Eastern Burma - Birmania orientale

Eastern Burma
Taunggyi city

Eastern Burma is a region of the Burma.

To know

Geographical notes

The Mekong River marks the border between the Shan State and the Laos. This border region is generally known as the Golden Triangle, even if the actual Golden Triangle (or Golden Triangle) is where the Burma, Thailand is Laos meet on the Mekong River. The Golden Triangle region was known to be one of the largest opium producing areas in the world. Opium production today is minimal.

Culture and traditions

The Shan people in Burma are like the Dai people in the Chinese province of Yunnan. It is one of the largest minority groups in Burma. They have fought repeatedly with the central Burmese government for several decades. The central Burmese government has signed peace agreements with some factions in Shan State, granting these groups a high degree of autonomy, including maintaining separate armed forces. The political situation, however, remains relatively unstable. There are many military checkpoints on the few main roads that cross the Shan State Mountain. Every check point marks the boundary between a territory (usually a special district or city) controlled by a different army. In July 2005, the central government official responsible for negotiating these peace agreements was sent to prison for corruption, a potential signal of an attempt by the central government to crack down on rebel Shan armies.

Territories and tourist destinations

  • Shan state - On the border with China, Shan is a state in full economic boom thanks to trade and trafficking with that powerful country, the main ally of the military junta in power in Burma. In the eastern part of the country lies the city of Kengtung, within the Golden triangle, an area dedicated to the cultivation of opium poppies that also extends to neighboring countries, Laos, Thailand is China. Another tourist destination is the Inle Lake, with shallow waters surrounded by villages on stilts inhabited by Intha people.
  • Kayah state (Karenni state) - Small mountainous state where the armed struggle against the military junta is active. It is not allowed to access it

Urban centers

  • Heho - Convenient access point for the Inle Lake.
  • Hsipaw - City on the old Burma Road from Mandalay to Lashio.
  • Kengtung (or Cheingtung, Chiang Tung, Kengtong, Kyaingtong)
  • Kyaukme - Located on the old Burma Road.
  • Loikaw - The capital of the Kayah state can only be visited upon issue of permits issued by the ministry of tourism and approved by the ministry of defense.
  • Mong La - A kind of Las Vegas in Burma which attracts tourists from neighboring states.
  • Mu-se - Border post with Ruili nel Yunnan (China).
  • Tachileik - Border post in Mae Sai a Chiang Rai (Thailand).
  • Taunggyi - Capital of the Shan State, Taunggyi stands at 1,430 meters high. In colonial times it was a popular health resort, today it is just a confusing and chaotic place.

Other destinations

  • Inle Lake - Freshwater lake located in the mountains of the Shan State. It is the second largest lake in Burma.

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • Market of Kengtung - The Kengtung Regional Administrative City Daily Market is a sprawling complex with a wide range of goods, including souvenirs for tourists, although not many tourists hang out there. However, the market is filled with local residents and hill tribe people dressed in their colorful traditional clothing, and Buddhist monks and nuns with their bowls. A visit can take half a day for people watching, shopping, and haggling (this market is much more interesting than the one on the border with Tachileik, where street vendors harass tourists).
  • Giraffe women - A subgroup of the local Kayan population, the Padaung, are famous for the rings some women wear around their necks. These so-called "giraffe women" have become a popular tourist attraction in the Shan State (there are those who speak of exploitation), attracting tourists and consequently economic resources that are not negligible for the area.

What to do

At the table


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