Filicudi - Filicudi

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Filicudi is one of the western Aeolian Islands that are part of the Sicilian province Messina.

Filicudi (Sicily)
Position of Filicudi in Sicily.


  • Filicudi Porto
  • Pecorin
  • Pecorini a Mare
  • Zucco Grande

Other destinations


Filicudi is named after a Bronze Age village.

The island is small, 5th in size of the archipelago with an area of ​​9.7 km², it has only 250 inhabitants. The main source of income is tourism, further there is agriculture with capers and figs. Fishing is on a smaller scale. Visitors are not allowed to bring cars (for residents only).


On Filicudi, a Sicilian dialect spoken, but it is Italian the official language.

average maximum (°C) 8,09,010,013,019,023,026,027,023,018,014,010,0
average minimum (°C) 4,04,05,07,015,018,018,016,012,012,08,05,0


Overview Filicudi with the harbor in the middle

Filicudi is only accessible by boat from the neighboring islands alicudi, Lipari, salina and vulcano, and from Naples and Milazzo on Sicily. Ferries are provided by:

  •    Filicudi Porto.

in very bad weather, people sometimes divert to the port of Pecorini a mare.

  •    Pecorini a mare.

According to this decree of 2012 In the summer on Filicudi, non-residents are prohibited from driving a car or any other motor vehicle. There are no exceptions.

Travel around

The volcanic and mountainous island can only be crossed on foot or by mule. Sturdy (mountain) hiking boots are therefore necessary.

There is 7 km of tarmac road between the hamlet ValdiChiesa and the harbor Pecorin. At Filicudi scooters can be rented.

  •    CENF (Centro Noleggio Filicudi), via Porto, 98050 Filicudi (Filicudi Porto),  39 090 9889984fax machine: 39 090 9889948.

To look at

St. Steven's Church
Faraglione La Canna in the sea
Zucco Grande
  •    Church of Santo Stefano (St. Steven's Church) (Val di Chiesa).
  •    Faraglione La Canna. A lonely rock (71 m high) in the sea that is reminiscent of sugar cane.
  •    Grotta del Blu Marino. The Grotta del Blu Marino can only be reached by boat, consult the CENF (Porto)
  •    Museo Archeologico Eoliano (Filicudi Porto). Archaeological Museum
  •    Villaggio Preistorica (Capo Graziano). Prehistoric village from the Bronze Age, from the harbor a road leads to the village, it is easily reached in about 10 min.
  •    Le Macine (Capo Graziano).
  •    Scoglio Giafante. A rock in the shape of an elephant. Giafante is the Sicilian name.
  •    Belvedere di Stimpagnato. From this viewpoint you can see the Faraglione La Canna.
  •    Zucco Grande. Once one of the busiest neighborhoods, it is now uninhabitable.

To do

Capo Graziano


From Filicudi Porto there is a path leading to the prehistoric village where you can also find a stone pyramid found at the Capo Graziano. Eastwards follow the road further uphill to Rocca di Ciauli, where the beautiful Chiesa di Santo Stefano is located. Length: 5 km, Duration: 1½ hours, Difficulty: Easy, Walk type: Circular walk.

Hike on Filicudi
KBHFaFilicudi Porto
HSTCapo Graziano (Bronze Age village) 100 m
HSTstone pyramid
HSTRocca di Ciauli
KBHFeFilicudi Porto
  •    Start of the path (Via Nino Santamaria). The beginning of the trail can be reached from Filicudi Porto turn left the promenade (Via Nino Santamaria) goes all the way down
  •    The prehistoric village. After 25 min. you will arrive through a green iron gate prehistoric village (Villaggio Preistorico)
  •    The Stone Pyramid. You leave the site through the iron gate and walk uphill over the now irregularly placed steps to the characteristics stone pyramid which marks the summit 49 m higher
  •    Rocca di Ciauli (Val di Chiesa). You descend on the same road and then turn left onto the main road in the direction of Val di Chiesa. After about 500 m you will see a path on the right that leads uphill to Rocca di Ciauli with the beautiful church of San Stefano

Who on the 774 m high, fern-covered Monte Fossa delle Felci wants to come, needs a good condition and at least 4 hours of time!

beach fun

  •    Le Punte. The most beautiful beach (not a sandy beach, but a pebble beach) of the island, is accessible by land and by boat.


Going out

For a visit to a disco it is best to go to salina , vulcano or Lipari to go.


  • Festa di Santo Stefano - August 3rd, feast day of the patron saint of the island.

stay overnight


For those who observe the normal precautions, Filicudi completely safe.


  •    carabinieri.
  •    Pharmacia Simone (Pharmacy), Via Nino Santamaria (Filicudi Porto).

all around

Filicudi and Alicudi, the westernmost of the Aeolian Islands
  • alicudi - tour the island of Alicudi by mule;
  • salina - by bus to Lingua with the saltwater lake and the lighthouse;
  • Lipari - Visit the Acropolis and the Cathedral of San Bartholomeo;
  • vulcano - Aquacalda, the water is always warm there!;
  • panarea - Diving to the wreck Llarnesen;
  • Stromboli - climb the volcano with an authorized guide.
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