supermarkets for items for daily needs are mainly located along the arteries to the southeast.


There are a number of restaurants and pizzerias in Agropoli, a list can be found on the website of the tourism organization.



Eight middle-class hotels offer accommodation in Agropoli, a list can be found on the website of the tourism organization.


The hospital (Ospedale Civile di Agropoli) was apparently closed last year, the closest hospital is in Battipaglia (near the motorway).

Practical advice

  • Ufficio Postale Agropoli, Via Torres 2/4. Tel.: 0974-846911.


  • the archaeological sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the vicinity of the Vesuvius can be easily reached in a day trip.
  • with the private vehicle is the Amalfi Coast or the also very picturesque Cilento Coast to Palinuro easily accessible.


  • "Anna, soror ...", Marguerite Yourcenar, ISBN 3-924903-05-0 .

Web links

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