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Regional capital
43 ° 24 ′ 0 ″ N 10 ° 54 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

The Tuscany is a region ofItalycentral very touristy, located in the center-west of the country and whose capital is Florence.


Cradle of the Italian Renaissance and the power of the Medici, its cultural heritage is immense and there is no shortage of goals for visiting it, between traditional tourism, resort or cultural routes.

A city like Florence requires several years to discover its basic riches, like each of its regions with their own personalities: Lucca, Siena, Pisa, Grosseto, Carrara, Prato, etc.


It is bordered to the northwest by Liguria, to the north by Emilia-Romagna, to the east by the Marche and Umbria, to the south by Lazio.

It is bathed in the east by the Tyrrhenian Sea, it is limited to the west by the Apennine range, crossed, among others, by the Arno river.

To speak

The official language is Italian, which was precisely formed from the Tuscan dialect, and since this region is very touristy, English, French and German are often spoken here.


It is divided into ten provinces: Arezzo, Florence, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa and Carrara, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato and Siena designated by their largest city which is their provincial capital. Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Umbria, Steps.

We will notice some of its particular territories worthy of interest (and which are not necessarily administrative designations):

  • The region of Chianti, the wine region of historical origin of Chianti wine
  • the Val d'Orcia
  • Val di Chiana
  • Val Tiberina
  • The Casentino
  • The Pratomagno
  • Mugello
  • The upper Valdarno
  • The Sienese crests (Crete senesi)
  • La Montagnola
  • The Accona Desert
  • The Maremma
  • La Garfagnana
  • Lunigiana
  • The Apuan Alps
  • The Tuscan Appenin
  • The Metalliferous Hills
  • The Tuscan archipelago (including the island of Elba).


  • 1 Florence ((it)Firenze) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Capital of Tuscany, city of art, homeland of the Italian language, cradle of humanist civilization. Duomo or Cattedrale Santa Maria del Fiore, battistero, bell tower of Giotto, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Piazza del Duomo. Palazzo del Podestà and Museo nazionale del Bargello. Piazza della Signoria, Loggia della Signoria, Palazzo vecchio or palazzo della Signoria and museum, Museo di Storia della Scienza, Galleria degli Uffizi, Orsanmichele, Santa Maria dei Ricci. Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, Palazzo Ruccelai, Palazzo Strozzi.Basilica di San Lorenzo, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Cappelle Medicee, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi. . Galleria dell'Accademia, Museo dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Convento e Museo di San Marco, Santissima Annunziata, Museo archeologico. Piazza di Santa Croce, Basilica di Santa Croce, Museo della Fondazione Horne. Ponte Vecchio. Palazzo Pitti, Giardini di Boboli, Galleria Palatina. Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine: Cappella Brancacci. Hill Walk: San Miniato al Monte, Museo e Giardino di Bardini, Panorama of Piazzale Michelangelo. "Scoppio del Carro", "Maggio Musicale Fiorentino", "Festa delle Rificolone", "San Lorenzo", "Calcio Storico", "Festa di Anna Maria Medici ".
  • Arezzo  – Basilica di San Francesco: frescoes by Piero della Francesca. Piazza Grande. Duomo. Santa Maria della Pieve. Museo Statale d'Arte medievale e moderna. "Arezzo Wave", "Giostra del saracino".
  • 2 His ((it)Siena) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Mystical and gentle city of art. Piazza del Campo, Palazzo Pubblico-Museo Civico, Torre del Mangia, Museo dell'Archivio di Stato. Monumental complex of the cathedral: Duomo, Libreria Piccolomini, Battistero di San Giovanni, crypt, Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana. Contrada della Selva. Complesso museale di Santa Maria della Scala. Pinacoteca nazionale. Oratorio di San Bernardino. Basilica di San Domenico, Santuario e Casa di Santa Caterina. "Settimana Musicale Senese", "Il Palio", "Siena jazz", "Festa di Santa Caterina", "Festa di Santa Cecilia".
  • 3 Pisa ((it)Pisa) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Piazza dei Miracoli, Torre Pendente, Duomo, Battistero, Camposanto, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo. Santa Maria della Spina. San Paolo a Ripa d'Arno. Museo nazionale di San Matteo. "Gioco del Ponte", "Luminaria", "Regata Storica di San Ranieri".
  • 4 Pistoia  – Piazza del Duomo, Duomo San Zeno, Palazzo dei Vescovi, Sant 'Andrea, Basilica della Madonna dell'Umiltà. "Pistoia Blues Festival", "Giostro dell'Orso"
  • 5 Prato  – Mecca of the Italian textile industry. Duomo Santo Stefano, Museo del Tessuto, Palazzo pretorio. In the neighborhood: Villa Medicea "Ambra" di Poggio a Caiano, Etruscan tombs of Comeana.
  • 6 Lucca ((it)Lucca) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Small medieval town full of charm. Città vecchia (old town), Piazza dell'Anfiteatro, Torre Guinigi, Casa natale di Giacomo Puccini, ramparts promenade, Piazza Napoleone, Duomo or Cattedrale di San Martino, San Michele in Foro, Battistero e chiesa dei Santissimi Giovanni e Reparata, Basilica di San Frediano. "Puccini e la sua Lucca", "Summer Festival", "Festa di San Paolino", "Luminaria di Santa Croce".
  • 7 Viareggio  – Main seaside resort of Versilia.
  • 8 Livorno ((it)Livorno)  – Monument called "I quattro mori", museums, alleys and canals of New Venice, port, beach.
  • 9 Massa Marittima  – Piazza Garibaldi, Duomo, Fortezza dei Senesi e torre del Candeliere. "Balestro del Girifalco", "Toscana Foto Festival".
  • 10 Carrara (Carrara)  – World capital of marble mining and cutting. Museo del Marmo, Cave di marmo.
  • 11 Grosseto  – Administrative capital of Maremma. Duomo, Museo archeologico e d'Arte della Maremma. In the surroundings archaeological site of Roselle.
  • Pienza  – Piazza Pio II, Duomo Santa Maria Assunta, Palazzo Borgia- Museo diocesano, Palazzo Piccolomini.
  • 12 San Gimignano Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Piazza della Cisterna, Piazza del Duomo, Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, Palazzo del Popolo e Museo Civico, museums. In the neighborhood: San Vivaldo, Certaldo Alto: Palazzo Pretorio, Colle di Val d'Elsa.
  • Volterra  – Landscape, Piazza dei Priori, Duomo e Battistero, Porta all'Arco, Museo etrusco Guarnacci, Ecomuseo dell'Alabastro. Fortezza Medicea e Parco Archeologico. "Volterra A.D. 1398". Metalliferous Hills.
  • San Giovanni d'Asso  – Charming little village near Montalcino and the Abbey of Monteoliveto. This pretty town is also known for its "mostra" of white truffles which takes place every year in November. Do not miss the work of an American artist who is developing a garden park sheltering contemporary art, the "Bosco della Ragnaia".

Other destinations

  • 1 Montecatini Terme Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – In the heart of the Val de Nievole, one of the most elegant and best equipped spa towns in Italy. Thermal baths, Montecatini Alto.
  • Tuscan Archipelago National Park  – Elba: Mount Capanne Museo nazionale di Villa San Martino in Portoferraio, Giglio, Capraia, Montecristo, Pianosa, Giannutri, Gorgona. Beaches.
  • Mount Amiata  – Ancient volcano covered with chestnut wood; on one of its slopes: the Daniel Spoerri's Garden, exhibition in the heart of nature of “New Realism” sculptures.
  • 2 Capraia  – Capraia is a volcanic island belonging to the Tuscan archipelago. less touristy than the island of Elba, it offers a peaceful and original destination for lovers of hiking, scuba diving or yachting. from 300 inhabitants in winter it can reach 3000 in summer. the stay is particularly pleasant in spring. There are few hotels, the reception is rented by the week.
  • Fiesole: Duomo, San Francesco, Area Archeologica, Museo Bandini.
  • Settignano: villas.
  • Certosa del Galluzzo.
  • Argentario promontory: Porto Santo Stefano, Porto Ercole, Rovine di Cosa, Giardino dei Tarocchi in Pescia Fiorentina.
  • Chianti: land of vineyards and enchanting landscapes, Badia a Passignano, Castellina in Chianti (Museo Archeologico del Chianti Sienese), Greve in Chianti (museum of sacred art), Monte San Michele national park, Panzano in Chianti (Pieve di San Leolino) Barberino Val d'Elsa, Colle di Val d'Elsa (museums), Vertine, Spaltenna, remains of the Montegrossi tower, Pieve di Sant'Appiano, San Gusto in Salaio, Badia Coltibuono, Castello di Meleto, Castello di Brolio , natural park of Cavriglia.
  • Asciano: Palazzo Corboli-Museo d'Arte sacra.
  • San Quirino d'Orcia: collegiate church, churches.
  • Chiusi: Museo Archeologico Nazionale, at the top of a hill overlooking the Val di Chiana.
  • Cortona: Museo diocesano, Museo dell'Accademia Etrusca, churches, sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie del Calcinaio. "Sagra della Bistecca", "Mostra Antiquaria", "Giostra dell'Archidado", "Sagra del Fungo Porcino".
  • La Lunigiana: thin strip of wooded and green land, isolated enclave between Tuscany, Liguria and Emilia. Villafranca in Lunigiana, Pontremoli, Malgrate castle.
  • La Maremma: pisa, grossettaine and latin, necropolis of Vetulonia, Castiglione della Pescaia, Parco naturale della Maremma, Talamone.
  • Sovana: Santa Maria di Sovana.
  • Montalcino: Rocca, Palazzo comunale, Museo civico e diocesano d'Arte sacra, churches, Abbazia di Sant'Antimo. "Jazz and Wine"
  • Collodi: garden of Villa Garzoni, Parco di Pinocchio.
  • Montepulciano: Piazza Grande, Palazzo comunale, Palazzo Nobili-Tarugi, Madonna di San Biaggio.
  • Monte San Savino: Loggia dei Mercanti, Palazzo comunale, Lucignano.
  • The Mugello: Villa de Cafaggiolo, green basin between mountains and hills on the upper basin of the Sieve.
  • Pitigliano: Palazzo Orsini, medieval village.
  • The Casentino: Camaldoli, Romena.
  • San Miniato: Prato del Duomo, castle esplanade.
  • Sansepolcro: patrician streets, Museo Civico. "Palio della Balestra". In the surroundings Anghiari.
  • Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore.
  • Murlo: Museo archeologico e Antiquarium di Poggio Civitate.
  • Abbazia di San Galgano.
  • La Versilia: Forte dei Marmi, Lido di Camaiore, Marina di Pietrasanta, Apuan Alps: Pietrasanta, Massaciuccoli.
  • Certosa di Pisa in Calci.


If you are motorized, do not hesitate to use the free network of main roads, very rolling (much used by Tuscans) and less known to tourists:

  • the FI-PI-LI (which connects Florence, Pisa and Livorno between them)
  • the FI-SI (for Florence and Siena)


The density of places of interest is such that you will need to organize your traffic in this region:

Around Florence and Siena

  • North of Florence: Fiesole and Mugello (1/2 day)
  • West of Florence: Certaldo, San Gimignano, Volterra, all of Chianti (1 day and a half)
  • South of Florence, towards Siena: Greve in Chianti, Monteriggioni, Siena, Crete Senesi, Accona desert (3 days without going deep into Siena which deserves a stay for her alone)
  • East of Siena: Val d'Orcia, Arezzo, Monterchi, Anghiari, Sansepolcro, possibly Cortona and Lake Trasimeno (3 see 4 days)

To buy

Land of culture and elegance, Tuscany offers tourists what to bring back original and high quality products, which come out of traditional trinkets and alleged artisanal articles made in ... China or Singapore. In the field of fabric, Florence , Prato and Lucca are known for their beautiful creations in wool and silk. Leather goods and shoes are specialties of the Arno valley, not cheap, but of quality. Florence and Arezzo have a tradition of goldsmith and of very old jewelry.For fine papers, Florence is the place to go.As far as decorative craftsmanship is concerned, ceramics have made the reputation of Montelupo Fiorentino, Cafaggiolo, Sesto Fiorentino for porcelain , Siena and Cortona. Terracotta is the specialty of Chianti. The work of alabaster is the specialty of Volterra and Pisa. You can also buy statuettes in real Carrara marble (beware of counterfeits) .You can buy cured meats (raw hams, sausages), pecorino (sheep's cheese), olive oil, wine, grappa, and of course pasta for which each town or village is the exclusive custodian ... On the sweet side, in Siena, panforte specialty, a cake with dried fruits and citron peel. High-end food products: peppers in olive oil, sundried tomatoes in sunflower oil, artichoke hearts with olives, sunflower honey.


The first approach to Tuscan gastronomy begins with fett'una, a kind of bruschetta (toasted bread, sometimes rubbed with garlic, topped with olive oil and then salted). According to local tradition, we start by tasting the tasty crostini, crispy bread topped with large white beans cooked al fiasco (that is to say in a bottle), more often with a cream of chicken liver or even a many local variations based on game or mushrooms.The diversity of vegetables allows us to offer a wide choice of tasty preparations such as fried artichokes or vegetable flans. Tuscany is also famous for the porcini mushrooms and chestnuts from Garfagnana, white truffles from San Miniato, truffles and porcini mushrooms from Montalcino. Among the cold cuts, the cured ham has a strong taste, while the finocchiona is a flavored sausage of wild fennel seeds, salciccia di cinghiale a wild boar sausage, soprassata, head, skin and tongue boiled, chopped and spiced with garlic, rosemary, etc., almost black mallegato, black pudding with nutmeg, with cinnamon, grapes and pine nuts from San Miniato Among the traditional hot starters (primi), the most famous are the pappa al pomodoro (panade of croutons cooked in a broth flavored with aromatic herbs, enriched with tomatoes until that the bread dissolves), minestra di fagioli (bean soup), minestra di pane (bean and bread soup), acquacotta (bread and scrambled egg soup), zuppa di cette (soup with broken pitch) and ribollita (soup "r boiled "of beans, vegetables, bread and black cabbage). Soups made from small fish have spread from the coast throughout the region, such as the famous cacciucco à la livournaise, fish cooked in a sauce made with tomatoes, onions, garlic and red wine. cooked in various ways are a good start to a meal, the most original being the pappardelle, large noodles served with a hare sauce, the Sienese pici, spaghetti served with duck, hare, rabbit or wild boar in sauce, and pasta e Cela, pasta with chickpeas. King of regional gastronomy, the famous Florentine steak (bistecca alla fiorentina), more simply called "Fiorentina", is a thick, tender and juicy slice of beef: cut into the sirloin and tenderloin, preferably grilled over coals. Among the main dishes (secondi) are sheep meat in sauce, sweet and salty wild boar, arista, roasted pork tenderloin, tripe and lampredetto à la Florentine, accompanied by vegetables and parmesan or pecorino, and fried lamb, chicken and eel. The triglie alla livornese is white mullet or red mullet cooked in tomatoes. The baccalà alla livornese, also cooked with tomatoes, is made with salted cod. On the cheese side, the Pecorino toscano from Montalcino is made exclusively with sheep's milk, consumed at various stages of aging. There is a range of desserts to choose from. : from simple cantucci, dry biscuits flavored with almonds that it is customary to accompany with vino santo, to castagnaccio, traditional cake made from chestnut flour. There are also the Brigidini de Pistoia, small waffles cooked in molds heated over a flame, the zuccotto, iced biscuit with chocolate almond cream, soaked in liqueur, and especially the panforte of Siena, a more or less hard solid dough. with cocoa, nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, spices and candied fruits, cavalucci (pastry with candied fruit, anise, honey, walnuts and coriander), ricciarelli (pastry with sweet or bitter almonds), buccellato from Lucca, crown of bread with anise and sultanas. Finally, the excellent Tuscan ice creams (gelati), especially Florentine, reputed to be the best in Italy. There is much more to this rich wine region than the usual bottles of Chianti wrapped in raffia.The vino santo ("sacred wine") is a sweet wine used during religious services and is also consumed with dry cakes. The reds with a strong character are the prestigious brunello of Montalcino and the nobile di Montepulciano. In Tuscany, we find the vernaccia di San Gimignano, with a characteristic dry taste. In high quality table wines: tignanello, santaio, sassicaia. In general, vino della casa ("house wine"), to order by the glass or the carafe is quite correct.




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