El Hierro - El Hierro

El Hierro
El Lajal in El Hierro
El Hierro - Location
Tourism site
Institutional website

El Hierro is the smallest of the Canary Islands considered a heritage byUNESCO.

To know

El Hierro, being somewhat isolated from the mainland, is home to many unique species, one for all the giant El Hierro lizard.

It was explored by King Juba XI of Mauritania and by Pliny the Elder. The latter refers to the island with the name of Capraria.

Geographical notes

The island is located in the extreme southwestern corner of thearchipelago, west of La Gomera and south of The Palm

The territory is mainly mountainous and the highest peak is Pico de Malpaso with over 1,500 m.


Christopher Columbus made a stopover there during his first voyage into the unknown which would lead him to disembark at Bahamas. At that time, in fact, El Hierro was, together with Azores, the last known land beyond the Pillars of Hercules.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Pozo de las Calcosas - A lonely village on a rocky and ungreened stretch of coast, Pozo de las Calcosas is a handful of characteristic lava stone houses. It can be reached via a 5 km track that branches off from the Valverde-Monacal road
  • Tamaduste - Village on a small bay adjacent to the airport runway and with a black sand beach.
  • Valverde - Valverde is on a hill overlooking the north-eastern coast of "El Hierro".

Eastern side

The bay "El Golfo" on the western side of El Hierro

Other destinations

The western side of the island of Hierro is characterized by a large bay, called El Golfo which constitutes the emerged part of an ancient crater. It can be reached from the capital passing through Frontera a large rural village in the center of a wine region. Among the beaches of the "Gulf" the best known are:

  • Charco Azul - A stretch of coastline with caves and natural brackish water pools.

How to get

El Hierro - Airport runway

By plane

It is served by a small airport (Hierro airport), located in the capital where flights from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Gran Canaria) carried out by airlines Binter Canarias

On boat

It is served by a port in Puerto de La Estaca, from which ferries depart:

How to get around

By car

Car rental agencies operating in El Hierro are listed below:

What see

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning El Hierro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on El Hierro
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