Kyrgyzstan - Kirgisistan

Kyrgyzstan located in Central Asia. Bordering countries are Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and China. In terms of area, Kyrgyzstan is about half the size of Germany.


Map of Kyrgyzstan


Other goals


Landscape at Bishkek

The landscape of this inland is mountainous and is dated to the south Tien Shan dominates. There are many peaks, glaciers and high mountain lakes. Kyrgyzstan lay on the famous Silk Road and the testimonies of the past can be found in numerous places such as Karakol or the caravanserai of Tash Rabat. The nomadic tradition is reflected in the use of the horse and the yurt. The latter is immortalized in the national flag, here the frame of a yurt is shown in the ridge area around the smoke outlet.

Kyrgyzstan itself is a relatively young state, which declared its independence on August 31, 1991 as part of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Economic development in the country, which is inhabited by around 5 million people, is slow. With a per capita gross domestic product of around € 390, it is one of the poorest of the former Soviet republics. The political development is changeable. After the first free elections in 1995 and the presidential election, the power of parliament was gradually reduced and the power of President Akayev strengthened after the next elections in 2000. As a result of the parliamentary elections in 2005, after allegations of election fraud, riots and the so-called Tulip revolution, as a result, President Akayev fled to Russia. The new elections were won by Kurmanbek Bakiyev with 89%. After an initial strengthening of parliament through constitutional amendments, its rights were subsequently weakened again in favor of the president. Early parliamentary elections were held in December 2007.

getting there

Entry requirements

Since July 2012, all Europeans, with the exception of Romanians and Bulgarians, no longer require a visa to enter the country for tourist stays of up to 60 days. Turks are allowed into the country for 30 days.
Anyone planning a stay longer than 60 days should contact the Kyrgyz embassy beforehand. On entry and exit over Tajikistan a valid visa from these countries is required. The neighboring countries Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have introduced relief for many Europeans in recent years. Foreign currencies can be imported and exported without any problems.

Stays of up to 60 days are possible without reporting to the police. In the case of longer stays, the police report must be made within the first five days.

By plane

Air Kyrgyzstan is not allowed to land within the EU for security reasons.

There are only two international airports in Kyrgyzstan:

The international airport Manas (FRU) in Bishkek cannot be reached directly from Germany. In 2014 Lufthansa has no connections between the two countries in the program. (Price examples 2014: Turkish € 388, Pegasus / Air Manas € 284, Aeroflot via SVO € 444, S7 via DVO around € 700 [1])

There are also numerous connections to Kazakh Almatywhat at least for the duration of the Temporary abolition of the visa requirement for Germans (until probably the end of 2017) represents a simple alternative. From there, various airlines and other providers offer shuttle buses to Bishkek.

  • Osh is served from Europe, at least in summer, by the same Russian and Turkish airlines.

Land route

There is no entry with your own car or motorcycle Carnet de passage required.

There are train connections to Moscowwho have traversed Uzbek territory.


Usually, a Chinese visa must be applied for in the home country.

The Torugart Pass is usually passable from mid-May to late September. Entry in your own vehicle requires a Chinese driver's license and a special permit. Usually you will have to rent a Chinese SUV and driver through a travel agency (US $ 300-400).

The Irkeshtam Pass, on the road between Sary Tash and Kashgar is passable all year round. Border opening times are Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. A long-distance bus runs in each direction once or twice a week (570 Yüan, Jan. 2014). Hitchhiking with a truck or for a fee in a shared taxi is possible. The actual Chinese border post is 140 km away in Wuqia.



  • Kordai, heavily frequented by small traders who sell the Dordoi market visit.
  • Sypatai Batyr (Chaldovar), on the main road (M 39) from Bishkek to Taraz (KZ; Тараз). The villages near the border are called Merke (KZ) and Kara-Baltynin (KG),
  • in the Karkara Valley, on the unpaved road connecting Kegen (KZ) and Tup (KG) (mid-May to October; daily 9 am-6pm)
  • Aisha Bibi - Chongkapka on the main road from Taraz (KZ) to Talas (KG; Талас)


  • crossing Kyzylart - Bor Dobo, on the main street, the Osh or Sary Tash (KG) with Khorog above Murghab in the Pamir connects. The usual means of transport are jeeps. Entry into the region Mountain Badachshan (Gorno-Badakhshan) requires the presentation of a GBAO travel permit.


  • crossing Dostyk / Dustlyk on the way from Osh in a north-westerly direction to Andijon (UZ; Андижон). Daily 7 am-7pm, public transport on both sides of the border.
  • Approx. 8 km from Kara-suu, the actual border village is called Savay. On the direct connection from Osh to the north in the direction of Bishkek Xonobod (UZ; Хонобод). Khanabad is the crossing point near Jalalabad.
    When traveling by public transport from Jalalabad (Джалал-Абад) to Osh - actually an inner-Kyrgyz journey - it must be clarified whether the journey is actually going through Uzgen or whether the shorter route through Uzbekistan described is used, since the agreement on visa-free transit does not apply to all nationalities becomes.
  • Uch - Kurgan, small border station, without public transport, on the M 41 road from Karakol (Каракол) after Namangan (UZ; Наманган).
  • (Smaller border crossings to the exclaves not taken into account.)


Public transport takes place almost exclusively on the road. There is only a rudimentary rail network. Bus and taxi connections are the rule.

In addition to your own vehicle, the horse plays an important role, at least in the immediate vicinity (especially in rural areas).


The state railway company Kyrgy's Temir Dscholu operates only a few passenger trains, exclusively in the north of the country, seasonally also to the Issy-Kul region Balyktschy. According to the schedule, seven trains run daily from Bishkek II main station (as of Nov. 2013). The route crosses borders Lugovoi-Bischkek, so that there is a connection to the Russian rail network.

Mountain hiking


Trekking Union of Kyrgyzstan, 168 Kievskaya St. (corner of Turusbekova St.). Tel.: 996 312 909115, Email: .

started building shelters a few years ago and issuing hiking maps for mountain regions.


The official languages ​​are Russian and Kyrgyz. In larger towns you can also find English and German speaking people. Uzbek and Kazakh are also spoken.

to buy

The national currency is the Kyrgyz Som (€ 1 = approx. 80 Som, as of 06/2018, stable). Most goods and services have to be paid for in Som, hotels sometimes prefer dollars. The euro is also used every now and then.

The exchange of euros or dollars is usually possible in larger cities without any problems. Credit cards are rarely accepted. Withdrawing cash using Western credit and EC cards is possible in all major cities in the country.


Flatbreads on a market in Osh

Horse, calf and sheep - vegetables are rare in nomadic cuisine. For the traditional five-finger meal, that Beshbarmak, is in the yurt Kumys (fermented mare's milk), toasted butter (Tschöwögö) and flatbread Katama With Kaimak-Served cream.

However, in Kyrgyzstan you will not only find traditional Kyrgyz cuisine. A lot of people from different parts of the world have been living in this region for a long time, and of course they have brought their own cuisine with them, so that one can dine in this country very varied. In addition to the Kyrgyz cuisine, the Russian cuisine is widespread. Uighur and Uzbek dishes should also be tried. But be careful, some of these dishes can be very spicy, especially Uighur!

Those who have the opportunity to cook for themselves are strongly encouraged to shop in bazaars. There the producers offer their fresh and high quality goods at reasonable prices. And of course, as everywhere in the Orient, you can haggle! Here, too, you can try Uighur and other national specialties, especially pickled salads (attention, spicy!). Roadside sales are also recommended. Here people sell the products from their own garden right on their doorstep, as is common in many areas of Germany. But sometimes there are real street vendors who bring their goods onto trucks.

Arts and Culture

The culture is shaped by nomadic traditions, so it is not surprising that yurt and horse are of great importance here. Hunting also plays an important role, especially falconry hunting (with eagles and falcons) and equestrian games. The most famous game is Kyz Kumai (catch up with the girl) Here, a single young man and a single young woman compete against each other. If the man wins, he can kiss the woman (originally marry), if the woman wins, she can whip him on the return ride. The traditional garments made of felt and leather are still in use and in traditional manufacture. There is also a long tradition of embroidery and felting. The traditional one Shyrdak- Carpet is an example of the masterful mastery of felting.

The Manas epic occupies a central position in classical literature and narration. The 500,000 verse epic from the 6th to 8th centuries describes the fight of the hero Manas against the Uyghurs and the preservation of independence. This work, which is twenty times more extensive than Odysse and Iliad put together, was only given orally for centuries by the so-called Manatschis passed on. Even today passages are recited on festive occasions and the Manatschis enjoy a high reputation. The lecture is often accompanied by the traditional komuz (or komus). This is a three-stringed plucked instrument that belongs to the lute family and is roughly comparable to the original Persian setar (also three-stringed).

The importance of nomadic culture and the Manas epic is also reflected in the Kyrgyz flag. The rays of the sun symbolize the 40 mythical warriors Manas, and the lines in the middle represent the intersecting poles of a yurt in the ridge.

Modern art and literature is a child of the 20th century. The painting association was founded in 1934. A year later, the State Painting Gallery opened, today's Aitiev National Museum of Fine Arts. The first Kyrgyz painters were Gapar Aitiev and Sabyrbek Akylbekov, who both studied in Moscow and Leningrad. Early 20th century painting was part of the ideological tradition of socialist realism. Traditional motifs also played a role. Theodor Gerzen, Arkadij Ostaschev, Duhanin, Tjurin and Akynbekov are among the most important painters of this time. Since independence, painting has become more complex. In addition to the conservative school, a modernity is developing that combines the elements of the realistic with those of the modern. In addition, there is the "pleasing painting". These are works of a more decorative or tourist character.

In literature, Genghis Aitmatov is the dominant figure. The writer, born in Scheker in 1928, became familiar with his love story Jamilja world famous.


Notable only in Bishkek.


Police checks

Police controls are relatively frequent in Kyrgyzstan, especially in road traffic. It can happen that the driver is accused by corrupt officials of having driven too fast or having drunk alcohol in order to collect a fine, which usually ends up in their own pocket. The police are authorized to check your passport and visa, but not to search your pockets. Under the pretext of a drug search, however, tourists in particular have been searched for drugs by the police and robbed in the process. The Foreign Office advises to do so in such incidents, to refer to his rights and to inform the embassy in Bishkek.

Learn and study

In the capital Bishkek (currently around 31 universities) and in Osh several universities and technical colleges have their headquarters. The universities are usually fee-based, only 15% are free of charge. The most important universities in Bishkek are the American University Of Central Asia, the International University of Kyrgyzstan and the International Ataturk-Alatoo University.

In Osh she has Osh State University as the oldest and, with around 27,000 students, the largest university in the south of the country. That also belongs to it Medical Institute which, in addition to Kyrgyz and Russian, is also taught in English and certified by the WHO.


public holidays


1st-2nd Jan.New Year
23 FebDefender of the Fatherland DayМекенди коргоочунун күнү Originally "Red Army Day." (Unofficial "Father's Day.")
March 8thInternational Women's Day
May 1stLabor DayAppreciation of the proletariat
May 5thConstitution day
08-09 MayHeroes Remembrance Day and Victory DaySouvenir of the great patriotic war
31 AugIndependence dayNational Independence Day 1991
07 NovRevolution dayMemento of the victory of the toiling masses during the great proletarian October revolution. Officially renamed "Day of Atonement" (День примирения и согласия). Relocation to November 4th planned.
02 DecDay of the nation

There are also religious holidays with variable dates:

  • Christmas of the Orthodox Church (according to the Julian calendar currently on January 7th)
  • Persian Spring / New Year Festival Nouruz, at the equinox around March 19-22.
  • The celebrations for the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, calculated according to the moon: Eid al-Fitr (Kyrgyzstan: Орозо айт; this year May 13, 2021) and 70 days later the festival of sacrifice Eid al-Adha (Курман айт; this year July 19, 2021).


After the unrest in June 2010, the situation has largely calmed down again. The borders to Uzbekistan have now reopened.

By and large, Kyrgyzstan is a safe country to travel to. In the capital, Bishkek, one should exercise the usual caution that applies to all major cities in the world.

A little more caution is around in the southwest region Osh as well as in the further course of the Fergana valley. There have been riots between the Uzbeks and the Kyrgyz in the past. Furthermore, this is Fergana Valley a retreat for drug smugglers (mainly Uzbek and Tajik part). One of the main smuggling routes for opium and heroin from Afghanistan runs here. Some of the border sections are mined.

Foreign missions

  • German Embassy Bishkek, Ulitsa Rasakowa 28, 720040 Bishkek. Tel.: 996 312 905000, Fax: 996 312 300744, 996 312 300743. Open: Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Austrian, are represented by an honorary consul, other EU citizens can contact the German embassy in an emergency.
  • Consulates of neighboring countries see at Consulates in Bishkek. Russia also maintains a consulate in Osh.


Due to the lack of a comprehensive emergency service and the sometimes difficult supply situation with medication and bandages, some measures are useful before the trip.

So it is advisable to check the vaccination protection. In particular, there should generally be adequate vaccination against polio (polio), tetanus (tetanus), diphtheria (whooping cough) and hepatitis A (jaundice, liver runny nose from polluted water).

If necessary, this vaccination should be supplemented with protection against hepatitis B, typhoid and rabies. This is especially true if you stay longer in the country, especially in rural regions.

For long excursions into the wooded mountains (especially in the first half of the year) a vaccination against the F.stir-S.summerM.eningo-E.ncephalitis can be made.

In the border area with Kazakhstan and in the southern provinces of Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken, malaria infections were repeatedly reported. It is malaria tertiana, which is caused by Plasmodium vivax, and not the dreaded malaria tropica. Nevertheless, in the evening and night hours of summer and autumn, prevention with suitable long-sleeved clothing and supplementation with appropriate protective agents (so-called repellants) is recommended. If symptoms occur, a chloroquine preparation is usually sufficient for treatment.

A well equipped travel pharmacy with important medication as well as bandages and disposable syringes is more than sensible, as these often have to be procured yourself, even for treatment in hospitals.

The Federal Foreign Office recommends making use of the option of registering at the embassy. Relatives and the health insurance company can be contacted quickly in an emergency.

Climate and travel time

Ala Artscha National Park

The climate is dry and continental. In the higher elevations of the Tien Shan it even becomes subpolar. In the southwest of the country (Fergana Valley), on the other hand, the climate is subtropically influenced. It is more moderate in the northern hill country. The best time to travel to the lower-lying country is spring from March to May and autumn from September to October. Outside of this time it gets very hot. The months of July to August are particularly suitable for tours into the high mountains.

Anyone who is an avid skier will find several ski areas, some of which are equipped according to modern European standards, especially near the capital during the winter months.

behaviour rules

Post and Telecommunications

The state Kyrgyz Telecom offers (censored) internet access, often with volume restrictions, or ISDN and cellular services. Among the seven mobile telephony operators are MegaCom and the offshoot of the Russian Beeline are the largest.


One comes here at the writer's works Chynggys Torekulovich Aitmatov not over. Especially his novel Jamilja is one of the works of great international importance.

  • Chinggis Aitmatov: Dshamilja - The most beautiful love story in the world; Vol.Paperback. Suhrkamp, 2004 (25th edition), ISBN 3518380796 ; 122 pages (German).
  • Chinggis Aitmatov: Childhood in Kyrgyzstan; Vol.Paperback. Unionsverlag, 1999 (4th edition), ISBN 3518380796 ; 157 pages (German).

Web links

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  1. Offers according to the websites of the respective airlines, 2014-09-19, about 6 weeks advance booking, low season, 30 days stay, economy return, ex MUC.