Contursi Terme - Contursi Terme

Contursi Terme
Panorama of Contursi
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Contursi Terme
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Contursi Terme (Cuntùrs in contursano dialect) is a city in the province of Salerno in Campania.

To know

The town of Contursi Terme is a renowned tourist-spa center located south of the province of Salerno. Always famous, already in the first century after Christ, Pliny the Elder wrote about the extraordinary properties of the thermal waters of Contusi, to which Virgilio, Strabone and Silvio Italico also mention. the waters of Contursi Terme give life to modern thermal complexes.

Geographical notes

The center is located on a small hill overlooking the Sele valley.

The municipality is bathed by the Tanagro and Sele rivers. Right on the banks of the latter there are several thermal structures.

When to go

The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is 6.9 ° C; that of the hottest month, July, is 24.5 ° C.


Probably inhabited since prehistoric times, the hill where Contursi Terme stands today saw the birth of a real urban center after the fall of the Roman Empire. In fact, the inhabitants of the hill where Sagginara stood to escape the destruction perpetrated by the barbarians and Saracens, and to avoid disease, pushed inland. It is only around 840 that there is news of a castle built by a Count Orso to defend the castaldato of Conza and from which he wants it to take its name. Inserted, together with all the other castles of the Valley, in the principality of Salerno, you follow its history through alternating events. With the subdivision of the aforementioned principality, wanted by Charles II in 1287 into two parts, Contursi became part of the Citerione principality. From 1291 to the first decade of the fifteenth century it was a fief of the Sanseverino and was under the dominion that it had to undergo, probably in 1348, the destruction by Ludovio of Hungary, who came to Italy to punish Queen Giovanna. In 1674, it was bought by the Parisano di Tolentino family, Marquesses of Caggiano, who kept it until 1823. Five doors, six churches, and an innovative castle, twenty-four arches on the street, ten palaces of extinct ancestors are the members of the old town that lies on the hill.

How to orient yourself

The localities related to Contursi Terme are: Bagni di Contursi, Bagni Forlenza, Monte Pruno, Pruno Sottano, Tempa del Corvo.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Naples-Capodichino. Then we must continue with other means.

By car

  • A3 motorway Highway exit Contursi Terme-Postiglione on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway.
  • State Road 91 State road 91 of the Sele Valley, road axis that ends in the locality Bagni Forlenza.
  • State Road 91racc State Road 91 connection of the Valle del Sele, connection between the SS 91 with the SS 691.
  • State Road 691 State road 691 Contursi-Lioni: Exit Contursi Terme Ovest-Campagna is Contursi Terme Est-Oliveto Citra.
  • Provincial Road 10 Provincial Road 10 / a Contursi (including the connection with the SS 91) -Bivio Palomonte-Innesto SP 37 (Bivio Buccino).
  • Provincial Road 65 Provincial Road 65 Graft SP 10 - Contursi Station.
  • Provincial Road 305 Provincial Road 305 SP 10-Madonna delle Grazie-Monte Pruno for Palomonte-Graft SP 268.
  • Provincial Road 429 Graft SS 91-Contursi-Bagni di Contursi-border province of Avellino (SR 91) ex State Road 91 of the Sele Valley.

On the train

Contursi Terme station is located on the Battipaglia-Potenza-Metaponto railway. There are about 3 kilometers that separate the station from the town.

By bus

Mobility is entrusted, as far as extra-urban transport is concerned, to the company Sita Sud

How to get around

By public transport

Urban transport is managed by the Autolinee Barletta company which connects all the hamlets with the capital.

What see

Roman aqueduct
  • Church of the Most Holy Child Jesus (former Church of San Giovanni Evangelista and Santa Lucia). It was initially built for the devotion of San Giovanni and Santa Lucia. In 1600, following some renovations, the archpriest Paradiso also consecrated the Church to the Infant Jesus, after having sent a statuette depicting him from Naples, of fine workmanship, both in the anatomical proportions and in the garments embroidered with thread. gold. Inside are the statues of Santa Maria Immacolata Concezione and Santa Maria Addolorata. The magnificent eighteenth-century carved organ is also of exquisite workmanship. On the bell tower we have two bells in shades of mib4. The major bell is called "Campanone", weighs 4 quintals and dates back to 1581. The smaller bell is called "Campanella della Congrega", weighs 2.4 quintals and dates back to 1327. Church of the Most Holy Child Jesus on Wikipedia Church of the Most Holy Infant Jesus (Q68272320) on Wikidata
  • Basilica of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Originally smaller in size, it was later enlarged. In 1656, an altar dedicated to St. Filomena Martire was built inside it, in gratitude for her many miracles, which occurred, as tradition tells, during the days of the plague. Pontifical Basilica since 1978, it is the main church of the large town. The Church holds the relics of S. Filomena and Sant'Irene. From 1887 to 1891 the 76 m high bell tower was restored and erected. This bell tower, made of worked stones, contains 3 heavy bells, in shades of Mi3. The major bell is called "Maria Grazia Plena", weighs 4.2 tons and is from 1888. The medium bell is called "Santa Filomena", weighs 1.4 tons and is from 1895. The small bell is called " Campanella ", weighs 6 quintals and is from 1920.
  • Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Duomo). Extremely difficult to identify the date of construction of the church, but it certainly is prior to 840. In a bull of Archbishop Grati dated 14 August 1486, the introductory text to the ancient legates is clearly reiterated: the Church of Contursi first under the name of S. Maria with the addition of Santa Maria Maggiore and finally of S. Maria degli Angels. Over time it became the reference point and soon had to conquer the primacy among the churches of the country. Over the centuries it has undergone numerous renovations. It is a Collegiate Church, as well as a temporary seat. The bell tower, erected in 1512, has 4 bells. The large one, is called "Santa Maria" weighs 1.1 tons, and is from 1514. The average, is called "Sagramenta", weighs eight quintals and is from 1643. The mezzanine, is called "Michela", weighs 4 quintals and is from 1542. Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Contursi Terme) on Wikipedia Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Q65127338) on Wikidata
  • Abbey of Santa Maria del Carmine. It was probably built on an old church dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Bishop San Donato, which became a monastery of the Carmelite fathers and was then suppressed in 1652 with the Papal Bull. On October 16, 1873, the Contursi Town Hall entrusted all the church's possessions to the Clergy, with the obligation to keep all the sacred furnishings.
  • Chapel Santa Sofia. It was built in 1338 originally dedicated to the saint, and in the first days of June it is the destination of hundreds of faithful who go for the "thirteen", a tradition linked to the cult of St. Anthony.
  • Parish of San Vito. Consecrated to the cult of San Vito on February 12, 1714, it was built on an open space outside the town to favor the rite of an ancient cult of shepherds, linked to the devotion of San Vito: after Mass, the faithful make three laps around the Chapel making a wish. Custom that refers to the "shifts" that the shepherds did with the flock around the church, the animal that entered it became the property of the Saint.
  • Chapel of the Immaculate Conception of the Scalelle. In honor of the centuries-old venerability of Santa Maria della Scala, located on the outskirts of the old town.

San Donato established with the royal assent of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon on April 27, 1816, is located in a room of the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli.

  • Sanctuary of S. Antonio del Ponte. Located on the right bank of the Sele river in loc. Ponte Mefita, The plaque placed outside bears the following dedication: "This sanctuary was consecrated to St. Anthony of Padua in 1879 to the devotion of the people and of Onofrio Parisi, initiator for a vision sometimes had by his son Francesco mindful P. June 13, 1895 ". Even today, on June 13, the statue of the saint is carried in procession from the center of the town along a very characteristic street called the "gravels" while ancient liturgical songs rise in the air together with the sound of the bagpipes.
  • Rosapepe Castle. Built in 839 by Count Orso to defend itself from the constant raids of the Normans, in a position that dominates the central square of the town.

Events and parties

  • Patronal feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. Simple icon time.svgSecond Sunday of May.
  • Patronal feast of San Donato. Simple icon time.svgAugust 7.
  • Patronal feast of the Madonna delle Grazie. Simple icon time.svg2 July and 8 September.
  • Feast of the patron saint of B. Mariano Arciero. Simple icon time.svgFebruary 16.
  • Feast of the patron saint of St. Gerardo. Simple icon time.svgOctober 16.

What to do

  • Rafting on the Sele River, 39 3388666875. Finally, also in Campania it is possible to go rafting with expert guides. Boarding is every Sunday at contursi terme, by reservation.
  • Thermal baths. The thermal waters that flow in the municipality of Contursi are divided into three groups: salty - bromine - iodine, sulphurous and bicarbonate - alkaline. Thanks to the diversity of the springs they can be used for drinking or for spa treatments. All the establishments operating in the Contursi Thermal Center have agreements with the National Health Service.
  • Spa. Over the years, the spas have turned into real beauty farms. In addition to spa treatments, beauty treatments can be carried out that allow you to get back into shape, losing pounds and toning the body. Completions immersed in the beauty of nature, the Contursi thermal center therefore allows you to fully enjoy a "global" holiday capable of regenerating the body and relaxing the mind. Most of the establishments have a hotel and restaurant. While all are equipped with swimming pools for adults and children. Equipped with bars and refreshment points, the ideal place to enjoy the relaxing and invigorating benefits of the thermal waters. At the poolside the place where you can dedicate yourself to fitness, or have fun with the entertainment.

Below the thermal springs of Contursi:

  • Source of Sant'Antonio
  • Source of Sant'Antonio al Monte
  • Spring Pruno Sottano
  • Cantani spring
  • Don Carlo spring
  • Radium source
  • Vulpacchio spring
  • "Prodigious" spring
  • Source of the Lauro
  • Source Ferrata I
  • Source Ferrata II


The shops are open from Monday to Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:30 except Thursdays which remain open only in the morning, the main shopping street is via Medaglia d'oro Felice La Sala

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch


  • Villa D'Ayala In the immediate vicinity of Contursi Terme. Only 10 km away, Villa D'Ayala: The complex of villa d'Ayala is undoubtedly one of the most amazing cultural assets of the entire province of Salerno. Both the castle and the surrounding park seem to be immersed in a dreamy atmosphere, capable of immediately capturing visitors. The gracefulness of the architectural forms, the beauty of the Italian gardens, the silences of the green theater, the almost sensual intensity of the sculptures of goddesses and nymphs: all this makes Villa d'Ayala an absolutely special place. Built starting in the eighteenth century, on the death of the Marquis Giuseppe d'Ayala Valva, the complex became the property of the Grand Priory of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
  • Whelk - Antica Volcei (15 km) City of ancient origins, it is already a Roman municipium, legend attributes the foundation of Buccino to the Pelasgians, who gave it the name of Volcei, volcano. More realistic to found it were tribes belonging to the Lucanian gens. Even if, very soon, the Volceian society was enriched with cultural contributions of Etruscan and Greek origin. In any case, already in Roman times the ancient Volcei found itself at the center of historical events of extraordinary importance. The urban archaeological park of ancient Volcei now represents a reality of great scientific interest and enormous charm. Thanks to an impressive excavation campaign, the most important testimonies of the ancient Buccino have been brought to light. Combining them harmoniously with the medieval and later structures present within the urban fabric. The two cities - the ancient one and the more recent one - have thus found a form of coexistence, in turn inserted into the normal rhythms of life of the community. It is therefore possible to say that Buccino gave birth to an unprecedented form of archaeological site, within which antiquity and everyday life are one. [1]
  • Paestum (40 km) Founded five centuries BC From the studies carried out it appears that it was a commercial outlet on the Tyrrhenian Sea desired by the Doric colonies of Magna Graecia located on the Gulf of Taranto. The copious archaeological material speaks of the wealth and prosperity of Paestum or Posedonia. The Lucanians subdued it in the 4th century BC. changing the name to Paistum, and kept it until 273 BC. when, always flourishing, it was subject to Rome. It seems that the Saracens in the 10th century AD. destroyed it. In the Middle Ages its ruins, although worthy of study and admiration, were abandoned, perhaps also due to the climate made unhealthy by the bogged down of the Sele river. From 1928 the studies and excavations of the important area were resumed. Temples, walls, cyclopean columns, holes came back to light to testify the grandiose past of this city. Since 1988 it has been recognized as a World Heritage Site byUNESCO.
  • The caves of the Angel (25 km) Go back to 35 million years ago, when the water started its slow work of digging the rocks. This is what it means to enter this superb speleological complex, located between the municipalities of Pertosa and Auletta. From archaeological finds we know that the caves were already inhabited in prehistoric times. Place of worship for Greeks and Romans, in the Christian age they were consecrated to St. Michael the Archangel. The first part of the visit takes place aboard a boat, which goes into the caves crossing the waters of a small underground lake. Once you have reached the landing point, it is therefore possible to continue on foot, moving in an enchanted environment, to which the roar of the waterfall created by the waters of the Negro River is the background. The show is indescribable: in a network of tunnels and corridors, the enormous stalagmites seem to silently observe the visitors. In rooms illuminated by skilful plays of light, the spectacle of rock formations that take on curious and familiar shapes opens up. And it almost seems that, by creating unusual and bizarre figures, nature has tried to have fun for the pleasure of man's eyes.official site
  • Padula Charterhouse
  • Amalfi Coast
  • Cilento coast
  • Archaeological excavations of Pompeii (80 km) Ancient city on the slopes of Vesuvius, in the last days of August 79 AD. an imposing eruption buried it, with Stabia and Herculaneum. From the excavations that followed one another from 1748 to today, the history of this city can be reconstructed almost with certainty and entirely. The torrent of lava suppressed Pompeii, flourishing in its life and in its trade, walls and decorations were found in a surprising state of conservation, buried in the sleep of the centuries by the blanket of lava, revealed its treasures only under the Tramps and always more fully today. The origins of Pompeii are very ancient: Osci, Samnites, with Greek influences, held it before Rome. Most of the objects found in the excavations are found in the National Museum of Naples.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Contursi Terme
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Contursi Terme
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