Cervignano del Friuli - Cervignano del Friuli

Cervignano del Friuli
Entrance to the castle below Strassoldo, a hamlet of Cervignano
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Cervignano del Friuli
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Cervignano del Friuli is a city of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To know

Geographical notes

Located in the Friuli plain, the city is one of the main centers of the southern area and is within sight of the lagoon coast. It is 14 km from Degree, 10 from Palmanova, 7 from Aquileia.


The history of Cervignano is linked to the foundation of Aquileia in 181 BC. The birth of Cervignano, as praedium or villa, must therefore be ascribed to the Roman strategy of urbanization. Moreover, near Cervinianum, the emperor Constantine II died in an ambush by the army of his brother Costante I, in April 340.

Cervignano is attested in the sources starting from 912 with the toponyms Cerveniana or Cirvignanum. The term derives from the proper name of an ancient Roman family, Cervenius or Cervonius, with the suffix -anus to indicate belonging. The popular etymology connects it, however, to "deer", given the presence in the past of vast woods that are said to have been populated by deer, hence the left side of the city symbol. The anchor on the right side instead recalls the ancient river port on the Ausa, once the main economic engine of the city.From the eighth century it was the seat of a Benedictine abbey dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel: assigned to the famous Aquileian monastery of Santa Maria (11th century), the count of Gorizia exercised the rights of avocacy there.

In 1420 it passed under Venice. In 1477, following the peace stipulated between Frederick of Habsburg and the Turkish Empire, with which the Habsburg emperor undertook not to interfere with Turkish enterprises against the Friulian lands, the Ottoman raids also began, favored also by the Count of Gorizia Leonardo. which allowed free passage and settlement in his lands. In Cervignano the Venetian militias commanded by Giovanni Novello opposed a heroic, albeit vain, resistance to the hordes of Turkish looters on the Isonzo.

In 1509 it passed under the county of Gorizia, recently annexed to the Austrian Empire, except for a brief Venetian occupation during the war of Please in 1615-'17. Following the Napoleonic wars, in 1805 with the Peace of Presburgo Cervignano passed under the Italian-French possession: the region to the west of the Isonzo was included in the Italic Kingdom.In 1813 the whole region was reconquered by Austria and the Congress of Vienna in 1815 he confirmed this state of affairs. The Ausa, just outside the town to the south-west, marked the international border between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy from 1866, the end year of the Third Italian War of Independence, when the Veneto and the Friuli western were annexed to Italy, until the First World War. It is precisely from the square immediately facing the current bridge over the Ausa that, in the First World War, the first artillery shot by Italy was fired. On site there is still a plaque commemorating the event, as well as the cannon bullet, never exploded and defused, still stuck in the wall of the building.

Cervignano was the seat of strong irredentism movements that hoped for the transition to Italy. The city was taken on May 24, 1915 by the Italian Bersaglieri and became the seat of the III Army commanded by Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Duke of Aosta. The city was repeatedly bombed by Austrian troops during the war period; large-caliber artillery fired from the heights of the Carso while several air raids followed one another. The Italian Army equipped the city with various reinforced concrete artifacts as shelters for the population to the aforementioned bombings (shelters which, in part, still exist) .After the defeat of Caporetto, those who remained had to undergo heavy occupation and retaliation by the army Austro-Hungarian, who hanged various alleged collaborators as a warning to the population. When October 30, 1918 Trieste proclaimed the detachment fromAustria, the Irredentists of Cervignano proclaimed Cervignano the second city after Trieste "which alone frees itself from the Austrian yoke". Florence. In the afternoon of the same day, General Oreste De Gasperi arrived in Cervignano to whom the Public Health Committee symbolically handed over the city.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Muscoli, Pradiziolo, Scodovacca and Strassoldo.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

Cervignano is an important crossroads, as it is located at the intersection of the state road 352 State Road 352 Italia.svgUdine-Degree and the state 14 Strada Statale 14 Italia.svgVenice-Trieste; it is also the starting point of the state road State Road 351 Italia.svg directed to Gorizia at the border crossing.

On boat

  • Italian traffic signs - marina icon.svg The city stretch of the Ausa river, despite having long lost its function as a commercial port and a communication route, is still navigable up to the Cervignano bridge and used primarily for recreational purposes.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon It is an important railway junction with the marshalling yard that will soon be integrated into the planned Alpe Adria freight village.

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Duomo. Built in 1964 on a project by the Udine architect Giacomo Della Mea according to daring criteria of modernity, functional and symbolic, dedicated to the Madonna of Fatima, in it there is an imposing bronze crucifix made by the sculptor Max Piccini. Recently on the walls, on panels, the artist Paolo Orlando painted paintings depicting moments from the life of Christ. The Baptistery was completed with three works by the Cervignano painter Giuseppe Zigaina. Cathedral of Cervignano del Friuli on Wikipedia cathedral of Cervignano del Friuli (Q56613338) on Wikidata
  • Mother Church of San Michele Arcangelo. Built in 1780 next to the ancient Benedictine Abbey destroyed by the Hungarians; inside, the newly restored frescoes of the distinguished Venetian painter Sebastiano Santi, executed in 1846. Recently restored, it was consigned to the cult after several years in 1994. The works made it possible to identify interesting finds from the Roman era and remains of burials from the period underground. medieval can be visited in a vast crypt. At the foot of the bell tower of the 11th century, a valuable Lombard period mosaic is visible, discovered in 1915 during work by the Italian Army. Recently it has also been possible to ascertain the existence, on the basis of archive photos, of another mosaic depicting a golden eagle without being able to identify its location. The church also housed a monumental high altar, which disappeared into thin air, however, in the period in which the building was closed before reopening following the latest restoration work.
  • Villa Bresciani-Attems-Auersperg, via Trieste. From the majestic white stone staircase that leads to the ashlar portal surrounded by the remains of the ancient park.
  • Chapel of the Holy Cross. Noble chapel of the Bresciani - Attems - Auersperg families located in the park of the homonymous villa with entrance in via Trieste. Inside there is a monumental wooden crucifix from the 12th century by an unknown sculptor of the Pusterese school. Recently restored it has been restored to its original splendor. In the occipital part of the head a small cross in silver and enamels of Byzantine manufacture was found.
  • Villa Chiozza. Residence of the scientist Luigi Chiozza, who dedicated his experience and his love for botany to the creation of the splendid park. Chiozza was appointed academician of France for his scientific studies on agriculture and sericulture; he collaborated with the scientist Pasteur who, for a period, was his guest in that of Scodovacca. The villa and park, formerly the seat of ERSA (Regional Agency for the Promotion and Development of Agriculture of Friuli-Venezia Giulia) and of the weather station, is currently owned by the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region.
  • Villa De Obizzi Lanzone (Borgo Gortani).
  • Strassoldo Castle. In the hamlet of Strassoldo (which was once a municipality) there are two castles, that of Sopra and that of Sotto, with an adjoining church dedicated to San Nicolò, now a parish church. Here the wedding of the Austrian Marshal Radetzski with a Strassoldo was officiated. The village was also the residence of Baron Franz Kuhm, dignitary of the Austrian court and field marshal of the army.
  • Church of Santa Maria in Vineis. In the Gallo village, surrounded by a wall, there is the small church of Santa Maria in Vineis (named in a will of 1334) which, recently restored, collects a cycle of frescoes depicting stories from the Old and New Testament. In the church there was also a large crucifix from the seventeenth century; it appears to be one of the four casts of a 12th century original located in Pordenone. It was exhibited in the parish sacristy before being transferred to the laboratories of the Superintendency, where it is currently for restoration.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 4 Lovisoni, Piazza Unita d'Italia, 27, 39 0431 32163.

How to keep in touch


  • Aquileia - It was an important Roman city; its excavation area of ​​that period is certainly unique in the regional context for importance, quality and quantity of evidence, and is rightfully placed among the archaeological destinations of great national importance. It was later the most important center of the region in medieval times; the Patriarchate of Aquileia reached the apex of its splendor in the first decades of the year 1000: its splendid Romanesque Basilica remains.
  • Degree - Formerly a Roman port for the trade of Aquileia, the ancient lagoon city has a very respectable historic center. In contemporary times it has developed an important seaside activity.
  • Palmanova - Fortress city planned by the Venetians in 1593 to defend its borders with the Austrian empire, it is called the starry city for its polygonal star shape with 9 points.
  • Gradisca d'Isonzo - It is one of the centers of the association of the most beautiful villages in Italy. It was a Venetian city fortified against the incursions of the Turks; passed under the Habsburgs it lived its golden period during which it prospered becoming the seat of the County and greatly enriching its urban structure.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cervignano del Friuli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cervignano del Friuli
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