Kachin state - Stato Kachin

Kachin state
Kachin State - Location
Kachin State - Flag
Institutional website

Kachin is the most northern of the states that make up the Burma.

To know

Kachin has long international border lines. To the north it borders in fact with the Tibet; to the east with the China (Yunnan Province). To the west it borders theIndia (state of Arunachal Pradesh).

The state of Kachin was established in 1948 with the colonial districts of Bhamo, Myitkyina is Puta-o (Fort Hertz). The predominant ethnic group of the Kachin live mostly in the mountains, while in the vast flat areas there are elements of Burma and Shan. China had been claiming the entire territory of the state since the 18th century but by 1960 its claims ceased.

In Konbaung era, 75% of the jadeite that was extracted from the Hpakant mines entered China where it was highly prized.

Kachin troops formed a significant part of the Burmese army. In 1962, following the unilateral repeal of the Burmese Union constitution by dictator Ne Win, the Kachin withdrew to found the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) under the control of the Independence Organization of the Kachin. With the exception of the Plains areas, Kachin was virtually independent from 1960 to 1994 with an economy based on smuggling of drugs and jade. In 1994, however, after the government army had regained control of the Hpakant jade mines, a peace treaty was signed that allowed the KIO to have wide control over several areas of the state. As a result of the ceasefire, the organization split into several factions that did not agree on the treaty, thus helping to maintain a high level of political instability in the region.

At the present time, the KIO with its vice president Gauri Zau Seng is an ally of the military regime in power in Burma [1] (year 2007)

The Kachin practiced and still practice a kind of itinerant agriculture. Their traditional religious form was animism whose rites are still widely practiced despite many of them having converted to Christianity thanks to the intense work of Catholic missionaries but above all of the Baptist Church.

Spoken languages

The Chinese language can be of great help to visitors to this remote region, much more than Burmese and English.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Myitkyina - The capital of Kachin, the only place open to tourism (organized).
  • Bhamo - 186 km south of Myitkyina with a picturesque market and nearby remains of walls that encircled the city of Sampanago, founded by the Shan.
  • Hapkant - Center of extraction of jadeite, a stone that has always been highly appreciated by Chinese merchants, Hapkant is west of Myitkyina at a distance of about 150 km, on the border with Sagaing region. The area is closed to tourism but if you like jade it is not necessary to come here because it is smuggled in large quantities in the streets of Myitkyina. Keep in mind that you will not be able to get it out, given the meticulous checks you will be subjected to at customs. Surely you will risk spending a few years of your life in the unwelcoming prisons of this country.
  • Putao (Fort Hertz in colonial times) - In a closed valley of the North on the border with theIndia, (state of Arunachal Pradesh), Putao is a mecca for those who love mountain hiking. You can stay there by resorting to the mediation of agencies in Yangon or specialized guides who will also obtain the required government permits.

How to get

By plane

  • Myitkyina has an airport with direct flights to Yangon. The more adventurous (and patient) might try to take the train from Mandalay which takes about 24-30 hours without counting any unforeseen events.
  • Putao it also has an airport runway available to planes with groups on board who have signed travel plans proposed by travel agencies Yangon

How to get around

Except for Myitkyina and surroundings, under the control of the KIO, the rest of the territory is closed to tourism and permits are difficult to obtain unless the Yangon agencies reach a sufficient number of members to be able to organize the trip. However, some western tourists took a peek at the territory from the top of the mountain passes that communicate with the Nunjang valley (Yunnan).

What see

What to do

At the table


Travel Notice!ATTENTION: Given the high political instability of the Kachin, it is absolutely not advisable to go to Kachin, even in the few areas open to tourism.AIDS it is becoming an ever-increasing phenomenon in Kachin

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