Formigine - Formigine

Formigine Church
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Formigine is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

The territory of the municipality of Formigine includes the capital city and the hamlets of Casinalbo, Corlo, Colombaro, Magreta and Ubersetto. To these, we want to pay homage by describing the "bell towers" that represent them and that have given rise to the formation of small villages, which have become, over time, even very populated inhabited centers. Formigine is part of the metropolitan area of Modena and is the fourth largest municipality in the province of Modena by population. The inhabitants live in different centers: Formigine, Casinalbo, Colombaro, Corlo and Magreta, all rich in history. Formigine is located in the area between the provincial capital, Modena, and the ceramic district of Sassuolo. For the set of environmental, urban, work and social organization characteristics for the defense of traditions and the meeting of cultures it welcomes, Formigine is considered "a good landing place" and a "place to live".


The territory of Formigine is located at the foot of the Modenese plain and is circumscribed by the Secchia river and the Tiepido torrent. Due to its geographical position, the land around Formigine is destined for agricultural exploitation. The castle was built in 1201 by the Municipality of Modena to defend against the expansionist aims of the nearby Municipality of Reggio nell'Emilia. Passed under the control of the Este, lords of Ferrara and Modena, in 1395 the fief was granted to Marco Pio from Nicolò III d 'Este. Formigine was elected as the mayor seat at the end of the 15th century. The Este regained control of the country after the assassination of Marco III Pius of Savoy, which took place at the end of the sixteenth century, until, in 1648, the territory was given to the Marquis of Fusignano, Mario Calcagnini. Between 1738 and 1752 the Via Vandelli, the "New great road to Tuscany". To make room for the new important road axis that was to connect the Este possessions, the Church of the Annunciata was reduced in size and its facade rebuilt. Later the parish church of San Bartolomeo was rebuilt. Going to Formigine offers the possibility of rediscovering traces of the past from prehistoric times (archaeological finds testify to a frequentation of the area already in the Copper and Bronze Ages), to the Roman era, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age.

How to orient yourself


  • Magreta - The origins of the hamlet of Magreta begin in the 9th century: the important family of "Da Magreda" or "Da Magreta" distinguished themselves in the inhabited area, which would later give rise to the "Da Sassuolo" family. The Da Magreta family built and owned a castle until the early 15th century, which they later gave to the Este family. The façade of the ancient church of Santa Maria in Castello is still visible in the structures of the church of Magreta, from the early nineteenth century.
  • Casinalbo - Archaeological findings trace the settlement of Casinalbo back to the Bronze Age, when a terramaricolous village stood in the area; even in Roman times the place had to be frequented, even if there was probably no real inhabited center. The first documentary attestation dates back to the 9th century. The church of Casinalbo, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, was completely renovated in 1521. Inside the church there is an altarpiece representing the "Assumption of the Virgin". In the vicinity of Casinalbo it is possible to see buildings of considerable architectural value, such as Villa Bonaccini, Villa Giovanardi, Villa Lugli, Villa Cassiani-lngoni and Villa Monzani.

How to get

By plane

Airport of Bologna (about 45 km).

By car

The motorway section Milan-Bologna of the A1 runs almost parallel with one of the oldest communication routes in Emilia-Romagna, the Via Emilia. Located at the foot of the first hills of Modena, Formigine is located south of these two main routes, with which it is connected by a ring road that connects the provincial capital with the ceramic district. Leaving the motorway at the Modena Nord toll booth, you immediately enter the ring road, heading south (Maranello-Sassuolo), take the Corlo-Formigine Centro exit. If you exit at the Modena sud toll booth, head in the direction of Spilamberto, Castelnuovo Rangone and Colombaro di Formigine.

On the train

At the Modena Central Train Station, take the Modena-Sassuolo railway line and get off at Formigine station.

By bus

Service carried out by bus lines SILK.

How to get around

By bike

The Municipality of Formigine has created the following cycle paths:

  • Formigine-Casinalbo
  • Formigine-Corlo-magretta

What see

Facade of the villa Gandini
  • 1 Villa Gandini (Villa Aggazzotti), via Sant'Antonio 4. Ancient villa from the end of the 18th century designed by the architect Francesco Vandelli for the Gandinis. In the sixties of the twentieth century the Aggazzotti family carried out interventions to modernize the structure and the garden; the villa is still remembered by the community even today as Villa Aggazzotti, in memory of the last owner family. The Gandini, a Modenese family, became the owner of the building in 1791. Pietro Gandini promoted the transformation of the structure into the current elegant villa. Pietro received the title of Count in 1848. A first intervention in the villa was the aesthetics. Pietro Gandini entrusted the expansion of the villa to Francesco Vandelli. They joined Vandelli, other nineteenth-century artists: Domenico Baroni, Adeodato Malatesta and Luigi Mainori. Nephew of Pietro, Luigi Alberto Gandini, inherited the villa in 1871. Luigi died in 1906, leaving the villa to his daughter Albertina married to Count Filippo Salimbeni. Subsequently the villa was bought by the Aggazzotti. Giulio Aggazzotti Cavazza owned the villa from 1935 to 1959, providing for its modernization. Ludovico, Giulio's nephew, was responsible for a new change of the building in the 1960s. Ludovico requested four paintings from the Modenese painter Uber Cappelli, which will then be placed in the reception room. Villa Gandini on Wikipedia Villa Gandini (Q49272281) on Wikidata
Formigine Castle
  • 2 Formigine Castle, Calcagnini d'Este Square, 1, 39 059 416145-244, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull: 4 euros; reduced under 18 and over 65 years: 3 euros; reduced FAI members: 2 euros; free for children up to 12 years accompanied by families. In the period from 15 June to 30 September and every first Sunday of the month, free admission to the museum for individual visitors. For groups by reservation (equal to or greater than 20 people) the cost is € 3 per person. It is possible to book guided tours even on the closing days of the museum; for groups of 1 to 14 people, a supplement of € 25.00 will be charged in addition to the ticket price. Reservations must be made at least 7 days in advance.. Simple icon time.svgIn January, February and November: Sunday 10 am-1pm. From March 1st to June 14th inclusive: Saturday and Sunday 10 am-1pm / 3 pm-7pm. From 15 June to 10 August: PIT - Tourist Information Point open Saturday 5 pm-8pm; Museum and PIT open on Sunday 10-13 / 17-20; From 19 August to 31 October and in December: Saturday and Sunday 10-13 / 15-19. Extraordinary museum and PIT openings: 1st January, 6th January, 1st November, 26th December at 3-6.30pm; Easter Sunday, April 25, May 1, June 2, 3 pm-7pm; Carnival Sunday 10-13 / 14-18 (special admission for 1 euro); Shrove Tuesday 14-18 (special admission for 1 euro); Easter Monday and 8 December 10-13 / 15-19; Every Wednesday in July 19-23.30; 10 August at 5 pm-11.30pm (S. Lorenzo Fair); 15 August 10-13 / 17-20. Museum and ITP closed on the following days: Easter Sunday morning, from 11 to 18 August, 24 August (Feast of the Patron Saint Bartholomew), 25 December. The park is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 11pm with the exception of August 24th. Built by the Municipality of Modena in 1201 following a defeat suffered by the troops of the rival Municipality of Reggio Emilia, was built near an ancient church dating back to the early Middle Ages. In the fourteenth century it came into possession of the Estensi, who in 1405 granted it as a fief to Marco I Pio. Between the end of the fourteenth century and the first half of the fifteenth century the ancient fortress was demolished and rebuilt, assuming the current structure. In 1946 the Municipality of Formigine bought the castle from the Calcagnini family (who had owned it since 1648), to make it the seat of the municipal offices until 1998, when an overall restoration project began which ended in 2007, by the architects Domenico Biondi and Vincenzo Vandelli. The restoration was accompanied by an archaeological excavation campaign conducted by the Cà Foscari University of Venice, under the direction of prof. Sauro Gelichi, which made it possible to reconstruct the history of the complex. In the park enclosed by the castle walls some of the finds are visible: the church of S. Bartolomeo della Rocca, the cemetery used from the 11th to the 15th century and part of the walls of the 13th century fortress, while the remains of the 14th century village that once stood have been covered next to the church. The castle complex is now composed of a circle of walls with four corner towers, the keep (called Torre dell'Orologio), two ravelins, a moat and finally the Marchionale Palace. In the Rocchetta (the defensive part of the castle) there is the Castle Museum which is open on weekends and holidays. Inside, available to visitors: Room of the Errant Castle (installation of video art and architectural mapping); the Magic Pen (simple and intuitive audio guide that leads visitors on a fun journey for the whole family); bookshop (shop where you can buy postcards, brochures, tourist guides, receivers and texts), restaurant and wine shop. Formigine Castle on Wikipedia Formigine castle (Q16268257) on Wikidata
Facade of the church of San Bartolomeo
  • 3 Church of San Bartolomeo. The parish church of San Bartolomeo is the main church of the town. This religious structure is located in the square in front of the castle, and stands where the ancient oratory dedicated to San Rocco was located. The church was restored twice, the first time in 1688 and the second time in 1727, while the facade was finished building in 1911. Originally it was very poor in liturgical furnishings and furnishings, but over time it was enriched with furnishings , paintings and votive altarpieces, among which stands out a canvas depicting the Madonna del Rosario, the first known by Bartolomeo. You can also admire: the painting depicting S. Antonio Abate and S. Mauro Eremita, the oval of the frontal with the image of San Antonio Abate, which can be traced back to the hand of Giovan Maria Cioni. Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Formigine) on Wikipedia church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Q62267139) on Wikidata
  • 4 Park of the Resistance, Formigine.
  • 5 Church of SS. Annunziata (Church of SS. Annunciata or Rigata Church), Via Giardini Nord, Formigine, 39 059 558762, 39 339 8417708, 39 059 558485. Simple icon time.svgThu, Sat and Sun 9: 00-12: 30; the other days on request.
  • 6 Church of the Madonna del Ponte (Church of the Confraternity of S. Pietro Martire).
  • 7 Church of San Francesco and Maria Ausiliatrice (Church of the Conventino), Via S. Francesco D'Assisi 58.
  • 8 Parish church of S. Giacomo di Colombaro, Via Sant'Antonio, 62 - Colombaro di Formigine - MO - 41043, 39 059 549025. Simple icon time.svgMass: Sun and holidays 8: 30-11: 00; Mon-Sat (except Wed and Thu in July-August) 19:00. La Pieve is open only for celebrations. It can be visited by appointment, by sending an email to the address: [email protected].
  • 9 Colombarone naturalistic oasis, 39 059 416313, @. The oasis of Colobarone is a large wetland of about 50 hectares, located on the banks of the Secchia river, classified as a site of community importance. The oasis is the access point of the Secchia Nature Trail, a cycle-pedestrian itinerary that goes from Modena to Castellarano (RE), for a length of 33 km. The oasis is home to a dense avifauna composed of mallards, coots, moorhens, night herons, egrets, grebes, plungers and rarer species such as the bittern. The presence of the marsh tortoise is important, a species at risk of extinction and the only native Italian freshwater turtle. Guided tours by appointment.

Events and parties

  • Children's Carnival. Ecb copyright.svgFree. It is celebrated in a special way: at lunchtime you can taste the typical Modenese dishes (an example is the fried dumplings) and in the afternoon, in the streets of Formigine, floats are paraded and decorated by the parents of the children of the elementary. Finally, all the boys and girls wear magnificent costumes. The Children's Carnival: has a known origin and even a date of birth: February 20, 1957.
  • Ludi di San Bartolomeo. Feast of the patron saint San Bartolomeo. It is celebrated in the days immediately preceding or following August 24, through medieval re-enactments, with tournaments, jousting and palio delle contrade. On 24 August the "Assault and fire of the castle" is held with a fireworks display.
  • September Formiginese. Throughout the month of September street food, markets and stalls in the historic center. On weekends sporting events and free shows in the square.
  • We Can Cult (Cultural Weekend in Formigine). The second weekend of September in the park of the Castle of the Formigine cultural festival, with free meetings with writers, authors, directors, musicians.

What to do


In the historic center there are shops dedicated mainly to clothing.

  • Weekly market, Ravera square. Simple icon time.svgSaturday morning.
  • Second hand market. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday of the month.
  • Casinalbo weekly market, Via Paolucci (Casinalbo). Simple icon time.svgThursday morning.
  • Weekly market of Colombaro. Simple icon time.svgTuesday morning.
  • Corlo weekly market. Simple icon time.svgWednesday morning.
  • Farmer's market Formigine (Farmer's market), Via Cipollino (In the Corassori district). Simple icon time.svgMonday morning.
  • Farmer's market Formigine (Farmer's market), Via Trento Trieste. Simple icon time.svgWednesday morning.
  • Formigine reuse market. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday of the month. Organized by the Formiginese sports center.
  • Fish market, Piazza Italia - Formigine. Simple icon time.svgThursday morning.
  • Numismatic philatelic market, Piazza Italia in Formigine. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday of the month.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Pastry shop "da Perre", Via Matteotti, 8. A place where you can eat both indoors and outdoors. The food is good and the prices are good. If you love haute cuisine, this is the place for you. Enjoy your breakfast.
  • 2 Pizzeria Rusticana, Via Pietro Giusti, 32, 39 059 571710. Well organized.
  • 3 Old Mill Pizzeria, Via Giardini Nord, 108, 39 059 557346. Local for good gourmets they make a pizza with both wheat flour and wholemeal flour dough.
  • Roman wine shop, by river, 6, 39 059 8750772. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat from 5pm.

Average prices

  • 4 Ca 'del Rio, Via Bassa Paolucci, 55, 39 059 550258. Quite expensive, they are renowned for the production of liqueurs with their own cherries.
  • 5 Osteria Giardini, Via Giardini Sud, 71, 39 059 570048, @. Here are tortellini, tortelloni, gnocchi with balsamic vinegar of Modena, different cuts of meat, gnocco and tigelle, all surrounded with cooked and raw vegetables of all kinds, cured meats, cheeses and stews; and at the end of the meal, in addition to classic desserts, homemade cakes await you.
  • Il Calcagnino, Calcagnini Square, 1, 39 059 557277, 39 329 2352830, @. Ecb copyright.svgmedium-high. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


Formigine is a safe city, where you can easily get around.

How to keep in touch

Keep informed

  • Tourist Information Point, Calcagnini Square, 1 (c / o reception of the Castle Museum), 39 059 416145 (during opening hours). Simple icon time.svgIn January, February and November: Sunday 10 am-1pm. From March 1st to June 14th inclusive: Saturday and Sunday 10 am-1pm / 3 pm-7pm. From 15 June to 10 August: PIT - Tourist Information Point open Saturday 5 pm-8pm; Museum and PIT open on Sunday 10-13 / 17-20; From 19 August to 31 October and in December: Saturday and Sunday 10-13 / 15-19. Extraordinary museum and PIT openings: 1st January, 6th January, 1st November, 26th December at 3-6.30pm; Easter Sunday, April 25, May 1, June 2, 3 pm-7pm; Carnival Sunday 10-13 / 14-18 (special admission for 1 euro); Shrove Tuesday 14-18 (special admission for 1 euro); Easter Monday and 8 December 10-13 / 15-19; Every Wednesday in July 19-23.30; 10 August 5 pm-11.30pm (S. Lorenzo Fair); 15 August 10-13 / 17-20. Museum and PIT closed on the following days: Easter Sunday morning, from 11 to 18 August, 24 August (Feast of the Patron Saint Bartholomew), 25 December.
  • Municipality of Formigine - Culture Service, Via Unita d'Italia, 26, 39 059 416244, 39 059 416368, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Public relations office, Via Unità d'Italia, 30, 39 059 416333, fax: 39 059 416226, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Wed 08: 15-13: 15, Thu 08: 15-13: 30 and 14: 15-17: 45, Fri-Sat 08: 15-12: 15.


  • Maranello - Seat of the car manufacturer of the "Prancing Horse", it hosts the Ferrari Museum, the corporate museum of the famous car manufacturer founded in 1947.
  • Sassuolo - It is the main center of the Italian ceramic industry. In the center stands the Palazzo Ducale.
  • Fiorano - There is Villa Guastalla (also called Villa Clotilde), built by the architect Gaspare Vigarani and the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Castello.
  • Break - It houses the oratory of the Madonna del Sagrato, which was built in 1630 and the Castle of Spezzano.
  • Modena - It is located about 10 kilometers from Formigine.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Formigine
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Formigine
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