Pavia (province) - Pavia (provincie)

Pavia is a province the region Lombardy in Italy.

The province of Pavia consists of a part that belongs to the Po Valley and a hilly part, the Oltrepò Pavese. In the flat parts, grain and rice (risotto) are mainly grown. At the historic town (once capital of Italy), the rivers Ticino and Po meet and the flat landscape is dominated by fields, rice fields and poplar forests. It is no coincidence that the Oltrepò on the map has the shape of a bunch of grapes, because in the Oltrepò Pavese is the most wine made in Lombardy, although the wines from the other regions of Lombardy are better known. Most of the grapes harvested here are processed into other wines, such as the spumanti. Yet there are very many local cantinas who all produce their own wine in small edition. Special for this region are the sparkling red wines, the vino frizzante or vivace, like the Bonarda and barbera. The region also has its own historic wine, the Buttafuoco. In addition, widely known varieties such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Riesling are grown.

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(WT-nl) Stef7sa Jun 23, 2009 15:20 (EDT)


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