Khumbu - Khumbu


Khumbu is a sub-region belonging toNepalese Himalayas, in Nepal.

To know

The Khumbu area

The region ofEverest it is officially called Khumbu and includes the Sagarmatha National Park (on Monju) and the Sagarmatha Buffer Zone National Park (between Lukla and Monju). The park was declared byUNESCO World Heritage Site.

Famous for its spectacular mountain peaks and the loyalty and friendliness of its inhabitants (the Sherpas), the Everest (Khumbu) region is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Nepal. While many of the routes through the mountains are difficult, there are plenty of places to rest and enjoy a meal along the way. Don't worry about getting lost - just ask a local for the way to the next village along the way and they will direct you. Most Sherpas under the age of fifty can at least understand basic English, and many speak it fluently.

When to go

While trekking is possible in this area all year round, the best times to visit are from early March to mid-May and from early September to late November. Winters are very cold and snow can make it difficult to travel higher than Tengboche, and even shelters can be closed above this altitude. Summers, on the other hand, are wet and the spectacular peaks often get lost in the clouds. April and early May is a good time to see hedges and trees in bloom, with rhododendrons in particular adding a spectacular pop of color to the landscape. However, the dust from the plains of theIndia during spring it usually provides less than ideal conditions for a clear view of the mountains. The views are better after the summer monsoons have cleared the atmosphere of dust, but the days are shorter and colder.

THE TIMS permissions (Trekking Information Management System) are needed to venture on any trip, even to the Khumbu region, they are easy to get to Katmandu at Nepal Tourism Board against US $ 20, a recent passport photo and filling out the required form before you board for your trip. If you are with organized trekking, your tour operator will do it for you.

A national park entry fee is also required which can be obtained in Kathmandu or when entering the park.

Lodges and restaurants in Khumbu only accept Nepalese rupees. The budget can range between Rs 1,500-2,000 per person per day for food and accommodation - prices rise with altitude, although you can spend more in Namche because there is more on offer. Add more if you consume beer, soft drinks, and other services.

Spoken languages

Sherpas speak their own language called Sherpa, which is related to Tibetan. Most Sherpas under the age of fifty can also speak English and Nepali. Also, as many Sherpas have traveled overseas to work, it's not uncommon to meet Sherpas who are fluent in German, French, and Japanese.

Territories and tourist destinations


There are many villages scattered throughout the Khumbu. Below is a list of nine of the most important to travelers. Others can be found in the entry Trekking to Everest Base Camp:

  • Ghat - located between Lukla is Monju - small temple and beautiful stones Hands
  • Khumjung - good place to take an acclimatization walk when staying in Namche
  • Khunde - near Khumjung - home to Khumbu's main Western Medicine Clinic
  • Lukla - airport village
  • Monju - good place to stop the first night after arriving in Lukla
  • Namche Bazar - the unofficial capital of the Sherpas - restaurants, cafes, museums, Tibetan medical clinic
  • Pangboche - picturesque village - small monastery
  • Phortse - very traditional village on the mountain opposite Tengboche
  • Tengboche - great monastery
  • Chhukhung - village support for trekking a Island Peak or day trip to Chhukhung Ri
  • Dingboche

Other destinations

How to get

Airport of Lukla

By plane

There are numerous flying flights on the route Katmandu - Lukla, albeit with very little service during the off-season months. Sita is considered to be one of the most reliable airlines flying this route and operates two flights every morning from Kathmandu Domestic Airport at 07:00 and 08:20, with return flights at 07:40 and 09:00. Flights from Kathmandu take approximately 25 minutes. Be aware that there can be significant delays during the summer rainy season, and even a week's wait is not uncommon.

By bus

There is a bus that connects Kathmandu to Jiri. Some buses go to Shivalaya. From here to Namche Bazar you walk for six days. A less popular alternative is to walk from Tumlingtar. Another route first tried in April 2015 by entering from Jaynagar, in India, by train or bus. From Jaynagar it is about a day and a half by bus or jeep to Phaplu via Madar, Sirha, Mirchaya Ramnagar, Katari, Okhaldunga and Salleri. Phaplu to Ringmo and 5 days of trekking to Namche.

Immediately after the village of Monju, there is a checkpoint to enter the Sagarmatha National Park. Passports must be shown and there is an application fee of € 1,000. Two taxes in Monju. For TIMS country taxes SAARC rs 650 / - and for Sagarmatha National Park rs 1695 / - with tax for four weeks.

How to get around

A horse used for trekking

On foot and sometimes on horseback. There are no roads in the Khumbu region.

What see

Events and parties

What to do

Trek, eat, enjoy Sherpa hospitality, and enjoy your time in such a beautiful and unspoiled environment.


Outside Namche, there are few souvenir shops and the handicrafts sold are similar to those offered in Kathmandu. However, as most of the goods are transported from the Tibet, which is much closer to Khumbu than Kathmandu, you may find some bargains and some unique items. Also, check out clothes made with yak wool. This is often done locally, and therefore the prices can be lower than in Kathmandu. As in many parts of Southeast Asia, remember to haggle for the best deal.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Most lodges offer similar menus: porridge, hash brown, omelette, noodles, fried rice, apple pie, although those in Namche tend to have a wider selection, which includes pizza and juice.

Local dishes include:

  • Riki-Kur - the Sherpa dish of potato pancakes, which are delicious eaten straight from the griddle and covered with dzo butter (female yak) and a sauce made of seasoned cheese and spices called overlaps. Due to the effort involved in making them, they are generally not listed in the presentation menus. However, most places prepare them if you order well in advance.
  • Tzen - a heavy pate made of millet and flavored with spices.


Locally bottled water is available everywhere in Khumbu, although the price increases with altitude. A bottle in Namche costs around 100rs. Beer and juice are transported from Kathmandu to Lukla and carried by the porters; consequently the price is very high. Tea, instant coffee, and a lemon concentrate drink are the cheapest drinks in the region and are available at every lodge or tea shop for a cup of Rs 50-150.
NB: as there is no way to recycle plastic bottles in Khumbu (there are bins available on all walks for plastic and paper), you might consider bringing your own container and purchasing boiled water or purifying water from source with iodine tablets.

Where stay

Accommodation is in abundance in Khumbu and ranges from luxurious hotels near Khumjung to very comfortable lodges in Namche to those offering basic amenities. In general, the higher the altitude, the simpler the accommodation.


A base camp on Everest

Khumbu is a very safe region and violent crime is almost unknown. However, due to the amount of people passing through the area on the go, it is advisable to keep your valuables in sight at all times.

The altitude sickness it also affects young and healthy people and is a real problem in the area. If you feel dizzy, have palpitations or have severe headaches, it is necessary immediately return to a lower altitude. Don't take altitude sickness lightly - it can cause death too!

There's a emergency rescue center in Namgyal lodge, in the village of Machermo, in Gokyo valley, headed by two volunteer doctors. This is purely an emergency rescue center and doctors will not treat common ailments.

How to keep in touch

There are currently no telephone lines or postal addresses in the Everest region.

Post office

Namche has a post office. Stamps are also available in local shops.


International phone calls can be made in Namche, however this is very expensive compared to Kathmandu. The cheapest place is the one-phone government telephone office, on the second floor of an anonymous wooden building behind the Buddha Hotel, identified with an official yellow sign in Nepalese with a faded English card stuck on it. Expect a long line on Saturday (market day).


Namche also has several Internet café. Satellite access costs between 20-25rs per minute, so keep an eye on the clock when operating online.


Useful information



According to the customs of respect in Tibetan Buddhism (which most Sherpas adhere to), always pass hand stones and other religious objects with the right side closest to the object and turn the prayer wheels clockwise. Never sit on stones, stupas or religious objects.


Due to the number of hikers crossing this valley, the ecological structure is under severe strain. Therefore, it is important that visitors are more sensitive to their surroundings. Of course the wild life should be disturbed, but in addition, trekkers can help by not leaving any kind of non-biodegradable material in Khumbu, but instead returning it to Kathmandu for disposal. Boiled water can be purchased at all lodges, so bringing your own container avoids the need to purchase bottled water, which is still very expensive. Wood for fires should be used sparingly, and not whenever possible. Also try to limit dependence on canned foods, but instead order meals made with local products, such as rikikul (potato pancakes) and yak cheese dishes.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Khumbu
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