Hiwwel route - Hiwwel-Route

Logo Hiwwel Route

The Hiwwel route leads over a total length of 165 km of Bingen to Worms.

Route profile

  • Length:165 km
  • Signposting:
  • Slopes:
  • Path condition:
  • Traffic load:
  • Suitable bike: Touring bike with gear shift
  • Family suitability:
  • Inline suitability:


Hiwwel - in the Rhine-Hessian dialect, these are the hills that offer wonderful views over the entire country on this route.

getting there

By train

  • Bingen - Central station: regional train and individual IC. Transport network RNN
  • Mainz - Central station: ICE, IC, RE, RB and S-Bahn
  • Mainz-Marienborn - for those who want to save a few meters in altitude. From the train station to the east in the direction of Mz-Hechtsheim.
  • Wörrstadt - train station on the Mainz - Alzey line
  • Alzey - Junction station in regional traffic from Bingen, Mainz, Worms and Kirchheimbolanden
  • Worms - Regional train station, junction

By bicycle

Bingen: Rhine cycle route and Nahe cycle path

Route description with sights

The Hiwwel route leads through Rheinhessen and is divided into four stages.

The mouse tower - the landmark of the city of Bingen.

1st stage: Bingen - Mainz: 43 km

Of Bingen at the Rhein-Nahe-Eck Mainz Main station: 43 km total length, of which 30.5 km are bike paths, 230 meters up and 220 meters down.

  • Bingen am Rhein - Rhein-Nahe-Eck - Mäuseturm (Rheininsel) - Museum am Strom → Connection to: Rhine cycle route and Nahe cycle path
  • Gaulsheim - Nature Conservation Center Rheinauen
  • Ingelheim Nord - ferry to Oestrich-Winkel in the Rheingau
  • Ingelheim - Railway station
  • Ingelheim-Süd - Burgkirche → Connection to: Selztal cycle path
  • Ingelheim-Ost - Imperial Palatinate
  • Heidesheim
  • Mainz-Finthen
  • Mainz Central Station
    • Schillerplatz with Carnival Fountain, Gutenberg Museum, St. Martin's Cathedral, old town with the cherry orchard

2nd stage: Mainz - Wörrstadt: 36 km

From Mainz main train station to Wörrstadt train station: 36 km total length, of which 28.5 km are cycle paths, 350 meters up and 250 meters down.

  • Mainz-Bretzenheim
  • Ebersheim - southern suburb of the city of Mainz
  • Harxheim
  • Mommenheim → Connection to: Amiche cycle path
  • Selzen → Connection to: Selztal cycle path
  • Undenheim
  • Gabsheim
  • Wörrstadt

3rd stage: Wörrstadt - Alzey: 40 km

From Wörrstadt train station to Alzey: 40 km total length of which 28 km are cycle paths, 530 vertical meters up and 550 vertical meters down.

This stage places high demands on the forces with only short ‘rest sections’, but the diversity of the landscape is therefor. It is not suitable for the inexperienced. From Selzen / Udenheim to Framersheim you can go over the flat Selztal cycle path shorten the route.

  • Rommersheim - train station - nature trail for plants
  • Wallertheim - train station
  • Gumbsheim
  • Siefersheim - herbal nature trail
  • Eckelsheim - Bell Church
  • Wonsheim
  • Stein-Bockenheim
  • Wendelsheim
  • Bornheim - nature trail
  • Alzey - Castle, museum

4th stage: Alzey - Worms: 46 km

From Alzey to Worms Under the Nibelungen Bridge on the Rhine: 46 km total length, of which 27.5 km are cycle paths, 330 meters up and 430 meters down.

Web links

  • Overview "Radrouten Rheinhessen" with map Rheinhessen.de - official regional community site of Rheinhessen-Touristik, Rheinhessenwein e.V. and Rheinhessen-Marketing e.V.
  • Trekking bike 1000 hills
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