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Kabul TV Hill view.jpg
34 ° 31 ′ 58 ″ N 69 ° 9 ′ 57 ″ E

Kabul is the capital ofAfghanistan.

Kabul has been the capital of Afghanistan since around 1776. The city was severely damaged during the 1979-2001 various wars, especially its western parts. Kabul is currently in a period of renovation and development, with a few modern tower-style blocks and a handful of flashy shopping malls appearing in recent years. However, roads and other infrastructure remain in poor condition, and electricity is sporadic, even in downtown areas.



The city appears to have been founded between 2000-1500 BC. It is mentioned in the Hinduism sacred text Rigveda (ca.1700-1100BC) as a vision of paradise located in the mountains. It was an important center of Zoroastrianism and later Buddhism. The city remained of little importance for much of the first three millennia of its existence. It was controlled variously by: the Persians, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Empire, the Maurya Empire, the Bactrians, the various Hellenistic kingdoms, the Sassanid Empire, and by the Ve century AD was his own kingdom known as Kabul-Shahan. This last kingdom before the Islamic conquest built a great wall to protect the city from invasion when the Arabs came to the edge of the kingdom; Parts of the wall have survived to this day and are visible above ground in the city. In 871 Kabul fell to the Islamic invasion (almost 200 years after the Muslim invasion reached modern times in Afghanistan) . The Kabulistan empire was formed covering much of Afghanistan and parts of modern western Pakistan. The city passed without incident once again through the hands of several empires, including the Samanids, Ghaznavids, Ghorids, Timurids, Mughols, Durrani and Barakzais, before conquest by the Mongols in XIIIe century. The famous Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta visited the city in 1344, noting: “We traveled to Kabul, formerly a huge city, the location of which is now occupied by a village inhabited by a tribe of Persians called the Afghans.” Under the reign of Tamerlane in the XIVe century, the city has developed into a regional center of commerce. In 1504 the city was captured by the Babur of Mughal emporer. In 1747 Kabul fell under the control of the Durrani (or Afghan) Empire. In 1776, Kabul would have become the capital of the empire, although the empire soon fell into tribal civil war. In 1839 the area was claimed by the British and Kabul was established as the location of the British government and British Indian forces. They were very unpopular among the local tribes who revolted and in 1841. Within a few days a series of events led to the massacre of all but one of the 16,000 occupying British and Indian civilians and soldiers in the within miles of Kabul as they attempted to flee to Jalalabad, a famous blunder known as the Elphinstone Army Massacre. The British returned in 1878 and 1879, but were both killed thousands of times and they were forced to retreat.

Map of Kabul.

In the beginning of XXe century, electricity was introduced to the city and the Darul Aman Palace was built for the royal family. The 1930s-1960s were good times in Kabul. Kabul University was opened, the roads were paved; modern stores, offices, and schools were opened; shopping malls and a movie theater were opened, and the Kabul Zoo opened. The city also saw a vibrant tourism industry appear, largely due to the Istanbul-New Delhi "Hippie Trail" which passed through Kabul in the 1960s to 1970s. The 1970s to 1980s brought a turning point for the worse. The city hosted two coups, in 1973 and 1978. The second coup was carried out by the Marxist PDPA, which a year later called on the Soviet military to maintain their power over the country. From 1979-1989, the Soviet Union supported the siege for the military and the government in Kabul. After the Soviets left, the government collapsed in 1992 and left the local warlords to fight the city leaving tens of thousands dead and (according to the UN) 90% of the buildings in the city destroyed . In 1994, the city was without electricity or water. In 1996, the political movement known as the Taliban captured the city, hooked the former (pre-1992) president to the public and imposed notoriously strict Islamic law in the country. One of the United States led the Military force invaded Afghanistan in October 2001, bombing strategic installations across the city to rout the Taliban administration, which quickly left the city. The city was named the capital of the Afghan Interim Authority and subsequently the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The city has seen numerous suicide bombings between 2002-2007, but they have become rare since 2008. In late 2008, control of the city's security was passed from the NATO force ISAF to the Police Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Army. Since 2001, billions of dollars in aid and foreign investment have been used to improve the city. Most of the main roads have been paved and improved, government buildings have been extensively renovated, new hotels and shopping centers have opened, the zoo and many museums have reopened, and public services have been extensively rebuilt.


Kabul's climate is greatly influenced by its location in a valley at 1 800 m. Summers (June to September) are hot and dry, with an average of the 1920s high to the mid-1930s (80-95F) with next to no precipitation. Fall (October and November) is temperate and sees very little precipitation. Winters (Dec-Mar) are cold and the time of year that sees the most precipitation (mostly snow, but also ice, freezing rain, sleet and warmer days). January is the coldest month, with an average of 4 / -7 (39 / 19F). Spring (end of March-beginning of June) is temperate with a lot of decreasing rain in early May.Keep in mind that the city is in a valley and villages on the outskirts of the city are a few hundred meters higher. and therefore cooler in summer and colder and snowy in winters. Many roads leading to / from the city are regularly blocked by heavy snowfall in winter (although the importance of the city to the American presence means that they will be cleared fairly quickly), the most notorious of which is the road to the north of Kunduz.


The city of Kabul is divided into 18 sectors, with each of the sectors made up of a handful of adjacent neighborhoods.

To go

American and Afghan officials touring the inside of Kabul International Airport in 2010.

By plane

Kabul International Airport (IATA: KBL), 93 9251-61001, is a short drive east of the city center. The new international terminal is now fully open, while the old terminal is now used for domestic flights. The airport is a hub for Afghan Ariana Airways, Kam Air, Safi Airways, and Pamir Airways. Airport facilities include banks, restaurants, post office and parking (very basic)


The Aliens Registration Card is sometimes needed and taken from you when you leave Afghanistan, and a big fine / bribe is in some cases required if you don't have it when you get on the plane, well that sometimes arguing that there was no one at the reception to issue the Aliens Registration Card will work. The registration card is free. Some people feel it is necessary to 'tip' everyone at the airport in flight, but point a guy to put your bag through the x-ray scanner and everyone will be on you for their part. A polite 'no thanks' is usually sufficient. When traveling to you will likely end up in Parking C - and have to take the shuttle bus to the terminal. When traveling you have to wait long lines and several tickets / passports / luggage checks, although things are now much better with the new terminal, mainly because there is a lot more space.


International carriers and destinations are as follows:

  • Ariana Afghan Airlines[1] - in Ankara, Baku, Delhi, Dubai, Dushanbe, Frankfurt, Islamabad, Istanbul-Atatürk, Jeddah, Moscow-Sheremetyevo, Riyadh, Sharjah, Tehran-Imam Khomeini, & Ürümqi.
  • Safi Airways[2] - flies in Dubai, Frankfurt, & Kuwait City.
  • Kam Air[3] - in Almaty, Delhi, Dubai, Dushanbe, Islamabad, Mashhad, Peshawar, & Urumqi.
  • Pamir airways[4] - in Delhi & Dubai.
  • Air India[5] to Delhi.
  • Pakistan International Airways[6] - in Islamabad & Peshawar.
  • Fly Dubai[7] - to Dubai
  • Air Arabia[8] - in Sharjah
  • Gulf Air[9]-to Bahrain
  • Turkish airlines[10]-in Istanbul


While Kabul International Airport isn't bad for a third world country, expect very straightforward terms at other Afghan airports. In November 2009:

By car

  • The road to Kandahar was rebuilt, but traveling on it is very dangerous because of the Taliban.
  • The road to Mazar-e Sharif and the North via the col de Salang is open, although one should be careful to travel on it during the winter months.
  • The newly reconstructed road from Jalalabad is open which reduced the journey time to 2-h, but since 2008 the safety on this road has deteriorated considerably.
  • Of Bamiyan, it is advisable to take the route further north, as the route south (through Wardak province) is safety is questionable.

By bus

Private operators serve most destinations in fairly comfortable Mercedes buses. Safety can be an issue, with frequent accidents.


Kabul cards are available from the services [11] which allows printing on personalized city wall maps. Open Street Map Open Street Map is the only online street level map currently available for Kabul. Currently Google has offered the brand new service or road map in Afghanistan. It's mostly reliable, except it wouldn't have all the details. Google map

By bus

It is the Millie bus that operates many routes around Kabul, but it is faster and more comfortable to use taxis. Some buses are relatively new, but many are as old as one would expect in a 3rd world country.

By taxi

Taxis are plentiful and to hire the whole car should cost around 30-50 Afg depending on destination and negotiating skills. Some drivers have learned basic English, but these drivers may try to charge a slightly higher price and are more likely to be found loitering near Western-friendly places (airport, major hotels). While the city is quite safe, it is not a bad idea to be proactive and avoid catching a taxi near a sensitive location (embassy, ​​military installations, 5 star hotels). It is customary for women to always sit in the back seat. After dark local yellow taxis are becoming a rarity, so keep a few taxi numbers in your phone as a backup.

By private taxi

  • Afghan Logistics & Tours[12] 700 277 408, 700 288 668, 700 479 435, 799 391 462. Catering mainly to expats they are probably the best way to get around town. 24 hour minicabs are available as well as airport pickups and drop offs. 5-$ around the city, 15 $ at the airport, 20 $ of the airport.

By car

  • Afghan Logistics & Tours[13] There are only a few places to hire a car in Kabul, one of which is:

Afghan Logistics and Tours [13] 700 277 408, 700 288 668, 700 479 435, 799 391 462. Rents latest models of Toyota cars, SUVs, trucks, vans and long with a driver who doubles as a mechanic (very important on the difficult roads of Afghanistan).


Downtown Kabul is relatively compact and can walk - a good option in the spring and fall - summers bring unbearable heat and dust, while winters bring snow and mud. Sidewalks are few, and you need to keep your mind about yourself when crossing roads. If you are nervous about your safety walking around areas such as Wazar Akbar Khan and Taimani (to a restaurant, etc.) is fine day or night - the center of Kabul at night is within walking distance, but be sure you know where you are going, and how to get back on your pension. In view of the volatile security situation always be aware of any protests, gathering crowds etc. which could spiral out of control quickly. Keep a low profile, wear simple clothes and (for the ladies) covering your hair with a scarf or shawl. It is also wise to vary your routes frequently to reduce the threat of kidnapping. People are generally helpful and polite if you ask for directions.Be careful walking around traditional residential neighborhoods (for example, near the city wall) - conservative Afghans are wary of spying anyone around their homes, and children may start throwing stones / fixing their dog at you.

To see

The Gardens of Babur.
  • Bagh-e Babur (Gardens of Babur). The gardens surround the tomb of the first Mughal emperor Babur. Although he wished to be buried here, he was initially buried in Agra, and later moved to this location. Historically, the gardens have been visited by Afghans for picnics and lazy afternoons. There is a swimming pool, a small mosque for prayers and a small museum, among others. 10 Af for residents, 250 Af for foreigners. edit
  • Bagh-e Bala . Built at the end of XIXe century, it served as a summer palace for Amir Abdur Rahman. Today much of the original interior has been preserved, and the area around the palace has become a large park. edit
  • Bagh-e Zanana (Family Park). A park and market for women only, but includes male and female children. It was intended as a place where women could sell their own products and goods directly, which cannot be done in areas where men do business, because women in Afghanistan are not expected to deal directly with men who are not parents. This park was created as an outlet for these women to sell their goods with regard to their culture. The park is also a great place for female travelers to enjoy the outdoors. edit
  • British cemetery. . Where foreigners are buried in Kabul. There are also plaques commemorating those ISAF forces killed in recent years. edit
  • Darul Aman Palace, At the end of Daral Aman road, south of town, next to the Kabul museum. originally built as King Amanullah's Palace in the 1920s, it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times over. Plans were unveiled a few years ago to renovate it once again although it is still in a crumbling state of disrepair on the verge of collapse. Afs 200 or so bakshesh on guard to look around inside the ruins. edit
  • Daoud Khan Memorial, Up the hill behind Darul Aman Palace. the , President Daoud's body and those of his family were found in two separate mass graves in the Pul-e-Charkhi area, District 12 of Kabul city. There is now a small memorial to the deceased on a small hill, offering lovely views over southern Kabul. edit
  • Kabul Zoo . h - 18 h every day . The zoo is very popular with Afghans, and is home to over 100 animals, albeit in fairly poor condition. China was once one of the main animal donors in the zoo, but after a few animals died from disease and malnutrition, China announced that there will be no donations as the conditions of life improve. 'Marjan' the lion, who was blinded by a grenade, was the main draw at the zoo, but recently passed away. 10 Af for residents, 100 Af for foreigners. edit

Qargha Lake. described as Kabul Lake District, just 9 kilometers from the city. Spôjmaï restaurant offers international cuisine. Swimming and boating are popular on the lake with plans for water skiing and jet skis in the future. Spôjmaï Hôtel joins the list of

  • Qargha Lake . described as Kabul Lake District, just 9 kilometers from the city. Spôjmaï restaurant offers international cuisine. Swimming and boating are popular on the lake with plans for water skiing and jet skis in the future. Spôjmaï Hôtel joined the list of establishments to be attacked by the Taliban in June 2012. edit
National Museum Afghanistan.
  • National Gallery of Afghanistan (Afghanistan National Gallery), Asamayi Watt (34 ° 31'2 0.94 N, 69 ° 10'15 0.97 E). h-ish to 16 h-ish, Fridays closed, and you can compete for admission into Thursday afternoons. A beautiful gallery in a charming old Kabul house which has been lovingly restored. The collection used to have some 820 paintings and portraits, but 50% were looted or destroyed, the director said the Taliban destroyed 210 portraits. Most of the collection is European and Afghan landscapes and portraits of famous Afghan writers and kings and a portrait of French writer Victor Hugo. Well worth the effort to see. The Sultani Gallery is fixed, but opening hours are a mystery. Afs 250. edit
  • National Museum of Afghanistan (Afghanistan National Museum), South Kabul, Darul Aman Road (several miles from downtown, across from Darulaman Palace). 10 AM-4PM weekdays, from h at noon on Friday. The National Museum of Afghanistan once housed one of the largest collections of Central Asian artifacts in the world. A large percentage of the previous collection was looted in the 1990s during Taliban rule after the upper floors of the museum were bombed. Many of the early Buddhist treasures were destroyed by the Taliban around the same time as the Bamiyan Buddhas. Looted items still rotate around the world at auction. The museum is open once again, with much more modest, but still impressive, early displays and Buddhist Islamic artifacts. free, donations accepted. edit

Mausoleum of Nadir Shah and Zahir Shah (Teppe Maranjan). This is the site where King Nadir Shah and his son, Zahir Shah, are buried. It has been undergoing renovation since around 2005 and is not yet complete. edit


Lake Qargha in the suburbs of Kabul.
  • Kabul wall . An enjoyable hike with city views rewarding. The city of Kabul's wall is still fairly good, looking west-east from the Gardens of Babar towards Bala Hissar (approx. 3 km distance). edit
  • Kabul Golf Club, Qargha route, ☎ 93 79 22 63 27, [14]., Closed in 1978 by the Soviet Union, it reopened in 2004 after a 25-year hiatus. This 9-hole course bills itself as “extreme golf with an attitude.” Af 750 /15 $ green fees for 9 or 18 holes, or Af15,000 /300 $ per year . edit
  • Ariana Cinema, Pashtunistan place. mainly shows Bollywood action or trash movies, and the occasional American blockbuster. edit
  • Amani high school sports ground . Open to the public Tuesday afternoon and Friday - football (soccer) with local Afghan guys, frisbee (with an expat collection) and a de 400 meters a race track in a relatively green and pleasant environment. Free. edit
  • Ghazni Stadium (National stadium). Home of the Afghan football team. Just past the stadium is the Mine Museum as well as a road up the hill where you will find hundreds of Afghan men and boys flying kites on the holidays. edit
  • Kabul National Cricket Stadium . Home of the Afghan cricket team. Newly built in the last few years. edit
  • Swim . There are a few swimming pools in town. The prettiest is arguably the Serena, but it's a hefty $ 30 to use. UNICA club swimming pool ($) is very popular, esp. on Friday when there are probably as many scrolls as the swimming is going on. Internationales (aka Maple Leaf) has a large and often empty swimming pool ($), but it is poured into a plastic bag rather than from the outside. The atmosphere also has a swimming pool, again popular on Fridays. Except in private or foreign-only places, women should not wear anything skimpy (especially bikinis). edit


Have a drink / Go out





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