Cambodia - Kambodja

Cambodia - Location
Weapon & Flag
Cambodia - Weapons
Cambodia - Flag
Area code
Time zones

Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia with limits to Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. The country has coastline towards the Gulf of Thailand.

Cambodia is increasingly in focus for Swedish travelers. From once being considered a dangerous country, best known for mines and genocide, Cambodia has now become a destination that attracts tourists who want to see more of Southeast Asia than the beaches of Thailand.

Planning before the trip

Upon entry into Cambodia, in addition to a valid passport with a validity of at least six months, a visa is required. There are three ways to get a visa:

  1. visa application at a Cambodian embassy (found, for example, in London:
  2. application for an e-visa on the website (30 7 USD)
  3. application for a visa on arrival in Cambodia. You must then have a newly taken photo in passport photo size with you and a fee of 20 USD will be added.

To take with you to Cambodia

To bring with you from Cambodia

The aromatic Kampot pepper is a nice souvenir.

Facts about Cambodia


The locals


Cambodia's climate is tropical, with high temperatures and high humidity all year round, with increased rainfall from March to October. The northeastern parts of the country have a slightly cooler temperature, mainly up in the mountains in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri.



Map of Cambodia


  • Phnom Penh - The capital of Cambodia
  • Siem Reap - the starting point for anyone who wants to explore Angkor
  • Sihanoukville - seaside resort and Swedish charter destination
  • Banlung - dusty provincial capital in the northeast, near beautiful national parks
  • Battambang - Cambodia's second largest city after Phnom Penh
  • Kampot - small town by the national park Bokor
  • Poipet - casino-dense border town near Thailand
  • Creation - town on the Mekong River, where you can see the rare irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris)
  • Kampong Cham provincial capital with relatively few tourists
  • Sen Monorom - another dusty provincial capital near beautiful national parks, this time in eastern Cambodia

Getting to Cambodia

By plane

By bus

There are no regular buses going all the way from Thailand into Cambodia, but you have to cross the border on foot and then travel on by Cambodian means of transport.

The road to Siem Reap, notoriously foamy
  • Bangkok - Siem Reap with "The Scam Bus"

The lack of regular buses between Bangkok and Siem Reap has opened the market for semi-shady tour operators who run "VIP buses" from Khao San Road in Bangkok. These buses are not of the highest VIP quality and take their little time. It is still a convenient way to go. However, it is important to be prepared that they want to sell tourist visas to you that are a little more expensive than what is stated on the visa itself. However, you have to pay the same premium if you get it in advance in Bangkok. Like all bus trips that include bus changes, it takes time with each change and you have to cross the border between the countries and also change buses. The road from the border to Siem Reap has been upgraded to be quite good - and completely straight. Buses still take about 4 hours, but if you put about 10 dollars in between, you can take an air-conditioned taxi instead, which takes two hours. If you stop along the way to buy water or fruit, count properly. Vendors take advantage of the fact that the tourists have not yet had time to get used to riel and charge multiple prices. Worth knowing is that the bus tour is arranged so that you do not arrive until late in the evening. On the bus comes a local guide who will say that he, to be friendly, will drive you directly to a cheap hotel. Of course, the hotel has paid for you to get there directly. However, it is usually quite ok budget hotels that you come to. Costs about $ 5 per night. If you do not like it, just take a Tuk-Tuk the next day and find another hotel. Despite this beech, you arrive at Siem Reap and it is actually likely that it will be a little cheaper and easier than going on your own.

  • Bangkok - Siem Reap on your own

If you travel on your own, you first take a bus from Bangkok's northern bus terminal, Mo Chit, to the Thai border town Aranyaprathet. The buses run every hour or more often and the journey takes about 4-5 hours. Once in Aranyaaprathet, take a tuk-tuk or motorcycle taxi the short distance to the border, which you pass on foot. Pay for a visa - you are lucky if you manage to get it for the official price of $ 20, and are not forced to pay the more expensive price of 1000 baht under the threat of extra sluggish processing.

Once in Cambodia and in Poipet there are free transports to the station where you can continue towards Siem Reap. The road is notorious for its ugliness so it's worth the money to invest in a Toyota Camry taxi that costs $ 45 all the way and can accommodate three people.

By train

By boat

With car

With bike

Relocation in Cambodia

By plane

By bus

By train

With car

By taxi

With bike

With lifting


Acceptable currencies

The local currency is Riel. However, everyone prefers to get paid in US dollars and gives a better rate when you pay in dollars.

Traveler's checks

Charge card

It is possible to pay by credit card. However, it is cheaper to withdraw money from ATM. From ATM you get Dollar, not Riel.


Available in the larger cities. They are usually loaded with dollars.


Food and drinks

To see

Angkor Wat
  • In the fierce competition for tourists in Southeast Asia, Cambodia has a magnificent ace on hand. Temple area in Angkor is one of the world's major attractions and causes hundreds of thousands of tourists to drop their chin every year. Angkor Thom was a city of millions and one of Southeast Asia's major centers of power during the years 802-1432, the great years of the ancient Khmer Empire. The gods were the only ones allowed to live in stone houses in Angkor, and therefore only the temples remain today - all wooden buildings are long gone. The most famous of the temples is the largest, Angkor Wat, but the area is large and includes many more temples than that. Make sure to set aside a couple of days for the Angkor visit, otherwise it will be stressful and you will miss out very interestingly.

To do

One of the most interesting ways to experience a country and which has become very popular in recent years, is to travel as volunteer. A volunteer trip means that you get in touch with the country and the culture, at the same time as you contribute to the development of the country you are visiting. There is a wide range of organizations that arrange volunteer travel, and one should be careful when choosing an organization.


If you have good self-confidence and speak and write decent English, it is quite easy to get a job as an English teacher. Depending on how many hours you work, and your qualifications, the salary is between 800 and 1200 dollars a month. Holidays are unemployed but also unpaid, which is why at certain holidays, which last for a week, a significant part of the salary is not paid.




Problem solver

In Sweden

In place

Contact information for the Swedish Embassy

Embassy of Sweden
10th floor, Phnom Penh Tower
445, Monivong Blvd, (St. 93/332)
Sangkat Boeung Pralit, Khan 7 Makara
Phnom Penh

Tel: 855 23 861 700
Fax: 855 23 861 701
Email: [email protected]

Opening hours:
Monday Friday


Absolutely not to be missed