Borghetto (Valeggio sul Mincio) - Borghetto (Valeggio sul Mincio)

Valeggio sul Mincio-Ponte visconteo.jpg
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Borghetto is a city of Veneto, fraction of Valeggio sul Mincio.

To know

Borghetto rises in the valley of the Mincio river and is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

Borghetto rises in the valley of the Mincio river, at the foot of the Visconti bridge. The Mantua-Peschiera railway station stood near the inhabited center. Part of the site of this line has been reused for the cycle path that connects Mantua to Peschiera del Garda along the Mincio for long stretches.


Located in the point where since ancient times (and then in the Lombard period) there was a ford on the Mincio in the early Middle Ages, it was configured as a minimal preparation, fiefdom of the abbey of San Zeno, with the function of toll collection on the bridge wooden. In the Scaliger and then Visconti epochs it was at the center of the events that led to the construction of the various artifacts that surround it (the Visconti Bridge, the Scaligero Castle, the Seraglio). Its transformation into a fortified village dates back to this period, with two access gates and a polygonal circle of walls with towers surrounded by the Seriola pit (which draws water from the Mincio. On 30 May 1796 a battle took place here in which Napoleon defeated the Austrians; on 6 August of the same year it was the scene of a French cannonade. In the nineteenth century Borghetto found itself involved in varying degrees in the wars of the Risorgimento: on 9 April 1848 there was a clash between the Piedmontese and the Austrians, who retreated, spoiling the wooden bridge; on June 29, 1859, Niel's French III Corps stopped there. Following the second war of independence Borghetto, being on the right of the Mincio river, was assigned to the Kingdom of Italy, while the municipal capital remained in the Kingdom Lombardy-Veneto. In 1954, some scenes of the film Senso by Luchino Visconti were shot near the wooden bridge over the Mincio. of the twentieth century an intense restoration work that has redeveloped the houses straddling the Mincio which have been transformed into public places.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

How to get around

By bike

What see

Valeggio sul Mincio Loc. Borghetto.jpg
  • 1 Borgo Antico, the Mincio and the mills.

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  • Church of San Marco.

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  • 2 Visconti bridge. Built in 1393 and completed in 1395 at the behest of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, in order to guarantee the impenetrability of the eastern borders of the duchy. It was once connected to the overhanging Scaliger Castle by two high crenellated curtains and integrated into the fortified complex called Serraglio, which extended for about 16 km in the Veronese plain to the marshes of Grezzano. The purpose of the construction was to form a dam to block and divert the waters of the Mincio from its normal path to Mantua. Subsequent historical events and even technical complications thwarted this understanding. The central fortress is located almost astride the Mincio, in the area below there were the river mouths blown up in 1701 by the French, now the lateral parts of the arches and the support bases on the bottom of the Mincio are visible. In the twenties of the twentieth century the current iron bridge was built which restored the traffic on the bridge; in the thirties it was the subject of works to the east for the passage of the Virgilio Canal and its service road and to the west for the short tunnel of the Mantua-Peschiera railway; in the 1950s the Mincio diversion canal was built to protect the town of Borghetto from floods. Towards the end of the twentieth century the eastern fortress was partially restored and made safe; over the decades the conditions of the walls have worsened with continuous crumbling and removal of fragments. In 2007 the bridge was included in the list of one hundred monuments to be saved worldwide, because they are in serious danger by the World Monuments Fund (Wmf).

Events and parties

  • 1 Feast of the Knot of Love, @. Ecb copyright.svgAccess is allowed only with a ticket, to be booked and purchased at the restaurants belonging to the Valeggio Restaurateurs Association. Every year on the 3rd Tuesday of June at the Ponte Visconteo di Borghetto more than 3,000 diners find themselves seated along two tables of about 600 meters, to taste the famous "Tortellini di Valeggio" called "Nodo d'Amore".

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Valeggio sul Mincio
  • Bridges over the Mincio
  • Peschiera del Garda - On the lower shore of the lake, where the Mincio is formed, its historic core is still surrounded by walls and four corner bastions; the Austrians made it one of the cornerstones of the so-called Quadrilateral with Mantua, Legnago is Verona. The portion of its territory that extends towards Sirmione it takes the name of Lugana, where the famous wine of the same name is produced.

Lake Garda - It is one of the great Lombard lakes; the eastern shore is Venetian, the tip to the north it is thirty. A destination for climatic tourism since the nineteenth century, every coastal town lives and develops with tourism. Main destinations are Sirmione, Desenzano del Garda, Salò, Riva del Garda, Garda, Peschiera del Garda.


Morainic hills of Lake Garda
  • In the lands of the Gonzagas - An itinerary through the centers, large and small, which were the capitals of the Gonzaga cadet branches: principalities, marquisates, duchies which, within the Mantuan state structure, enjoyed real independence, often minted coins and held refined courts that rivaled that of Mantua, embellished their urban centers by equipping them with elegant architecture - churches, squares, palaces, walls, towers - and characteristic urban views such as the typical Gonzaga arcades.
  • Morainic hills of Lake Garda - On the first corrugations of the Po plain that becomes a hill, where the great lake basin of the Lake Garda, the route touches towns and cities that were the domain of Gonzaga, Venice, Scaligero, and then became the scene of the bloody battles of the Risorgimento that were the prelude to the unification of Italy. To the tourist, historical and naturalistic importance the area combines an oenological interest as an area of ​​production of wines from the hills, tokai, merlot and claret.
  • Places of the battle of Solferino and San Martino - The itinerary runs through the places where the historic one took place on 24 June 1859 battle of Solferino and San Martino.
  • Walled cities of Veneto. An itinerary to discover the strongholds and the history of Veneto.
  • Rice road - The itinerary - to be carried out in particular from May to September - runs through the Mantua area dedicated to the cultivation of rice, between rivers and canals.
  • Valle dell'Adige cycle path

Other projects

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