Historical center of Palermo - Centro storico di Palermo

Historical center of Palermo
Historical center of Palermo
Palermo historic center - Location

The Historical center of Palermo (or I District) is a district of the city of Palermo.

To know

Palermo is certainly the largest historical center in Europe.

Geographical notes

Giacomo Serpotta
Stucco of the oratory of Santa Cita in Palermo

Giacomo Serpotta he is a rather recurrent master plasterer in Palermo as he produced amazing stucco sculptures in the main churches and oratories of the historic center. His sculptures possess an incredible compositional quality whose Baroque construction makes one of the unmistakable characteristics of his style.

It is the smallest and oldest district of Palermo, the land is characterized by a slight slope slightly sloping towards the sea, where there is a natural harbor, now used as a tourist port (la Cala). In the past it was divided by two rivers, the Kemonia and the Papireto, buried and partly diverted towards the Oreto river. The subsoil is composed almost exclusively of materials accumulated over the centuries at the mouth of the two rivers.

The district is bounded to the east by the coastline, to the south by via Lincoln, to the west by the building curtain of the Palazzo dei Normanni and to the north by via Cavour. The four districts all intersect at the Four Canti, forming with the streets Maqueda and the Cassaro. Via Roma also has great importance, which cuts the district almost parallel to Via Maqueda. Along the coastal strip it is crossed by the marine ring road, or via Crispi.

How to orient yourself

On the piazza Giulio Cesare overlooks the entrance of the Palermo Centrale station, an Umbertino-style building, built together with the square in 1866.

From here begins the via Roma, a long straight that points north to stop as far as the Politeama theater.

One block left from Central Station begins via Maqueda with a trend parallel to the previous one.

The two routes are the result of demolitions carried out in different eras. Via Maqueda was opened at the beginning of the 17th century and bears the name of the one who traced it, the Duke of Maqueda. Via Roma, on the other hand, was built at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Among the roads with a horizontal course it should be mentioned via Abraham Lincoln which starts from Piazza Giulio Cesare and ends on the seafront in a green area consisting of the gardens of Villa Giulia and the adjacent botanical garden.

Further north and always with a horizontal trend it is Càssaro or Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the oldest street in Palermo. The intersection with via Maqueda is known as "Quattro Canti" (official name Piazza Vigliena)

Further north, via Roma and Maqueda cross the via Cavour which marks the limit of the historic center. The artery starts from piazza Verdi where the Massimo theater is and ends in piazza XIII Vittime, in memory of the Rivolta della Gancia which accompanied the expedition of the Thousand in 1860.


The four districts of the historic center of Palermo

The historic center of Palermo is divided into four districts called mandamenti and listed below:

      Hotel house (or Albergaria) - To the west of via Maqueda extends the Albergheria district with the Norman Palace and the Palatine chapel.
      Kalsa (or Courts) - East of Via Maqueda is the district of Kalsa, of Arab origin.
      The Loggia (or also Castellammare district) - The district north of Kalsa that surrounds La Cala, the tourist port of Palermo.
      The boss (or Seralcadio or Monte di Pietà) - Seat of the homonymous popular market but also the Cathedral district.

How to get

  • 1 Palermo Central Station, Piazza Giulio Cesare. There are long-distance trains to and from Milan Central, Rome Terms, Turin Porta Nuova and other major Italian cities.
As for regional connections, there are direct trains to the cities of Messina, Catania, Agrigento is Trapani. Palermo Central Station on Wikipedia Palermo Centrale station (Q801315) on Wikidata
  • 2 Palazzo Reale-Orleans station. Palazzo Reale-Orleans station on Wikipedia Palazzo Reale-Orleans station (Q3970398) on Wikidata

How to get around

What see

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

  • 1 Four Canti. Quattro Canti (Palermo) on Wikipedia Quattro Canti (Q1665695) on Wikidata

What to do

  • 1 Take a run to the Foro Italico (Marina walk). Foro Italico (Palermo) on Wikipedia Foro Italico (Q604483) on Wikidata


Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

Palermo market

In the center of Palermo you cannot miss the historical markets such as the Vucciria (in the neighborhood The Loggia) or I'll dance (in the neighborhood Hotel house) and the Cape market (in the neighborhood The boss). They are not only a place to shop on a budget but above all for the colors and human typing for which it seems to be in Middle East. Guy de Maupassant visiting Palermo he writes:

«... what always arouses, as soon as you set foot in Sicily, the deep impression of the East is the timbre of the voice, the nasal intonation of the auctioneers in the streets. It is found everywhere, the acute note of Arabic, that note that seems to descend from the forehead into the throat, while, in the north, it rises from the chest to the mouth. "

Within the neighborhood The Loggia between the streets to the right of the Cathedral of Palermo is the so-called Gold market, a concentration of goldsmiths and jewelers that seem to recall an Arab souk.

How to have fun

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

Night clubs

The nightlife is concentrated in the streets where there are the greatest number of clubs. The vucciria market at night turns into a great nightlife, here you can find many places that sell drinks at a lower cost than the places in other areas, and corners where street food is sold, from sandwich with panelle and crocchè to sandwich with the spleen, from stigghiola to octopus. But also via Paternostro, near the ancient focacceria or Piazza Giovanni Meli.

Where to eat

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

Where stay

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

How to keep in touch

Useful information

  • 3 UNESCO Visitor Center, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 353 (Next to Palazzo Riso), 39 0916116368. information on the monuments of Palermo and especially on the Unesco ones.

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