Haiti - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Haïti — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Haitian Citadel
Haitian Citadel
Flag of Haiti.svg
Capital city
Form of State
Official language
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
19 ° 6 ′ 0 ″ N 73 ° 6 ′ 0 ″ W
Official site

Haiti is a country of Caribbean border of the Dominican Republic on the island ofHispaniola.


Haiti is not a tourist country as it is generally understood in the Caribbean. It is a country difficult to describe with words, as would be an atmosphere ... It is more a country that one feels, it is a country for the curious ... It is a country whose discovery appeals to all the senses. So, if yours are sharp, be careful, the sensations will be strong ...

What this first black republic in the world inherited from nature and the vicissitudes of its history cannot be ignored: very beautiful mountains, lush forests, beaches as beautiful as anywhere else in the Caribbean, but often wilder because 'still difficult to access; colonial houses in wooden lace, markets filled with perfumes and colors; an unusual taste and artistic talent. Art galleries are full of naïve paintings, sculptures and rich crafts, many of its artists are world famous, music and songs take over the streets. The hotel infrastructure still in its infancy, at least outside the capital, has not yet set the scene.

But what will undoubtedly fascinate you more in this Africa in the Caribbean, they are its inhabitants: their humor and their good humor, their serious faces transforming so quickly into frank and direct smiles. The stranger is welcomed as a friend, hospitality is a national tradition. Haitians do not know what racism is. They will talk to you with pleasure, and you will love the poetry of their Creole and its accent. And deep in their eyes, still mystery; or mysticism? Christianity and voodoo go hand in hand! Voodoo and its rhythms are distant, but omnipresent in the night, omnipresent in the colors of everyday life. Its ceremonies will be inaccessible to you. You will hear about zombies, animal sacrifices, men and women in trance feeding on embers ... rites transposed from their African origins. Let the mystery hang, and pay no attention to the simulacra organized here or there for tourists.

Fascinating, Haiti? And yet you are in one of the poorest countries in the world, stuck for a long time in a sad if not grotesque historical-political soap opera, striving to maintain a state of misery which attacks you as soon as you get off the plane. You will no doubt wonder on your return how you could have thought that there is not a nicer country in the world than Haiti, yet poor as a beggar, hungry, illiterate, unemployed, without the slightest political rights. The answer is out there! perhaps in the smile of the beggar you have passed, if you have not looked away.

Beautiful, confusing, fascinating ... You will understand, Haiti is not a country that we discover simply for its beaches and its decor. There is something to feel in Haiti everywhere, nothing will leave you indifferent. It is a country where you come to experience an atmosphere, or even let yourself be invaded by a certain mysticism. Other islands will seduce you, this one can only bewitch you ...


The island had been inhabited since the year 1000 by Taino, Arawak Indians who led a peaceful life.

For the Western world, Christopher Columbus discovered the island on December 5, 1492 and the first contacts were going well. It was the Caribbean Indians, a bellicose people from South America, who set fire to the powder by provoking Tainos and then conquistadors.

After a few years of prosperity, the exhaustion of the gold veins led the Spaniards to turn away from the region. The French establish their presence on the island and write the pages of the adventure of pirates, privateers and buccaneers. With the Treaty of Ryswick in 1697, Spain preferred to cede the western third of the island to France. Hispaniola becomes the colony of Santo Domingo for 200 years.

Under Toussaint Louverture, Santo Domingo gained its independence in 1804 during the Haitian Revolution. The new country was named Haiti in recognition of the indigenous Arawaks. Haiti becomes the second independent nation in the New World after the United States. It is also the first black republic as well as the only successful slave, Native American and Mulatto revolution.

Following this revolution, Haiti is plagued by social and political problems. Today it is the poorest country in the Americas and one of the poorest countries in the world.

He knows an incredible succession of political regimes including the famous Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier.

The election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1991 revived hope, quickly showered by his clumsiness (to put it mildly!). His dismissal by a coup d'état will lead to a new succession of leaders who have to deal with the management of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 ...



  • 1 Cap-Haitien Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 2 Les Cayes Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 3 Jacmel Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 4 Jean-Rabel Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 5 Jeremiah Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 6 La Gonâve Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 7 Miragoâne Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 8 Port au Prince Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 9 Port-de-Paix Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element

Other destinations

  • 1 Turtle Island Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Very beautiful island located northwest of the main part of the country, it was an important bastion for the pirates who roamed the Caribbean Sea in the 17th century.e century.
  • 2 La Visite National Park Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – One of the country's two national parks, includes the highest mountain in Haiti: the Pic de la Selle.

To go


  •      Haiti
  •      Exemption from Visa for 3 months
  •      Visa required

Haiti grants the right to visit the country for a stay of up to three months to citizens of all countries except the Colombia, of Cuba, of Panama and some Dominican Republic. However, citizens of these countries can also enter visa-free if they hold a valid visa issued by the Canada, the United States or theSchengen area.

By bus

There are bus connections between Haiti and Dominican Republic.

By plane

The main airports areToussaint-Louverture airport at Port au Prince and the Cap-Haitien international airport in Cap-Haitien in the north of the country.

  • 1 Cap-Haitien International Airport (IATA : CAP, ICAO: MTCH) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (south-eastern suburbs of Cap-Haitien)

On a boat

Labadee is a private port which is used by cruise ships.



Pedestrians never have the right of way, they must manage to cross at their own risk. But don't be surprised if a driver stops for you to cross, it happens quite often

By bus

People use minibuses, simple buses, or artistic buses and vans a lot for their trips in the metropolitan area. The price is set in consultation with the State and the price depends on the distance.

By plane

On a boat

People use boats to get to islets like Île-à-Vache or Île de la Tortue.

By motorcycle

The motorcycle is the popular means of travel, but it is also very dangerous. It takes you where you want to go.

AT Port au Prince, because of traffic jams, they are found everywhere. Be careful, hospitals are constantly receiving injured people, because they drive without any safety rules.

In the provinces, in small towns, the motorcycle is often the only means of transport available.

By car

You should know that even if every Haitian who drives must have a driver's license, it is generally purchased. Road safety rules are generally not followed, and there are very few road signs.

For prohibited directions, refer to parked cars and knowledge of the terrain.

As in North America, you can turn right at a red light but without having priority over other users, except when the red light has an arrow that controls the fork.

In the metropolitan region of Port au Prince, you must park in the direction of traffic and have at least two wheels on the sidewalk.

In tap-tap

Public taxis are called "tap-tap" in Haitian Creole. Most are small modified trucks. Their price is set in consultation with the State and the price depends on the distance. They are not expensive, but they can be dangerous in the mountains where the roads are not ideal. If you do not speak Creole, it is advisable to travel accompanied.

By taxi

They are present in the metropolitan region of Port au Prince. They are recognized by the presence of a red ribbon attached to the interior mirror. They pick up several travelers and drop them off or pick up more as they advance.

The price of the race is based on the route taken which is divided into zones. The rise of Mornes increases the price of the race: generally, the price is multiplied by two, or 60 gourdes.

In January 2013, the minimum asking price is 30 gourdes for a race.


The official languages ​​are French and Haitian creole. French is usually spoken by the most educated people. Haitian Creole is a language based on the French language, but also influenced by African languages ​​used by the slaves of the origins, in particular the Wolof, a language ofWest Africa. TheSpanish as well as the indigenous languages ​​of the Taïnos, the first Amerindian peoples also spiced up, in their own way, Haitian Creole. Don't expect to have the ability to speak Creole automatically if you speak French; the two languages ​​are really different languages. It's helpful to have a little working knowledge of Haitian Creole to navigate and negotiate with vendors. Knowledge of island Creole such as Martinique, the Guadeloupe and the Dominica may be of use to you. You can also find people who are fluent inEnglish and Spanish.


Haiti's currency is the gourd. The local symbol is G and the ISO code is HTG. The exchange rate is around 50G for each euro.

A small important detail: all Haitians speak of dollars, but they are Haitian dollars, currency that does not really exist, only in language. There is nevertheless an exchange rate: 1 Haitian dollar ($ HT) is worth 5 gourdes. This dates from the American occupation so the dollar was worth 5 gourdes. In 2013, the US dollar is worth around 40G, that is to say 8 $ HT.


Haitian cuisine is a delicious combination of flavors African, caribbean and french. As an example, let us mention the kabrit (kid: dwarf goat) and djondjon rice (Creole rice) the best way to experience Haitian food is to stay in a local person's house. Fruits like mango, guava and coconut adorn the market stalls. You will find good restaurants in big cities like Port au Prince, Jacmel and Cap-Haitien.

Have a drink

Be careful, the vast majority of water is not drinkable. Bottled water is sold in most towns. If you can't find water, coconut milk is healthy and delicious. There are also several places where it is possible to collect water directly from springs.

Haiti is known for its rum. The Barbancourt 5-Star is excellent and it is the most famous brand. There is Rum Sour, a mixture of rum, angustura, sugar and lemon. A good place to taste it is at the Auberge du Rayon vert in Port-Hi.

Clairin is also delicious. It is an alcohol made from sugar cane sold in the street. Be aware, however, that it is very strong!

Prestige beer, known worldwide for its gold medals in 2000 and 2012 in the American-style German blond beer category, is sold throughout the territory of the Republic of Haiti.


There are houses in the countryside which receive tourists. Be aware that they are difficult to find. Most of these houses cost around $ 20 to 30  by night. You can find beautiful hotels in the capital and also in big cities like Jacmel, Cap-Haitien, Port-de-Paix and Hinche.

Haitians are welcoming and you can stay with locals without any problem.




Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :114
Firefighter :115

When it comes to security, you don't have to worry too much. With the exception of the capital, which has some problems with theft and kidnapping, Haiti is relatively safe.

Apart from a few regions in the capital, the country is very open in terms of security since everyone knows everyone in the towns in the provinces.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


Malaria is present in Haiti, and the use of an anti-mosquito net is therefore very useful, as is the regular intake of antimalarials before, during and after the trip.

Before leaving for Haiti, ask your doctor to prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Cypro 1000. In case of infection, you will have something to help you out.

In the area of ​​health, a lot of effort has been made. Several hospitals were built after the earthquake. Médecin sans frontières and Médecin du monde are on site. Nowadays the situation is much better than in the past.


Do not take pictures of people without getting their permission. Do not be surprised if they ask you for a few gourds and above all be friendly with everyone.

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