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Green cap
​((pt)Cabo Verde, (kea)Cabo-verdiano)
Forte Real de São Filipe
Forte Real de São Filipe
Flag of Cape Verde.svg
Capital city
Form of State
Official language
Other languages
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
15 ° 58 ′ 30 ″ N 23 ° 54 ′ 54 ″ W
Official site

The islands of Green cap, in long form the Republic of Cape Verde, form an island country in theAtlantic Ocean off theAfrica. The islands were deserted before their discovery and colonization by the Portuguese during the XVe century. They then became a crossing point for the slave trade before being a supply stopover for whalers and transatlantic cargo ships. Cape Verdeans are a mixed race people and the majority have Portuguese as well as African ancestry. Cape Verde gained its independence in 1975, culturally halfway between the Caribbean and Africa, yet they are geographically only a few hundred kilometers west of Senegal. The last stopover for many sailors before the trans-Atlantic, Cape Verde will seduce you with its softness and tranquility, as you will often hear and see there: "Cape Verde, No Stress"


Cape Verde enjoys a dry tropical climate. The differences are very small during the year; thanks to the remoteness of the continent and the sea air, temperatures rarely exceed 25 ° C, in July and August. The rainy season is limited to a handful of showers in summer. In winter, the trade wind sets in for a long time; it is sometimes loaded with sand from the Sahara and is then called the harmattan.

There is no typical tourist season, Cape Verde is pleasant to visit all year round. Plan a sweater all the same for the evenings which can be quite cool and the mountainous islands.


Cape Verde is made up of ten large islands, nine of which are inhabited, and a multitude of pebbles. The islands are divided into two groups: the Barlaventos (windward) to the north and the Sotaventos (leeward) to the south.

Cabo Verde regions map.png
Santo Antão
Main producer of sugar cane, and a hiker's paradise.
São Vicente
Homeland of singer Cesaria Evora, São Vicente was for a long time an obligatory crossing point for navigation on the Atlantic. Its port, Mindelo, has lost its past influence but has managed to retain this maritime spirit. A sort of port of Amsterdam in the tropics.
Santa Luzia
Santa Luzia is uninhabited but can be visited in a day trip by boat from São Vicente.
São Nicolau
Very rural, second island for the production of sugar cane.
With its sandy beaches, tourist island par excellence. It is nice to relax there the day after arrival, but it would be a shame to keep only this image.
Boa Vista
A flat island covered with sand and palm trees. And also a tourist island.
Its white sand beaches, its lobsters, its calm.
The island of the capital, Praia. Agricultural, mountainous, traditional, confusing and generous at the same time.
Magnificent village of Chão das Caldeiras, located in an ancient collapsed crater and at the foot of an active volcano.
The island of flowers, still wild.


  • 1 Praia  – the capital
  • 2 Mindelo  – on the island of São Vicente

Other destinations

See as well: World Heritage in Cape Verde

Every year, at the beginning of February, the Carnival of Mindelo, kind of Rio de Janeiro in miniature which constitutes a reason in itself to go to Green cap. Colorful floats parade through the streets for two whole days, and a large majority of the inhabitants are in disguise; children or old people, carnival is trans-generational. This event is an opportunity to see Cape Verdeans dancing, drinking and partying and to share with them the fervor of Carnival. The floats and the costumes that you will see parading in the streets during the parade, were manufactured throughout the year and their sophistication as well as their number reflects quite well the economic health of the city: a year with few floats. and simple costumes often mean that the finances of the locals have not been very good.

If you like calm, inquire before visiting Sao Vincente because the streets of Mindelo get noisy and if you don't participate in the party and are staying in one of the hotels in town you may have a really hard time getting to sleep as Cape Verdeans genuinely dance and sing all night long If, on the other hand, you want to share an important moment in the life of Cape Verdeans, find out beforehand about the dates of the Carnival and try to go to the Green cap during this period, lasting memories guaranteed!

To go


A Visa is necessary for all foreigners. The formalities "can" be done on site, whether you arrive by plane or by boat.

Due to international procedures aimed at securing transport, particularly by air, you may be asked for a visa for boarding.

The formalities for obtaining a visa are simple, fast and inexpensive. To be requested from embassies or consulates.

  •      Green cap
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa on arrival

By plane

  • 1 Amílcar-Cabral International Airport (IATA : SID, ICAO: GVAC, Aeroporto Internacional Amílcar Cabral) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (km west-southwest of Espargos, on the island of Sal, northeast of the archipelago) – main airport of the country. Platform for Cabo Verde Airlines and Cabo Verde Express.
  • 2 Cesária-Évora International Airport (IATA : VXE, ICAO: GVSV, Aeroporto Internacional Cesária Évora) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element in São Pedro (km southwest of Mindelo, on São Vicente Island, northwest of the archipelago)
  • 3 Rabil Airport (IATA : BVC, ICAO: GVBA, Aeroporto Internacional Aristides Pereira) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (km south-east of Sal Rei, on the island of Boa Vista)

TAP Air Portugal was for a long time the only way to land in Cape Verde, via Lisbon. In recent years, Cabo Verde Airlines has also offered international and intercontinental flights from Praïa, Sal and Sao Vicente (Mindelo). Charter companies also offer connections from Europe to the most touristic islands. There are also connections between Praia and Dakar (Senegal).

If you plan to go on Christmas or during Carnival, consider booking your ticket well in advance. It is indeed these two periods that many expatriates prefer to visit their families back home and the flights are taken by storm.

On a boat


By plane

São Filipe Airport.

Most of the islands are connected by air, except Sao Antao whose airport is closed (connected to Sao Vicente by boat) and Brava which has no airport (connected to Fogo by boat).


Aluguer in Tarrafal.

Literally, the aluguer means "for rent". These are minibuses that crisscross the islands in search of customers or goods to transport. The price of the trip is ridiculous, but it is necessary to admit a certain flexibility of the schedules and the route. There are also taxis on the larger islands, but much more expensive and less friendly. Renting a car (with or without a driver) is possible and is a good solution to reach certain sparsely populated places. Aluguer drivers offer fixed prices… which are negotiable.

On a boat

The ferry connects São Vicente and Santo Antão daily.

By sail, we cross from one island to another in one night of navigation. The headlights have not been in operation for a long time, so arriving at night is excluded. Leave in the evening to arrive the next morning. The archipelago is well covered by the work Atlantic Islands(ISBN2914423101).


While the official language is Portuguese, the lingua franca is Krioulo. The latter will be promoted as the second official language during 2005. French is fairly widely understood and spoken throughout the archipelago.


The currency of Cape Verde is the Cape Verdean escudo (escudo, CVE)

The euro is fairly widely accepted, especially in the city.

We do not haggle in Cape Verde, the prices are fixed and correct. No need to look for the scam, except perhaps in the few very touristy places.

Local products are very inexpensive but not very varied due to the small size of the country. Imported products, on the other hand, are much more expensive. You will promote the local economy by favoring food produced on site.


You will be offered rice with all the dishes. Delicately scented, a little sticky, often accompanied by potatoes, sometimes accompanied by red beans.


Excellent everywhere, many species available depending on the fishing season.

Mindelo has a wonderful fish market. Count 50 escudos for a kilogram of small fish. You will be offered to scale it for an additional 20 escudos per kilo.

We regularly find moray eel, fresh tuna (300 escudos per kilogram), bonito, grouper, and lobster (1400).


The meat is most often served as a stew with cassava, kidney beans and rice. Try the goat if you like tasty meats.


You will find almost exclusively fresh goat cheese in all markets.


Bananas, guavas, tamarind, dates, oranges, papayas, mangoes, etc. depending on the season.

Have a drink / Go out

The national drink is rum, called grogue, consumed dry, with coconut milk (pontche de coco) or cane sugar syrup (pontche de mel). Very good white wine, as well as red, is also produced on the island of Fogo.

São Vicente

  • Snack-Bar-Casa Azul, the only bar with a terrace with a panoramic view of the magnificent bay of Mindelo.
  • Café Musique, rue de Lisboa, now closed
  • Katedral: in the street of the TACV agency, on the first floor on a large terrace. Small concerts some evenings, acceptable cuisine, pleasant place in summer. Cyber ​​cafe and pool table.
  • Alliance française: snack in the courtyard, great for outdoor lunches
  • Archotte: it's very good but it's long, however the music helps to be patient
  • Tabuh: in rue du Syrius near Praça Amilcar Cabral, bar open at night, giant screen, nice cocktails, nice decor
  • Club Nautico, in front of the port, lively when there are sailboats, dead the rest of the year.
  • Boa Vista, near praça nova: good for drinking caipirinas and rums very late at night
  • Casa Café Mindelo: nice pleasant place, international lounge atmosphere, facing the sea, no live music
  • The stopover: behind the praça, it's very quiet and quite good
  • Nella's, on rue de Lisboa, Cape Verdean and Brazilian restaurant.
  • Caravel on Laginha beach: for lunch in the open air, a stone's throw from the small rollers of Laginha beach, good inexpensive food, nightclub on weekends
  • Manuel d'Novas Café: in the street to the right of the court / palace, after the old school: bar open at night, with sometimes good concerts, young atmosphere
  • Tradisom on the port: a little did you see me, but good food
  • In Cave: of all the discos, this is the only one where you can dance for a while to Cape Verdean rhythms (coladeira, funana) other than zouk. Weekend only
  • Caravelle under the bar of the same name: leading disco since its opening in 2006, all the youth of the city meet there
  • Syrius, near the Amilcar Cabral square, good, very warm atmosphere, younger audience than in Cave, the music is also much younger, the noise level too!
  • Gatchode, not far from the Syrius, after dinner, to eat while accompanying the sunrise
  • Fund'Mar in the rue de Lisboa: night bar with a whole different atmosphere populated by midinettes watching American soul or hip-hop clips, open until very late, it's clean, good-natured atmosphere, with good pizzas


The literacy rate is the highest in West Africa.

To work


  • Internet cafes: you will find at least one on each island, the quality of the equipment and the connections varies greatly between urban and rural areas.
  • Mobile phone operator: CV Movel (prefix: 238).


Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :132
Firefighter :131

Cape Verde is a reputedly safe country. Apart from the usual precautions (do not take too much cash, avoid showing valuables), there is no risk to report.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


No particular health risk thanks to the generally dry climate and the isolated location of the archipelago. No prophylactic treatment for malaria is necessary. The only precaution to take is not to drink tap water, especially after a cut in the running water network.

You will be asked for a yellow fever vaccination certificate if you are arriving from an infected area.



Cape Verde suffers from drought all year round. Food aid and the putting into operation of desalinators have averted the terrible famines which, in the past, killed up to half of the population. However, water remains a precious commodity to be saved by all means. Limiting the number and time spent in the shower, and using water sparingly are behaviors to adopt to protect the islands and their inhabitants.


There is no particular dress code to be observed. In general, Africans are concerned about their appearance and rarely dress in a sloppy manner. They sometimes have trouble understanding the scruffy outfits of tourists, who are supposed to be rich enough to dress properly… It is forbidden to walk around topless in cities and to enter administrations other than in pants-shirt-dresses : no shorts, no bustier.

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