Kamphaeng Phet - Kamphaeng Phet

Kamphaeng Phet
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Kamphaeng Phet (Thai: กำแพงเพชร, Pronunciation:gkam-pääng péd) is the capital of the eponymous province at the bottom Northern Thailand. It is particularly worth seeing because of its historical sites from the 14th to 16th centuries, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


"Egg bananas" from Kamphaeng Phet

Kamphaeng Phet is about on half way between Bangkok and Chiang Mai. With its predecessor cities Cha Kang Rao and Nakhon Chum, which lie on both sides of the central reaches of the Ping River, it belongs next Sukhothai, Si Satchanalai and Phitsanulok to the oldest cities of lower northern Thailand. After its founding around 1300, it was repeatedly the subject of wars between the various Thai kingdoms (Sukhothai, Lan Na, Ayutthaya). During this time, the city was heavily fortified, hence its name, which translates as "Diamond Wall".

The big story was largely forgotten at first and Kamphaeng Phet became an ordinary, smaller provincial town. Only with the excavation and partial reconstruction of the temple ruins, fortifications and Buddha statues, their protection as a historical park and their elevation to the World heritage in 1991 it gained some tourist importance. However, Kamphaeng Phet is different from its more famous sister city Sukhothai largely ignored by the tourist flows. Therefore, there are hardly any offers here that are tailored to the needs of international guests. This may seem a disadvantage to some, but if you are looking for the authentic, unadulterated Thailand, you have come to the right place.

Also, Kamphaeng Phet is known as one Bananas-Capital. The local specialty is the "egg banana" (Thai: gkluâi kài), a type of banana that is hardly available in German-speaking countries, the fruits of which are only about 10 centimeters long, have an approximately oval shape (hence the name) and are many times more aromatic than the long, crooked standard bananas that are known in Central Europe. Kamphaeng Phet Province exports bananas worth over 200 million baht each year.[1]

getting there

Bangkok358 km
Chiang Mai344 km
Phitsanulok110 km
Sukhothai80 km

By plane

The closest international airport is Bangkok Suvarnabhumi. A domestic flight to the regional airports in the neighboring provinces Phitsanulok or Sukhothai It's only worth it if someone picks you up there or (in Phitsanulok) takes a rental car. Otherwise you would have to take a longer journey with slow regional buses to Kamphaeng Phet, so that there would be no time savings compared to a long-distance bus journey directly from Bangkok to Kamphaeng Phet.

By train

Kamphaeng Phet is not on any railway line. From the nearest train station in Phitsanulok it takes almost three hours with the regional bus.

By bus

Most long-distance buses arrive on 1 Bus station the state transport company, which is outside the city, on the other side of the Ping River. From there you only have to drive irregularly Songthaeos or take a motorcycle taxi (if available) to the city center. It is best to ask for pickup at your accommodation. Society's penalties WinTour (Bangkok – Sukhothai) stop instead on 2 Bodhi tree downtown.

  • Several times a day long-distance buses from Bangkok-Mo Chit (Class 1 ข: 263 Baht, 5 hours; Class 2: 204 Baht, 6 hours). Some buses to Chiang Mai, Uttaradit, Mae Sot, Sawankhalok, Sukhothai also stop in Kamphaeng Phet and can be used (car classes and prices vary). All in all, buses run roughly every hour on the route between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., so you can go to the bus station, where you will be directed to the appropriate counter, and never have to wait long. Even at night there are still a handful of buses on the route.
  • Most buses from Chiang Mai after Bangkok stop in Kamphaeng Phet, so that here too there is a dense rhythm; Travel time approx. 6 hours.
  • Regional buses from Phitsanulok run every hour from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Because of the many stops and detours you need about three hours, the journey costs 59 baht.
  • of Sukhothai from you can z. T. Take buses to Bangkok (every 1–2 hours) and get off in Kamphaeng Phet. The journey takes about an hour and a half and costs around 70 baht. The bus companies may only take passengers for a part of the route if there are not enough passengers for the whole route (Sukhothai – Bangkok). Alternatively, one can take a Songthaeo from Sukhothai to Kamphaeng Phet. These depart approximately every hour, but only when there are enough passengers and take up to 2½ hours (price: 60 baht).

In the street

Kamphaeng Phet is located on National Road 1 / Asian Highway 1 (Bangkok – Chiang Mai). It takes four to four and a half hours by car from both Bangkok and Chiang Mai. It takes a little more than one hour from Sukhothai and around an hour and a half from Phitsanulok.

By bicycle

From Sukhothai, 80 km away, Kamphaeng Phet can also be reached by bike. However, there is no designated cycle path. Most of the route is on roads, some of which are heavily used main roads. Directions can be found here.


Map of Kamphaeng Phet
Plan of the facilities belonging to the historical park

Public transportation are few and far between in Kamphaeng Phet. One is hardly prepared for tourists. There are therefore no taxis; Tuk-tuks, motorcycle taxis or rickshaws are also rarely seen. Reddish brown Songthaeos (converted pickups with seats on the loading area) drive in a circle through the city between the bus station and Big C, but the departure times are irregular. Various Songthaeo lines also drive into the surrounding area. But without knowledge of Thai it is a little difficult to find out where the cars are going. You drive either from the bus station or from big day market in the city center. Again, there is no exact departure time, they always leave when there are enough passengers.

If you want to be independent and also plan individual excursions into the surrounding area, it is best to come with one Rental car (e.g. from Phitsanulok) or borrows motorcycle (e.g. at the Three J Guesthouse).

Most of the paths are in the city center within walking distance to be mastered (maximum 2 kilometers). Besides, Kamphaeng Phet is quite one bicyclefriendly city. Although there are no designated bike paths, the road traffic is still quite clear, and there are - compared to other Thai provincial cities - a lot of green areas. The bicycle is ideal for exploring the outer part of the historical park: it is a bit too far on foot, and you cannot see that much from the car. Some guest houses and hotels rent bicycles (see below). There is also a rental station right next to the historical park (Khet Aranyik) (30 baht per hour, mountain bikes 50).

Tourist Attractions

Wat Phra Kaeo
Wat Phra Borommathat

Historical park

The main tourist attraction of the city is the Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park with temple ruins, Buddha statues and city fortifications from the 14th to 16th centuries, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. More on this in a separate article. It consists of several parts:

  • 1  Khet Nai ("Inner district" = old town Cha Kang Rao). Smaller part close to the city center incl. Wat Phra Kaeo, Wat Phra That.
  • 2  Khet Aranyik ("Forest District"). Larger, more remote part, northwest of the city (entrance a good 3 km outside the city center, on the road to Sukhothai), incl. Wat Chang Rob, Wat Phra Non, Wat Phra Si Iriyabot.
  • Remains of the old city 3 Mueang Nakhon Chum (on the other side of the Ping River, near the bus station), incl. 4 Wat Phra Borommathat, Wat Chedi Klang Thung and Thung-Setthi-Fort


  • 5  Wat Khu Yang, Th. Wichit 1. Old temple in the city center, the history of which goes back to around 1600. The current building was built in the 1850s. The one is especially worth seeing Ho Trai, d. H. the monastery library, a traditional wooden building that stands on stilts in the middle of a moat. Its roof is covered with the characteristic, fish-scale-shaped shingles. The Ubsosot is also nice to look at, especially in the evening when the colorful glass elements on the elaborately decorated gable glitter in the light.
  • 6  Wat Sawang flavor, Nakhon Chum (west of the Suan-Mak Canal, about 800 m off National Road 1 / Asian Highway; At the Esso petrol station in front of the bridge, turn left onto the side street, at the end of the street right under the underpass, then left past the small market, after 450 meters left again over the bridge, then it's a good 100 meters to the temple entrance). Old temple with a beautiful 3 meter high Buddha statue in Chiang Saen style in the pose "calling the earth as a witness".


  • The
    7  Kamphaeng Phet National Museum (พิพิธภัณฑสถาน แห่ง ชาติ กำแพงเพชร, Phiphithaphanthasathan haeng Chat Kamphaeng Phet), Th. Pin Damri. Tel.: (0)55-711570. Exhibition of bronze sculptures and ceramics from the different stylistic epochs of Thai art history as well as Mon art. The highlight is a bronze Shiva statue from the early 16th century. Their heads and hands were severed by a German trader named Rastmann in 1886. Before he could take them out of the country, they were confiscated and put back together with the trunk. Instead, King Rama V had a replica made, which he gave to the German Crown Prince and which is now in the Museum of Asian Art in Berlin[outdated] is issued.[2].Open: Wed-Sun 9 am-4pm.Price: Entrance 100 baht.
  • 8  Kamphaeng Phet Chaloemphrakiat Museum (พิพิธภัณฑสถาน กำแพงเพชร เฉลิมพระเกียรติ, Phiphithaphanthasathan Kamphaeng Phet Chaloem Phrakiat or พิพิธภัณฑ์ เรือนไทย, Phiphithaphan Ruean Thai, "Thai House Museum"). Tel.: (0)55-722341-2. Elegant replicas of traditional wooden houses and an exhibition on town and regional history.Open: daily 9 am–4.30pm.Price: Admission 10 baht, visit to the multimedia room for 250 baht per group.
    • Banana garden (officially "Center for the Collection of Banana Varieties", ศูนย์ รวม สาย พันธุ์ กล้วย), on the grounds of the Kamphaeng Phet Chaloemphrakiat Museum, with numerous banana plants of over 150 different varieties.


San Lak Müang
  • 9  San Lak Müang, Th. Ratchadamnoen 2 (in the “inner district” of the history park, on the road to Sukhothai). Shrine with the city column, in which, according to the locals, the protective spirits of the place live.
  • 10  Shiva shrine (San Phra Isuan) (behind the family court (fenced, large white building with columns and red roof), near Kamphaeng Phet Chaloemphrakiat Museum and northeast corner of the historical park). At the original location of the bronze Shiva statue, which is now kept in the National Museum, believers now bring their gifts to a copy of the representation of God. She is considered the patron saint of all two and four-legged friends in the city.
  • 11  Clock tower (at the large roundabout at the entrance to the village). A landmark and central landmark of the city. Made of laterite, the characteristic building material from which the temple ruins and city fortifications are made.
    Locals, however, tend to use the Bodhi tree opposite, on the other side of the roundabout, (Thai: dtôn poo; Poplar fig, a specimen of the same species as the tree under which the Buddha found enlightenment) as a meeting place.


  • Palm-fringed 1 Waterfront (Rim ping, ริม ปิ ง) with the possibility of walking, jogging, cycling, foot massages (1 hour approx. 100 Baht), Sirichit Park สิริ จิต อุทยาน; Amusement park with children's swimming pool, publicly accessible fitness equipment, tennis court), small island in the Ping River (Ko Klang Maenam Ping, (เกาะ กลาง แม่น้ำ ปิ ง); Numerous small stalls with chilled drinks and snacks throughout the area.
  • 2  Traditional Thai massage "Pa Phim" (นวด แผน ไทย โบราณ), Th. Rachavitee 1 (200 meters west of the Three J Guesthouse, next to Suea Yim Coffee Club). The operator is a graduate of the renowned Wat Pho School in Bangkok.Price: 2 hours for 200 Baht.

Fixed and regular events

  • Nop Phra Len Phleng Festival (Makha Bucha: full moon in late February / early March), commemorates the solemn foundation of a relic in Nakhon Chum by King Li Thai in 1357. An inscription describing a procession in honor of this relic is one of the oldest documents in the history of Kamphaeng Phet. The tradition was revived in 1983 and since then there has been a large procession every year. The city is decorated days in advance. Nop Phra means "show respect to the Buddha", Len means "play" and Phleng "Singing". This describes the festival quite well: in addition to the religious procession (with participants in historical costumes), cultural performances such as dance and theater are also staged. There is also a light and sound show in the history park as well as a large fair where regional products are offered. Location: Historical Park.
  • Thai kite festival Cha-kang-rao (February to March), traditional kite competition in Sirichit Park.
  • Banana festival (Sat Thai - New Moon at the end of September), to celebrate and promote the province's most famous product. There are various parades and competitions, of course you can try bananas and the seasonal sweet Krayasat (made from puffed rice, roasted sesame seeds, peanuts and sugar), and a banana queen is chosen. Location: around the Bodhi tree by the clock tower.
  • Loi Krathong (Full moon in November), as in most Thai cities, the festival of lights in honor of the river goddess is celebrated in Kamphaeng Phet. There is a parade with floats in the shape of oversized krathong (decorated rafts made of banana wood and leaves), a choice of the most beautiful krathong and a beauty queen, and various cultural programs. Location: Sirichit Park on the banks of the Ping River.
  • Food fair and pasta festival (December 1st to 3rd). Pasta dishes are the favorite food of many locals, which is why there is a fair once a year with numerous food stalls and the sale of local products. Location: Sirichit Park on the banks of the Ping River.


Banana market
  • 1  Big C Supercenter, 613/1 Thanon Charoensuk. Large shopping center with all kinds of shops, system restaurants and a cinema.
  • 2  Tesco Lotus, Thanon Bamrungrat Soi 4. Supermarket with small shops and a KFC branch in the anteroom.
  • 3  Big market during the day (between Thanon Bamrungrat and Wichit 2). Mainly groceries, including ready-made meals, as well as handicraft products.
  • 4  Talat Ton Pho (small market during the day) (Thanon Thesa 1 Soi 2, near the clock tower). Mainly food, including ready-made meals.
  • 5  Evening market ("Night Bazaar") (between Thanon Sirichit and Thesa 1). Large range of food, including ready-made dishes.
  • several 7-Eleven branches (western-style mini markets with snacks, chilled drinks, cosmetics, magazines), including at the clock tower
  • 6  Banana market (Talat Kluai Khai), Tambon Ang Thong (on both sides of National Road 1 / Asian Highway, about 14 km south of the city). Dozens of stalls selling fresh bananas (ripe or unripe), fried bananas, bananas baked in honey and rattan products.

There are branches of all major Thai banks in the city. ATMs are also available at the bus station and in Big C.


chǎo gkuái
Mu kratha

Local specialties are small, round, very aromatic and sweet bananas - so-called egg bananas - and a jelly made from herbs (Thai: เฉาก๊วย; say:chǎo gkuái), which is eaten on ice cubes as a dessert or as a refreshing snack, but for the European palate it takes some getting used to.

There are numerous small restaurants, but very few are geared towards foreign guests. Menus in English are rare. On the "Night Bazaar" (from 5 p.m.) there are countless stands with a wide variety of ready-made dishes or dishes prepared to order. This is an inexpensive and varied option for dinner. Another popular meal is Mu kratha (Thai: หมู กระทะ; say:mǔu gkrà-tá), which is offered in various bars in the city (usually in the open air). You take various ingredients (especially pork) from a buffet and cook them yourself on a small grill or in a pot with hot broth at the table. You can roughly compare this to a raclette or fondue meal.


  • 1  Bami Chakangrao (บะหมี่ ชา กัง ราว), Th. Ratchadamnoen 1 (Sign only in Thai: green sign and light green awning). Simple, but locally very popular restaurant. There are mainly dishes with yellow noodles (e.g. as a soup with tom yam flavor) and grilled pork skewers. Video clip introducing the restaurant (Thai).
  • 2  Kai Yang Phi Paeo (ไก่ ย่าง พี่ แป๋ว), Soi Ratchawithi 5 (Sign only in Thai). Tel.: (0)55-717413. Grilled Chicken, Som Tam, and other Northeast Thai dishes. There is an air-conditioned and a non-air-conditioned room. Video clip (Thai).Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • 3  Khrua Rim Khlong (ครัว ริม คลอง), Soi Suk Sakun, Nakhon Chum (a little off the national road 1 towards Tak; At the Esso petrol station in front of the bridge, turn left onto the side street, at the end of the street left again). Mainly dishes with river fish, rustic patio in the garden by a small river.
  • 4  Supha Phochana (สุภา โภชนา), 18-20 Soi 8 Th. Ratchadamnoen 1 (Sign only in Thai: gold letters on a red background). Simple, locally well-known restaurant for authentic Thai dishes. Specialty of the house is dtôm lüad mǔu (Soup with curdled pig's blood).
  • 5  Suphap Phat Thai Nakhon Chum (สุภาพ ผัด ไทย นคร ชุม), at the market in Nakhon Chum (on the other side of the Ping River). Small eatery with street sales. There is only the Thai national dish pàd tai (aromatic noodle pan with shrimp, egg and various vegetables) and according to the opinion of many locals the best in town.


  • 6  fourest, 55 Thanon Ratchadamnoen 2 (directly at the south gate of the historical park (Khet Aranyik), opposite Wat Sa Kaeo). Tel.: (0)55-854907.fourest on Facebook.Restaurant and café with a large garden on the edge of the historical park; European beers; Live music in the evening.Open: 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.
  • 7  Kitti Restaurant (กิตติ โภชนา, Kitti Phochana), 287 Th. Wichit 2 (Corner of Th. Bamrungrat; round corner house with glass door, Chinese lanterns, red sign with golden letters). Tel.: (0)55-711229, (0)55-713320. Large and traditional Chinese restaurant with a diverse selection of dishes. A bit expensive.Open: daily 9 am–10pm.
  • 8  Mae Ping Riverside (แม่ ปิ ง ริ เวอร์ ไซ ด์), 50/1 Mu 2, Nakhon Chum (on the other side of the Ping River). Wide variety of food, especially (but not only) dishes with river fish, draft beer. You sit right on the riverside with a beautiful view of the city, often with live music.
  • 9  Oasis Bar & Restaurant, 143-3 Mu 10, Nakhon Chum (a good 6 km west of the city center; 1.2 km off the national road 1 towards Tak - signposted). Tel.: (0)818947160. German owner and cook; German and Thai dishes as well as burgers, pizza, lasagne; various German beers. Meeting point for the local westerners.
  • 10  Sathanee steak (สถานี สเต็ก), Th. Ratchadamnoen 1 (near night market and Navarat hotel). Sathanee Steak on Facebook.Quaint café and restaurant furnished with antiques in the style of the American 1920s to 50s. As the name suggests, they mainly serve steaks. Video clip introducing the restaurant (Thai).
    facebook url used
  • 11  TORI Japanese Restaurant, 168/9 Th. Rat Ruam Chai (on the Ringstrasse on the edge of the city center; recognizable by the Japanese decoration and lettering). TORI Japanese Restaurant on Facebook.Small Japanese restaurant, there is sushi, ramen and Co.Open: 12pm - 2pm and 4pm - 9pm, closed on Tuesdays.
  • Branches of the usual system catering chains (KFC, MK, Pizza Company) in Big C Supercenter


The wave of coffee, espresso and cake, which was influenced by the west, has also reached Kamphaeng Phet in recent years. There are a number of small bars with espresso machines and some homemade cakes.

  • 12  About Coffee by Dao, Th. Vichit 1. Tel.: (0)55-712095. Cozy café with fresh coffee and espresso specialties; WiFi included. About halfway between the city center and the National Museum / Historical Park.Open: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • 13  Coffee mania, Thanon Charoensuk (Corner of Thesaban 1, to the right of the yellow gas station). Cozy, retro-moderately furnished café; Coffee specialties (espresso, cappuccino), frappés, cakes. English speaking operator.
  • 14  Cake Pond, Thanon Kamphaeng Phet (Roundabout at the clock tower). Small café with few seats; Coffee specialties, large selection of homemade cakes.


  • 1  3 TIME Pub & Restaurant, 4-6 Thanon Prachahansa. 3 TIME Pub & Restaurant on Facebook.Hip pub (at least by the standards of a provincial town) with live music.Open: daily 6 pm–2am.
  • 2  Banana Pub. Banana Pub on Facebook.A kind of night club with a stage for live music and gozo dancing in the Phet Hotel.
  • 3  Common Coffee, 141 Th. Thesa 1 (right next to the Chakungrao Hotel). Common Coffee on Facebook.Small café and cocktail bar, large variety of imported bottled beers.Open: daily 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.Price: cocktails from 129 baht.
  • 4  Eagle Pub, 61 Thanon Bamrungrat (Corner of Charoensuk Soi 2).
  • 5  Rong Tiam (โรง เตี๊๊ ยม), Thesa 1 Soi 9 (in the alley between Thesa 1 and Ratchadamnoen 1; old wooden house with red lanterns and Chang beer sign, name sign only in Thai). Cozy, relaxed bar; on some days live music from around 9 p.m.


With the accommodations in Nakhon Chum (other side of the Ping River) it should be noted that from there you can only get to the city center by car or by bike (a good 3 km over a not particularly beautiful route).


  • 1  Grandview Resort, 34/4 Mu 2, Nakhon Chum (on the other side of the Ping River). Tel.: (0)55-721104.Grandview Resort on Facebook.Price: Air-conditioned rooms approx. 350 baht.
  • 2  Techno Riverview Resort, 27/27 Mu 2, Nakhon Chum (on the other side of the Ping River). Tel.: (0)55-799800. One of the largest and most chic of the resorts on the banks of the Ping River (59 rooms). Different room categories, but all clean and functional with AC, private bathroom (shower / toilet), cable TV, refrigerator.Price: Air-conditioned room with river view approx. 500 baht.
  • 3  Three J Guesthouse, 79 Thanon Ratchawithi. Originally furnished guest house (12 rooms) with a beautiful, intensely green garden. Rooms with shared bathroom or with AC and private bathroom (shower), a family bungalow. Cozy common room. The landlord speaks English, can give tips, and organize trekking and day trips with a minivan and driver. Laundry service, bike and motorcycle rental, WiFi included. Pick-up from the bus station or Suvarnabhumi airport on request. 1.5 km to the night market; 2 km to the historical park (inner district).Price: Air-conditioned rooms from 400 Baht.


  • 4  Chakungrao Riverview Hotel, 149 Th. Thesa 1. Tel.: (0)55-714900-4, Email: . Most renowned large hotel in the city (115 rooms in a 6-storey building), 4 stars (according to international standards, but more like 3); all rooms with AC, balcony, satellite TV, minibar; Wellness area, karaoke. Right on the banks of the Ping River, Sirichit Park, 200 m to the night market, just under 2 km to the historical park (inner district).Price: rooms from 1000 baht.
  • 5  Navarat Heritage Hotel, 2 Soi 21 Th. Tesa 1. Tel.: (0)55-711211, Email: . All rooms with AC, satellite TV, minibar. Bike rental. Directly at the night market, 100 m to the bank of the Ping River, a good 2 km to the historical park (inner district).Price: rooms from 1100 baht.
  • 6  Phet Hotel, 189 Th. Bamrungrat. Tel.: (0)55-712810-5, Email: . Mass hotel (155 rooms), large rooms (approx. 33 m²) with AC, bathroom with bathtub, cable TV, minibar.Price: rooms from 700 baht.
  • 7  P. Paradise Hotel, 58 Thesaban 2 Soi 1. Tel.: (0)81-3244002, Email: . Well-kept small holiday resort (10 rooms), spacious rooms (32 m²) with AC, bathroom with bathtub, veranda, flat-screen TV, DVD player, refrigerator, kettle. Swimming pool, large garden with playground, hotel restaurant and café; WLAN incl .; Karaoke, massage, laundry, shuttle service. 1.2 km to the night market; 2.5 km to the historical park (inner district).Price: Double 1200 Baht.
  • 8  Praepimpalai Thai Spa & Resort, 33/3 Mu 2, Nakhon Chum (on the other side of the Ping River). Tel.: (0)55-722411, Email: . Small, comfortable resort (7 rooms) around a pool; spacious and comfortably furnished non-smoking rooms. (36 m²) with AC, terrace / balcony, flat screen TV, fridge / minibar; WiFi incl., Pick-up from the bus station incl., Bike, motorcycle and kayak rental, sauna, massage and spa treatments.Price: Double room from 900 THB.
  • 9  Scenic Riverside Resort, 325/16 Th. Thesa 2. Tel.: (0)55-722009, Mobile: (0)81-9733319, Email: . Small, comfortable resort right on the edge of the history park with 7 individually furnished units; all with their own bathroom with tub, AC, TV, DVD player, balcony or terrace, barbecue facilities. There is also a small "villa" with 2 bedrooms. Large garden, pool, bike rental, restaurant, WiFi incl.Price: Double room from 1250 Baht including breakfast (on weekdays, except high season).

Practical advice

Kamphaeng Phet does not have a well-developed tourist infrastructure. You need a bit of luck - even in guest houses, let alone outside of them - to come across someone who has more than just rudimentary knowledge of English.

Phone code055
Post Code62000
  • 1  Chakangrao Post Office, Thanon Thesa 1 (300 m east of the clock tower).


Waterfall in Khlong Lan National Park
See also: Kamphaeng Phet (Province)
  • 12 Phra Ruang hot springs, Tambon Lan Dok Mai (approx. 25 km). Not accessible by public transport; car, motorcycle or chartered minivan only.
  • 13 Khlong Lan waterfalls and -National Park, Amphoe Khlong Lan (approx. 60 km). Songthaeos drive from the market to the village of Khlong Lan, from there it is another 6 km to the national park (running or hitchhiking). Otherwise car, motorcycle or chartered minivan.
  • 14 Mae Wang National Park, Amphoe Pang Sila Thong (approx. 65 km). Not accessible by public transport; car, motorcycle or chartered minivan only.
  • Neighboring province Sukhothai with significant Historical park (approx. 80 km)


Individual evidence

  1. Bangkok101: Going bananas. 4th August 2014.
  2. A. B. Griswold, Prasert na Nagara: Epigraphic and Historical Studies No. 14, Inscription of the Śiva of Kāṃbèṅ Bejra. In: Journal of the Siam Society, Vol. 62, No. 2, 1974, p. 233.
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