Cagliari (province) - Cagliari (provincie)

SARS-CoV-2 without background.pngWARNING: Due to the outbreak of the contagious disease COVID-19 (see coronavirus pandemic), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, also known as coronavirus, there are travel restrictions worldwide. It is therefore of great importance to follow the advice of the official bodies of Belgium and Netherlands to be consulted frequently. These travel restrictions may include travel restrictions, closure of hotels and restaurants, quarantine measures, being allowed to be on the street for no reason and more, and can be implemented with immediate effect. Of course, in your own interest and that of others, you must immediately and strictly follow government instructions.

The province Cagliari Is on Sardinia in Italy.



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It is recommended to reach Sardinia by air. The international airports of Alghero, Cagliari and Olbia service flights to other European destinations. However, Sardinia can also be reached by boat. There are numerous connections, especially from Toulon, Marseille, Genoa, Livorno, Civitavecchia, Fiumicino, Naples, Palermo and Trapani.

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Safety - A nice new village in the south-east cost, near Villasimius and Costa Rey.

Alchimissa Bed&Breakfast - It is situated in a fantastic location on the hilltop of Torre delle Stelle, one of the most renowed sea resorts of south-east of Sardinia, at 30 km from Cagliari and 15 from Villasimius.

  • Cruccuris Resort Località Cruccuris, 09049, Tel: 39 070 7989020, Fax: 39 070 7989018, [1]
  • Stella Maris Sardinia Localita Campulongu, Villasimius, 09049, Tel: 39 070 797100 , Fax: 39 070 797367, [2]

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Provinces of Italy

Agrigento |Alessandria |Ancona |Aosta |Arezzo |Ascoli Piceno |astic |Avellino |baric |belluno |Benevento |Bergamo |biela |Bologna |Brescia |Barletta-Andria-Tranic |South Tyrol |Brindisi |Cagliari |Caltanisetta |Campobasso |caserta |Catania |Catanzaro |chietia |Como |cosenza |cremona |Crotone |Carbonia-Iglesias |Cuneo |And after |Fermo |ferrara |Florence |Foggia |Forlì-Cesena |Frosinone |Genoa |Gorizia |Grosseto |empire |isernia  |L'Aquila |La Spezia |Latina |Lecce |Lecco |Livorno |lodic |Lucca |macerata |mantua |Massa Carrara |matera |Messina |Milan |Modena |Monza and Brianza |Mid Campidano |Naples |Novara |Nuoro |Ogliastra |Oristano |Olbia-Tempio |padova |Palermo |Parma |Pavia |Perugia |Pesaro e Urbino |Pescara |piacenza |Pisa |pistoia |Pordenone |Potenza |Prato |Ragusa |Ravenna |Reggio Calabria |Reggio Emilia |Rietia |Rimini |Rome |Rovigo |Salerno |sassarian |Savona |Siena |sondrio |Syracuse |Taranto |Teramo |Terni |Trapani |Trent |Trevisio |Sad |Turin |Udine |Venice |Varese |Verbano Cusio Ossola |Vercelli |Verona |Vibo Valentina |Vicenza |Viterbo

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