Formosa (Goiás) - Formosa (Goiás)

Formosa is a Brazilian municipality in the northeast of the state of Goiás. It is located 75 kilometers from Brasilia, and 272 kilometers from Goiania. The population of the municipality of Formosa is 100,084 inhabitants. In it are located the Itiquira jump, 168 m high waterfall, and the Bezerra District, which has an impressive collection of natural and archaeological attractions.


Formosa emerged in the mid-18th century, when Goiás belonged to the captaincy of São Paulo. The city was formed by former residents of Arraial de Santo Antônio, in the Paranã valley, who fled their village after a strong malaria epidemic hit the region. Afraid of the disease, drovers and merchants who came from Bahia and Minas Gerais camped in the region where Formosa is now located.

The village was named Arraial dos Couros in honor of the travelers who camped in the place in leather tents they brought to trade. The creation of the municipality of Formosa took place on August 1, 1843.

To arrive

By airplane

The closest airport is Brasília.

By car

  • Leaving Brasília, head towards Sobradinho, and go straight on the BR-020.


By car

Access to some attractions can be problematic in the rainy season.


Out of town

  • Bezerra District - 20 km, following the BR-020. It stands out for the sights it has. There are several places, many of which are still unknown.


  • , Highway GO 440 (32 km from Formosa, well-marked paved road), (61) 3631-0454, email: . 9am to 5pm. Check in only until 4pm. At 168 meters, it is the highest waterfall in the Brazilian Midwest. It is located within a protected area, the Municipal Park of Itiquira. It is not possible to swim in the well that forms just below this waterfall, as the force of the free fall of the water is enormous. This offers a unique spectacle that is worth seeing. Just below, on the river, there are other wells with small waterfalls and very good for swimming. After the jump, the river forms a sequence of waterfalls, rapids and wells, covered by a dense forest. The park attracts many tourists from Brasília (115 km). It has several mineral water springs, and outside the park, a club with medium infrastructure, restaurant, bars, snack bars, camping, running water pools, hotel and chalets. R$ 12 per adult and R$ 6 for children up to 10 years old. Children up to 5 years old are free..
  • Bisnau waterfall - 20 km from the Bezerra District. 100 meters of waterfall, with a drop of 130 m, with 6 small waterfalls along the way, and the big waterfall. There are two wells suitable for bathing, one at the beginning of the waterfall and the other at the end, as well as a wonderful view, with a natural lookout. It is possible to descend through the waterfall, climbing the wall beside it, or via rappelling, or even down a steep trail in the middle of virgin forest. The waterfall is next to the Archaeological Site of the same name, with indescribable figures in its rock formations – there are more than 29 archaeological sites in the vicinity. In them, there are graphic signs in the rock, ranging from low-relief cave excavations to monochrome paintings. The place hides great secrets from our ancestors, the guides guarantee.
  • flagstone - 19 km from the Bezerra District. It looks like a human work, given the perfection of the finishing of the rocks that cover a large area in the bed of the Bisnau river. Waterfall with about 2 meters high, beautiful waterfalls with a drop of 10 meters, ending in a well of crystal clear water with 3 meters deep.
  • Blue Well - about 35 km from the Bezerra District, it is a spring of translucent waters, about 9 meters deep, in the middle of virgin forest, where it is possible to see fish of various species.
  • Santana - about 16 km from the Bezerra District, formed by the Paraim River, Cachoeira da Santana has two falls, the first is about 20 meters high, forming a small well and the second and largest drop is approximately 80 meters. Access to the place is difficult, but it is rewarded by the beauty and tranquility of the place. At the foot of the waterfall there is a well where you can swim and fish.


  • Hole of the Macaws - One of the largest quartzite dolines in Brazil and the second largest in the Center-West, 105m deep and 295m wide, has in its midst a dense humid forest, with giant ferns typical of the local primitive age. The trail leads to a huge cave with an underground river where you can dive. Really impressive point, despite the difficult trail; it is common to rappel down.
  • Cave of the Swallows - 21 km from the Bezerra District. About 250 meters deep, inside there is a lagoon with crystal clear water.
  • Jabuticabeira Cave - About 8 km from the Bezerra District. 2 km long. Inside it runs a river with crystalline and icy waters, forming deep wells. To make your crossing, you have to walk through the river water and, in some stretches, it is necessary to swim, due to the depth. The darkness inside the cave is impressive, but with good lanterns it is possible to appreciate the stalactites and stalagmites present inside. It ends in an 8 m high waterfall with a beautiful well.
  • Toca da Onça - 14 km from the Bezerra District. 200 m walkway under a huge limestone, located on the Capetinga farm. It gets its name because farmers claim that, in the past, the place was home to jaguars, who attacked cattle ranches.



With the

  • , Nossa S. da Conceição Square, 334 Centro, (61) 3631-2279.
  • , Av. Lagoa Feia, 1710 Formosinha, (61) 3642-2855.
  • , Rua Emílio Póvoa, 420 Centro, (61) 3631-7272.
  • , Rua Sen Borba, 349 Centro, (61) 3632-1665.
  • (on the road to Itiquira, km 07), (61) 9968-2983 / 9963-6879, email: . Typical rural environment, lovingly prepared food and products from the Estreito Farm. Complete buffet with the best in Goiás and Minas Gerais cuisine. Feijoada, pequi, lamb, oxtail, grilled, all kinds of snacks and salad with products grown in the local garden.

drink and go out



  • , exit to S. João da Aliança (access by GO-430 to GO-118), 28km, 61 9957-3060. Next to Fazenda Indaiá, with some beautiful waterfalls.
  • , access by GO-430 to Planaltina de Goiás (Lagoa Formosa), 30km, 61 3225 3788 and 3224-7758.


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