Friborg (region) - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Fribourg (région) — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

(rm) Freiburg)
Regional capital
46 ° 43 ′ 0 ″ N 7 ° 5 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site

the Country of Friborg (Freibourgland) is a region of Swiss corresponding to the canton of Friborg, with the exception of the three exclaves located in the Canton of Vaud.


  • The canton mainly represents a plateau. In fact to the south, overlooking the Lake Geneva and of Vevey, from Châtel Saint-Denis and Semsales at an altitude of 800m, the lands descend so little that they represent a flat until Lake constanceBodensee 400m north, 300 km of the. In the canton, this plateau is in the south a region of breeding and going up one finds large cultures.
  • To the east, the Friborg Prealps are a region of livestock and alpine pastures, woods and forests. The scenery is quite different because it is differentiated by a landscape of valleys and mountains from 1800 to 2300m, sometimes steep. Hilly Gruyère, mountainous Intyamon and wild Singine.
  • To the west, at the foot of the Jura chain, the canton borders the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. The crops are rather vegetable, and even made of vines in the Vully.
  • But the agricultural engine of the canton is without dispute Milk for its derivatives: Gruyère, then Vacherin Fribourgeois, chocolate and finally fondue, double cream, meringues and recently its macaroons.

To speak

The northern part of the township (Singine district) and part of the city of Freiburg rather speak there German language, in the rest of the region, the language is French.

To go

By car

A1Swiss.svg Between Lausanne and Bern and A12Swiss.svg Between Vevey and Bern.

By train

  • On the line between Bern and Lausanne, serving Romont and Freiburg.
  • On the M.O.B line of Montreux To Gstaad, serving via the Goldenpass, the village of Montbovon, from where one can go up towards Gruyères and Bulle by the valley of theIntyamon.


Districts of the Friborg region.
Broye district
The sweetness of Lake Neuchâtel and the town of Estavayer le-le-Lac. Comprising 25 municipalities, including: Belmont, Bussy, Châbles, Châtillon, Cheiry, Cheyres, Cugy, Delley-Portalban, Estavayer-le-Lac, Fétigny, Gletterens, Les Montets, Lully, Ménières, Montagny, Morens, Murist, Nuvilly, Prévondavaux , Rueyres-les-Prés, Saint-Aubin, Sévaz, Surpierre, Vallon, Vernay, Villeneuve, Vuissens.
Glâne district
Romont (view of Mont-Blanc on a clear day, from the castle), the stained glass windows. Comprising 19 municipalities, including: Auboranges, Billens-Hennens, Chapelle, Châtonnaye, Écublens, Grangettes, La Folliaz, Le Châtelard, Massonnens, Mézières, Montet, Romont, Rue, Siviriez, Torny, Ursy, Villaz-Saint-Pierre, Villorsonnens, Vuisternens-devant-Romont.
Gruyère district
Region with its Gruyère lake, Bubble, the upper and lower Gruyère, theIntyamon, The Moléson, the village and the castle of Gruyères. Cheeses, chocolate. Comprising 25 municipalities, including: Bas-Intyamon, Botterens, Broc, Bulle, Châtel-sur-Montsalvens, Corbières, Crésuz, Echarlens, Grandvillard, Gruyères, Haut-Intyamon, Hauteville, Bellegarde (Jaun), La Roche, Le Pâquier-Montbarry , Marsens, Morlon, Pont-en-Ogoz, Pont-la-Ville, Riaz, Sâles, Sorens, Vaulruz, Val-de-Charmey, Vuadens.
Lake District
Lake Murten, Mont-Vully and its vineyard (Friborg and Vaud at the same time) and the medieval town of Murten. Comprising 20 municipalities, including: Barberêche, Champagny (Gempenach), Cormondes (Gurmels), Courgevaux, Courtepin, Cressier, Frasses (Fräschels), Charmey (Galmiz), Greng, Chiètres (Kerzers), Petit-Bassen (Kleinbösingen), Meyriez, Misery-Courtion, Mont-Vully, Montilier (Muntelier), Morat (Murten), Ormey (Ulmiz), Essert (Ried bei Kerzers), Villarepos, Wallenried.
Sarine district
Freiburg. Comprising 31 municipalities, including: Arconciel, Autigny, Avry, Belfaux, Chénens, Chésopelloz, Corminboeuf, Corserey, Cottens, Épendes, Ferpicloz, Friborg, Gibloux, Givisiez, Granges-Paccot, Grolley, Hauterive, La Brillaz, La Sonnaz, Le Mouret , Marly, Matran, Neyruz, Noréaz, Pierrafortscha, Ponthaux, Prez-vers-Noréaz, Senèdes, Treyvaux, Villars-sur-Glâne, Villarsel-sur-Marly.
Singine District
The Black Lake (Schwarzsee). Comprising 19 municipalities, including: Alterswil, Bösingen, Brünisried, Guin (Düdingen), Chevrilles (Giffers), Heitenried, Oberschrot, Planfayon (Plaffeien), Plasselb, Dirlaret (Rechthalten), Schmitten, Saint-Antoine (Sankt Antoni), Saint- Sylvestre (Sankt Silvester), Saint-Ours (St. Ursen), Tavel (Tafers), Tinterin (Tentlingen), Ueberstorf, Flamatt (Wünnewil), Zumholz.
District of Veveyse
Coming from Lake Geneva, Châtel-Saint-Denis is the gateway to the canton of Friborg, which contrasts with the Riviera of Montreux and Vevey, the countryside, rurality and skiing in Les Paccots. Comprising 9 municipalities, including: Attalens, Bossonnens, Châtel Saint-Denis, Granges, La Verrerie, Le Flon, Remaufens, Saint-Martin, Semsales.


By public transport

  • 1 Friborg public transport (TPF) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Rue Louis-d'Affry 2, 1700 Friborg, Logo indicating a telephone number  41 26 351 02 00, e-mail :  – Customer service, Traffic and information: Rue Louis-d'Affry 2, P.O. Box 1536 - 1701 Friborg

The entire canton of Friborg is divided into zones. The price of the ticket is calculated according to the number of zones crossed. This ticket is valid for both a bus and train journey.

  • Details of the fare zones that make up your journey
  • Frimobil (Tariff Community Plan) Logo indicating a link to the website

The bus network is well supplied. The ticket price is 2,7 Fr. for an area regardless of the number of stops for an adult (16 years and over) and Fr. for a child. It is possible to buy a day pass valid for one day (5,7 Fr. up to 25 years old, then 8,8 Fr.). Season tickets for a week or more are sold at advantageous prices at Rue des Pilettes or directly at the station


  • - To come and go by bus in the Canton of Friborg
  • Regional buses (Schematic transport plan for regional buses in the Canton of Friborg) Logo indicating a link to the website – The 52 bus lines serve the canton of Friborg, in addition to Friborg and Bulle.
  • Regional buses (Transport timetable for regional buses in the Canton of Friborg) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • - To come and go by bus in the city of Freiburg and its surroundings
  • AGGLO (Schematic map of bus transport in the agglomeration of Friborg) Logo indicating a link to the website – The 11 bus lines serve the perimeter of the Friborg agglomeration, as well as the funicular which connects the Lower Town to the city center.
  • AGGLO (Bus transport schedule in the agglomeration of Friborg) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • - To come or leave Friborg by bus, 5 lines take you home in the evening or at night to return
  • AGGLO night lines (Schematic plan of night bus lines) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • AGGLO night lines (Night bus line transport schedule) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • - To come and go by bus in the city of Bubble and its surroundings
  • MOBUL (Schematic map of bus transport in the Bulle area) Logo indicating a link to the website – The 3 bus lines serve the perimeter of the agglomeration of Bull.
  • MOBUL (Bus transport schedule for the agglomeration of Bulle) Logo indicating a link to the website


  • - For work, study and leisure, trains run every hour or even every 30 min on all railway lines in the region of the canton of Friborg
  • RER trains Friborg / Freiburg (Schematic plan of train lines) Logo indicating a link to the website (To come or leave Friborg by train)
  • RER trains Friborg / Freiburg (Train line transport schedule) Logo indicating a link to the website



Other cities

  • 8 Gruyères  – Fortified medieval village, located within the walls of the castle of the Counts of Gruyères. Charming.
  • 9 Val de Charmey


  • 1 Epagny: Starting point of the 2017 Gordon Bennett air race Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Logo indicating timetables September 7 to 16, 2017.

To buy


Condiments, fruits and vegetables

  • Bénichon mustard Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Sweet and sour spice jam composed of mustard flour, fine flour, white wine, cooked wine, candy sugar and water. The mixture is flavored with cinnamon, star anise and cloves. There are more or less sweet, more or less spicy. It is eaten with the cuchaule, a kind of saffron brioche.
  • Botzi pear Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Cooking pear, small, grown in Gruyère. Often used in the hunting menu or during the blessing in the canton of Friborg. The fruit is protected by an AOC (5/10/2007).

Dishes and Specialties

  • Benichon Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Popular festival in the canton of Friborg between mid-September and early October. It is part of the living traditions of Switzerland. Meal marking the end of mountain pasture climbs. The menu is gigantic for our time, but it is still eaten in this canton. To expect h To h of a meal. This very convivial menu prepared with refinement, with traditional dishes, can also be tasted.
  • Half and half fondue Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Half Gruyère cheese and Half Vacherin Fribourgeois cheese

Cheeses and dairy products

  • Double cream of Gruyère Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Soft and creamy, can be used for dessert with meringues or red fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry)
  • Gruyère (the original) Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Cheese made from whole cow's milk, cooked pressed cheese, but made from raw milk. PDO (2013). We do not confuse the "Swiss Gruyère AOP" from Gruyère with the "French Gruyère IGP".
  • Alpine Gruyère Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Cheese produced from April-May to October (above 1 000 m altitude), in the pastures of the Fribouge and Vaud pre-Alps, the Vaud Jura and the Neuchâtel Mountains. PDO.
  • Vacherin Fribourgeois Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Uncooked pressed cheese made from raw cow's milk. PDO (2005)

Breads and desserts

  • Cuchaule Logo indicating a wikipedia link – A sort of saffron brioche, which is eaten with jams for example, but in the canton of Friborg, it is mainly Bénichon mustard.
  • Double cream meringue  – Excellent marriage between the very sweet meringue and the very light double cream. The Gruyère meringue is smaller than that of Meiringen.

Have a drink / Go out


See in township districts and major towns.

Manage the day-to-day

Local radio stations in the Canton of Friborg

  • 97.7 Extra BE  – Bern and region - Friborg
  • 95.6 RABE  – Bern and region - Friborg
  • 101.2 Radio ALT Freiburg Arsenal – City of Friborg
  • 89.4 Radio Friborg Logo indicating a link to the website Gibloux – Canton Friborg - Friborg
  • 88.4 Radio Friborg  – Estavayer and surroundings - Friborg
  • 90.2 Radio Freiburg Villars-sur-Glâne – Canton Friborg - Friborg
  • 92.9 Radio Friborg Givisiez – Paccots barns
  • 98.9 Radio Freiburg Friborg Grand-Place – City of Friborg
  • 106.1 Radio Friborg Friborg Grand-Place – City of Friborg
  • 96.5 Red FM Logo indicating a link to the website – Yverdon and region - Friborg
  • 101.9 Red FM Logo indicating a link to the website Crissier – Foot of the Jura - Orbe - Friborg
  • 107.3 RSI Rete Uno  – Canton Friborg
  • 87.9 RTN Bole Cottendart – Bôle - Neuchatel - Friborg
  • 104.2 RTS Color 3 Logo indicating a link to the website Chasseral – Canton Friborg - Friborg
  • 88.6 RTS Color 3 Gibloux – Canton Friborg - Friborg
  • 90.6 RTS Color 3  – Oron - Friborg
  • 104.7 RTS Color 3 First – Vallorbe - Yverdon Orbe - Gros de Vaud - Friborg
  • 100.3 RTS Space 2 Logo indicating a link to the website – Canton Friborg - Friborg
  • 92.5 RTS Space 2 Logo indicating a link to the website – Romont - Friborg
  • 96.2 RTS Space 2 Freiburg – City of Friborg
  • 100.8 RTS Space 2  – Vallorbe - Yverdon Orbe - Gros de Vaud - Friborg
  • 91.0 RTS The First Logo indicating a link to the website Gibloux – Romont - Friborg
  • 94.7 RTS La Première First – Vallorbe - Yverdon Orbe - Gros de Vaud - Friborg
  • 102.3 RTS La Première Chasseral – Canton Friborg
  • 102.6 RTS La Première Freiburg – City of Friborg
  • 103.0 SRF 1 (DRS 1)  – Canton Friborg
  • 93.8 SRF 1 Freiburg – City of Friborg
  • 99.7 SRF 2 (DRS 2)  – Lake Biel, Murten - Friborg
  • 105.3 SRF 3 (DRS 3) Chasseral – Canton Friborg


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