Shan state - Stato Shan

Shan state
Flag of the Shan State.svg
Shan State - Location
Shan State - Flag

Shan state is a state that is part of the confederation of Burma

To know

The state borders on the north, north-east with the province Chinese of the Yunnan (prefectures of Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Baoshan is Dehong), to the southeast with the Laos (provinces of Louang Namtha is Bokeo). To the south it borders the Thailand. For some stretches the international borders are marked by the Mekong River. The "Golden Triangle", strictly speaking to that area of ​​the Mekong River where the borders of Burma, Thailand is Laos. The Golden Triangle it was an area where opium was produced in considerable quantities until the end of the twentieth century. After that, production quickly declined.

The Shan are close relatives of the Dai, present across the border in the province Chinese of the Yunnan. They constitute the largest ethnic minority in theUnion of Myanmar and they fought a long war against the military junta of Yangon. Unlike other ethnic minorities, often harassed by the military junta, the Shan have achieved extensive autonomy including the privilege of maintaining an armed army. Despite this, the political situation in the state remains unstable. There are numerous checkpoints along the mountain roads of the country and especially in the border areas with Thailand and with the China. These checkpoints are managed by several armed factions that have divided the territory with the intent of extorting money from those who pass through it and to control the flow of goods to and from China. In July 2005, a central government official charged with continuing peace negotiations with rebel groups was jailed on corruption charges. According to experts, behind this fact lies the intention of the military junta to regain full control of the region as soon as possible.

Typical fisherman's house on Inle lake
Guan Yin Buddhist Monastery in Taunggyi

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Inle Lake, Shan State's largest tourist attraction
Inle Lake at the first light of dawn
  • Taunggyi - State capital, Taunggyi stands at 1,430 meters high. In colonial times it was a popular health resort, today it is just a confusing and chaotic place.
  • Heho
  • Kengtung (Kyaing Tong or even Keng Tong) - The market in Kengtung city is very colorful with a large amount of fruit, vegetables and food but also with tourist souvenirs - although the presence of Western visitors is a rare phenomenon in these parts. The market is frequented by many people, especially locals but also individuals belonging to the mountain tribes and then Buddhist monks and nuns with their characteristic alms bowl. A nice place to relax and watch all this coming and going much better than other markets such as the one in Tachileik, where tourists are annoyed with the offer of pornographic magazines and smoking.
  • Mong La - A sort of Las Vegas in Burma.
  • Mu-se - Border location opposite to Ruili in Yunnan, China.
  • Tachileik - Border location opposite Mae Sai in Thailand, Chiang Rai province.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

The Daw U pagoda on Inle Lake
Entrance to the Pindaya Caves

What to do

At the table


It is not recommended to visit Shan State.

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