Kinabalu National Park - Kinabalu-Nationalpark

Mount Kinabalu

The Kinabalu National Park(Malay: Taman Negara Kinabalu) is a national park in the Malaysian state Sabah North of Borneo. It includes Malaysia's highest mountain at 4,095.2 meters, the Gunung Kinabalu, as well as a beautiful rainforest landscape. One of the highlights is the ascent of the summit of Mount Kinabalu - a two- or three-day excursion that is quite feasible with a normal level of fitness.


The rainforest on Borneo is the oldest rainforest in the world, and even if many South America fans don't like to hear it: it is! A trip to the rainforest is a "must do" in Kota Kinabalu and for tourists who do not belong to the "professional hikers", a trip to the Kinabalu Park is recommended UNESCO world natural heritage belongs. There are several thousand different animal and plant species in the park, such as 326 bird and 100 mammal species. It is considered a biodiversity hotspot.


The Heliconia Rostrata - Commonly found in this region
The Nepenthes rajah can only be found here in the national park worldwide

The national park was established in 1964 as one of the first in the country. Since 2000 he has been on the list of UNESCO world natural heritage. It covers an area of ​​754 square kilometers and has meanwhile blossomed into the most popular travel destination in Sabah. In 2009, 250,000 visitors were counted, of which 47,000 tackled the ascent of the summit.

Flora and fauna

It is estimated that the park is home to 5,000 to 6,000 different vascular plants. They are divided into 200 families and 1000 genera, which cover 14% of the Malaysian flora - and 2.5% of the entire earth. So far, for example, 711 orchid, 621 fern, 27 rhododendron, 78 fig and 9 pitcher plant species have been documented. The existing types of mushrooms, mosses, liverworts and lichens are innumerable. The pitcher plants and the Rafflesia with their huge flowers are particularly interesting for many visitors.

The fauna ranges from mammals, birds and fish to amphibians, reptiles and a whole range of invertebrates. Some mammals are endemic here, such as the Borneo tiny squirrel (Exilisciurus exilis) or a type of thick-tailed shrew that Suncus ater. 29 of the native bird species are unique here, 17 of them inhabit the mountain regions. 600 of the 900 butterfly species native to Borneo can be found in the park alone. Of course there are also some primates: orangutans, Borneon gibbons, white monkeys and colobus monkeys as well as two nocturnal species, the slow loris and goblin tarsiers.


The months around April are recommended for climbers. The temperatures in the mountains are around 20-25 degrees. But it can always get really cold at the summit. The Southeast Asia travel season of November and December, which is popular with Central Europeans, unfortunately brings a lot of rain. (See also web links)

getting there

Kota Kinabalu88 km
Sandakan234 km

The journey takes place on the road, the national park is on the A4 which Sabah's capital Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan connects. Both places are also the closest to be reached by plane or ship.

  • buses start at Padang Merdeka in Kota Kinabalu and cost RM 15.00 to 19.00. You drive to Ranau, which is not far away. The buses off Sandakan need about 6 hours for the route.
  • The journey with your own car from Kota Kinabalu (approx. 2 hours) has a special charm, as it runs through a landscape that is well worth seeing and offers the opportunity to stop at any time. If you take a taxi, you have to shell out around RM 200-300.

Fees / permits

Visiting the national park as well as the activities cost a number of fees:

Necessary basic fees:

  • Parking fee: RM 3.00 / 15.00 (Malaysians / non-Malaysians), children under 18 years: RM 1.00 / 10.00 (Malaysians / non-Malaysians)
  • Summit fee: RM 30.00 / 120.00 (Malaysians / non-Malaysians), RM 12.00 / 40.00 (Malaysians / non-Malaysians) - climbing insurance is also required (RM 7.00)
  • Summit guide: RM 85.00-120.00 per group. The fee depends on the desired route to the summit.

Additional costs:

  • Souvenir certificate: RM 10.00 It will be issued upon return from the summit. If you tell employees not to need one, you may automatically get it for free.
  • Hiking sticks: RM 5.00. They can be helpful on the hikes. The ones offered are trimmed tree branches. Here you should look out for a stable model.
  • Luggage storage: RM 10.00

Those who bring their own hiking sticks, do without the souvenir and possibly join forces with other travelers can reduce some of the costs.

Tourist Attractions

  • Mountain Garden. There are guided tours in the tropical garden at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. At 2 p.m. (and on weekends also at 7.30 p.m.) the video “A Beacon of Biodiversity” will be shown in the Liwagu visitors center.Open: 9: 00-16: 00.
  • Kinabalu National History Gallery (in the Conservation center building). The exhibition tells of flora, fauna, geology and the culture of the national park.
  • Exhibit Center (at the Liwagu Visitors Center). Exhibition about the parks of the state of Sabah with a focus on Kinabalu National Park.


Climbing and trekking on and on Mount Kinabalu

At the summit the Mt. Kinabalu
  • Climbing Mount Kinabalu: The ultimate excursion should be the ascent of Mount Kinabalu, which at 4095 m is the highest mountain in Malaysia. The ascent of Mt. Kinabalu can be done in 2 days. A 3-day tour is recommended. This provides more time to adapt to the altitude and observe the unique flora and fauna. The excursion does not require any special climbing skills, but a certain physical condition and robustness. The tour may only be undertaken with a park guide, a porter is recommended. Tour guides and porters can be booked with the park administration. The path leads through a fairytale-like gnarled forest with a lot of fog and full of lichens and mosses. You can often see wild orchids and other unique plants. The (short) night is spent in the Laban Rata mountain hut at an altitude of 3,272.7 m. The ascent to the top of the mountain begins around 2 a.m. Ropes mounted on the mountain help to find the way through the darkness. Shortly before sunrise you reach the top of the mountain. The sunrise over Mount Kinabalu is a great experience. However, you should protect yourself from the cold wind on the tip (don't forget gloves and warm clothing!). Two routes lead up the mountain, the Summit Trail and the Mesilau route. They meet at the Layang Layang Hut at an altitude of 2,740 m (approx. 4 km from Timpohon Gate). There are watering holes along the route that are fed by natural springs. The water is marked as untreated, but potable.
  • Other peaks: The park has some other interesting peaks, such as South Peak (3,921 m) and St. John's Peak (4,090 m). Both can be climbed as a day tour, but require more in-depth climbing experience, especially St. John's Peak. Other climbing destinations are Ugly Sisters (4,086 m), Alexandra (3,998 m) and Victoria (4,090 m).
  • Western plateau: The Western Plataeu is a stony plain formed by glaciers. The ascent requires ropes and some climbing experience. The Gurkha Hut is located 20 minutes from Low's Peak at an altitude of 3,839 m. It is suitable for climbers who want to spend more time around the plateau and are accordingly equipped for longer tours.
  • Mount Tambuyukon: The 2,580 m high mountain is located in the center of the park not too far from Mount Kinabalu. Its accessibility is quite limited, which makes it an interesting research area and offers opportunities for gentle ecotourism. The ascent leads through some interesting altitudes with an interesting variety of animal and plant species.
  • Via Ferrata: In June 2010 it was included in the Guiness Book of Records as the highest via ferrata in the world. The record tour starts at 3,411 m and ends at 3,776 m. There are now some via ferratas on the mountain with different levels of difficulty. Those interested in tours in the mountains can also book climbing and tour packages. The longest tours include one of the via ferratas, sport climbing and the ascent to the summit - all with three nights in one of the huts. -
  • Climbathon: - The Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon has been held every September / October since 1984. Originally it was an internal competition for the rescue teams. Since 1987, outsiders have also been admitted. A year later it became an international competition in which an ascent of 2,250 m over a length of 21 km has to be mastered. The qualification time is 4 hours. The current record is 2:42:07 hours for men (Iamn Holmes, UK) and 3:18:36 hours for women (Hasny Salagan, MY). The route for women has been shortened in the meantime, but has now been set back to the full distance.


Canopy Wak at Poring Hot Spring
  • Hikes through the national park: There are a number of designated hiking trails through the national park's rainforest. A card is available at the entrance. A guided hike starts at the Kinabalu Multipurpose Hall at 11:00 a.m. every day.
  • Canopy Walks: There are two suspension bridge systems in and around the park. The bridges in Kinabalu Park itself offer a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape, while the one at Poring Hot Springs is more in the treetops. Here you can better observe flora and fauna.
    • Kinabalu National Park: The tour begins with a 400 m long and somewhat steep climb. At the end of the 400 meters, the Canopy Walk begins, which is a unique experience. At a length of 157.80 m and at a height of 41 m, you walk over (secured) suspension bridges at the height of the treetops through the rainforest. The view from the suspension bridges is breathtaking and the effort of the ascent is quickly forgotten.
    • Poring Hot Springs: The place is on the eastern edge of the park and is accessible by car Ranau to reach. You cross the area of ​​the hot springs, at the end the path to the Canopy Walk begins. Here you have to overcome a few meters in altitude. The actual Canopy Walk consists of five bridges that are attached between the treetops. The longest bridge measures 48 m, the highest is 43 m above the ground. A fee of RM 5.00 is payable for the use of cameras and RM 30.00 for video cameras.


  • Poring Hot Springs: After the descent from the Canopy Walk you can visit the Poring Hot Spring in Poring, which is a source of high sulfur content that is said to help cure various diseases. You can bathe in the spring, so you shouldn't forget your bathing suit.


Hiking and climbing in the mountains can be dangerous, especially in bad weather. You should never be alone in the mountains, stay close to the mountain guide and follow his instructions.

The elevated climatic conditions The cycle of warm and humid to humid air in the rainforest and in comparison to Central European hiking regions should not be underestimated.

With one chosen too quickly Ascent rate Health problems can arise at altitudes above 2,500 m as a result of insufficient altitude adjustment. Depending on the personal constitution (constitution), even with a top fitness as an athlete, the daily gain at these altitudes should no longer exceed values ​​of approx. 800 mH. For general information see also in chapter Height adjustment of the article Rockclimbing.

In the summit region it can cool down to freezing point. You should therefore pay attention to appropriate clothing. If you want to climb the mountains, you should definitely equip yourself with a pocket or head torch.


There are restaurants and snack bars at the park entrance and in the Laban Rata Hut. The prices in the hut are understandably high as all groceries have to be carried up with porters. You can also check in before you arrive Kota Kinabalu with a few simple snacks. There are shelters and barbecue facilities for your own use along the paths and streets in the park.

Those who stay overnight pay for the food with the room price. If you book the ascent, you will receive your first lunch as a packed lunch for on the way (3 sandwiches, fruit, egg and some chicken). If you take the longer route from Mesilau Gate, you should be at Laban Rata by 7:30 p.m. Otherwise the buffet is closed and the extra prepared food has to be paid for.


There are a number of accommodations in the national park area. The spectrum ranges from simple hostels to luxurious chalets. In the past, all accommodations were managed by the park administration, but now they are all offered by one company

  • Sutera Sanctuary Lodges. Tel.: 60 (0)88-303917, Fax: (0)88-317540, Email: . Sutera Harbor in Kota Kinabalu is one of them. If you book a tour of the mountain through them and thus need an overnight stay in the Laban Rata Hut, you may well be forced to spend the night in one of the lodges at the park entrance area. The prices there are higher than outside the park and also include meals.

In the national park

In all huts in the park, a bed in a dormitory (up to 60 beds) costs RM 415.00 including meals. Since 2009 there have been problems with the power supply. So you should expect that they are unheated and only cold water is available.

  • Kinabalu Park (at the starting point of the summit trail). Tel.: 60 (0)88-889086. The accommodation offers different categories from dormitories to individual lodges. Simple cooking facilities are available to everyone.Price: RM 70.00 / 92.00-184.00 / 230.00-1,150.00 (Dorm / Suite / Lodge).
  • Laban Rata. Tel.: 60 (0)88-267289. The hut, located at an altitude of 3,272.7 m, is the place for the overnight stay before the ascent to the summit. There is also a restaurant here.Price: RM 415.00 / 920.00 / 2,835.00 (dorm / 2-bed room / 6-bed room).
  • There are a few more simple huts with simple kitchen options available in the area: Gunting Lagadan Hut and the Waras hut with a dormitory. A reservation 3-4 months in advance is advisable. The online presence only shows the private rooms. All other options must be inquired about on the phone.

In the vicinity of the national park

  • D'Villa Rina Ria Lodge (About 500 meters from the park entrance). Tel.: 60 (0)88-889282. The lodge offers standard rooms as well as a restaurant serving good local cuisine.Price: from RM 30.00.
  • Kinabalu Rose Cabin (A few minutes from the park entrance). Tel.: 60 (0)88-888233, Email: . The rooms offer a beautiful view of Mt. Kinabalu.Price: from RM 70.00.
  • Aristo Kinabalu Resort. Tel.: 60 (0)88-872719, Email: . The accommodation started in 2009 and has 21 rooms with bathroom and TV.Check-in: 14:00.Check-out: 12:00.Price: RM 30.00-160.00.
  • Magic Mountain Country Home. Tel.: 60 (0)19-8214338. The Austrian-Malay run accommodation near the Mount Kinabalu golf course offers "old-fashioned comfort". The room rate includes breakfast and dinner. English and Malay as well as German and Chinese are understood.Price: RM 420.00.
  • Mesilau Nature Resort. Tel.: 60 (0)88-871519, Fax: (0)88-889091. The resort is located in the Mesilau Nature Park north of the city. There are some nice, but not very cheap chalets (RM 650 to 2,275.00 per unit).
  • There are also accommodations in the nearby locations Kundasang (6km), Poring and Ranau.


Rafflesia - the largest flower in the world

The immediate vicinity of the national park also offers a number of interesting places within a day's reach:

  • The place is southeast of the national park Kundasang. There is a well-known memorial here to commemorate the Sandakan Death Marches. In addition, the place is widely known for its vegetable growing.
  • The Mesilau Nature Park is located a few kilometers north of the city of Kundasang. The name is derived from a yellow waterfall (silou means yellow in the language of the Dusun). The park borders the Kinabalu National Park directly to the east and is surrounded by mountains and is the highest place in the region that can be reached by car. An alternative hiking route to the summit of Mount Kinabalu - der also starts here Mesilau Trail. The park itself invites you to go hiking. The Mesilau Nature Resort offers refreshments. The area is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Access is via the city of Kundasang.
  • To the east it goes to the a little bigger place Ranau. To the north are the sources of Poring. Here you can enjoy swimming. A little above there is a beautiful canopy walk on suspension bridges up to 40m high, which are attached to trees with ropes. Not far from the springs there are also a few waterfalls that can be explored on a short walk. There is also a butterfly farm and an orchid center. The place is very popular with local visitors, especially on weekends.
  • There are a number of rare ones around the village of Poring Rafflesia The huge flowers take almost a year to bloom. After that, they only bloom for a week. They emit a smell that is more reminiscent of putrefaction. But the size of the flowers is impressive. If you want to see a blossom, you can ask on site (hotel, shop or tour guide) whether and where one is currently in bloom. As a rule, everyone on site is informed about this. RM 20.00 could be due for the viewing. After all, Rafflesia tourism has also led to the protection of the landscapes and commitment to nature conservation.

Web links

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