Southeastern Burma - Birmania sudorientale

Southeastern Burma
Friendship Bridge between Thailand and Myanmar on Asian Highway 1

Southeastern Burma is a region of the Burma.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

  • Karen state (or Kayin state) - A state bordering the Thailand this too characterized by armed insurrection. It is not allowed to enter the territory but the Pass of the Three Pagodas it can be easily visited from Thailand thanks to a temporary permit issued at customs.
  • State Mon - A state created in 1974 to formally correspond to the demands of autonomy of the Mon people. Its main attraction is the Kyaiktiyo pagoda built on a boulder poised over a ravine.
  • Tanintharyi region (Tenassarim) - In the extreme southeast of Burma, the Tanintharyi region has a very long coastline and an unspoiled archipelago, theMergui Archipelago (clearly close Mengui), inhabited by people who practice itinerant fishing and for this reason called "The gypsies of the sea". Crossing the territory of Tanintharyi involves great risks due to the presence of brigands who regularly strip unwary travelers of their possessions. So if you want to visit the archipelago advertised to the sound of fanfare by documentaries of the publishing house National Geographic it will be necessary to resort to an agency of Yangon or, even worse, to some ravenous Italian Tour Operator who will provide safe travel both by air and by sea. In reality it is not necessary to give so much money and if you are satisfied with a more superficial ride some motor boats at infinitely lower prices you will find them with a little luck at Ranong or better yet a Phuket (Southern Thailand). Attention, however, both to the "gypsies of the sea" because they are addicted to the consumption of drugs served up by cunning merchants of fish products, and to the units of the Burmese navy who do not go so much in velvet gloves with boats wandering around the archipelago. .

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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