Northern Burma - Birmania settentrionale

Northern Burma

Northern Burma is a region of the Burma.

To know


Kachin state has been de facto independent from central government control since 1962, when the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) unilaterally decided to secede from the Union of Myanmar.

Spoken languages

In certain areas of the Kachin State, the tangerine than is the Burmese or theEnglish.

Territories and tourist destinations

  • Sagaing region - In the northwestern part of the country and with a long border with theIndia, the territory of Sagaing has tourist attractions of some importance, all easily accessible from Mandalay.
  • Kachin state - In the far north of Burma, Kachin is a dream country especially in the mountainous area bordering India, Tibet is Yunnan but "off limits" for individual tourists who can hope for a permit only by resorting to the services of serious agencies Yangon (for example the Myanmar Travel, if it still exists).

Urban centers

  • Bhamo - Located 186 km south of Myitkyina.
  • Laiza - Headquarters of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), on the border with the China.
  • Laja Yang - 20 km from Laiza on the road to Myitkyina.
  • Mai Ja Yang - rebel-run casino-laden border boom town.
  • Monywa - famous for its two huge statues of Buddha and a golden pagoda.
  • Myitkyina - Capital of the Kachin state.
  • Putao (former Fort Hertz) - In a closed valley of the North on the border withIndia, Putao is a mecca for those who love mountain hiking. You can stay there by resorting to the mediation of agencies Yangon or specialized guides who will also procure the required government permits.
  • Shwegu - Located in the far north of Burma.

How to get

By plane

To access government controlled areas such as Myitkyina, there are direct flights from Yangon.

To reach the rebel-controlled north, you may have to contend with massive bureaucracy to obtain the necessary permits, or alternatively exit and enter the China.

On the train

The more adventurous can also choose to travel by train from Mandalay, to reach Myitkyina in 24-30 hours.

How to get around

On boat

Across the Myitsone (Mali Zup), a confluence of the Mali and Nmai rivers, a natural beauty to visit.

What see

What to do

At the table


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