Liestal - Liestal

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Liestal is the capital of the half-canton Basel-Country in the Northwestern Switzerland, Basel region.


Neighboring municipalities:Füllinsdorf, Arisdorf, Hersberg, Louse, Bubendorf, Seltisberg, Nuglar-Sankt Pantaleon, Frenkendorf

getting there

By train

Liestal is on the SBB-Main route Basel-Olten with connections after Bern (and further after alternately Interlaken and Brig-Glis), Lucerne, Zurich (and on after Chur). In addition, the S-Bahn line S 3 of the S-Bahn Nordwestschweiz (Olten - Liestal - Basel - To run).

The narrow-gauge Waldenburgerbahn begins at the station Waldenburg.

By bus

Liestal can also be reached by bus from Basel (Aeschenplatz).


Map of Liestal

Several bus routes to the surrounding area start at Liestal train station.

Tourist Attractions

  • Museum.BL, in the former grain and armory. Open: Tue - Fri 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., 2 p.m. - 5 p.m., Sa Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Poet and City Museum. Open: Tue - Fri 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat Sun 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • The Upper Gate
  • Reformed city church
  • The Steinenbrüggli over the Frenke
  • The town hall
  • The cantonal government building
  • Waterfall boiler
  • The observation tower on the Schleifenberg


  • The Liestal Carnival with the Chienbäse move, attracts thousands of visitors annually.


The monument in honor of George Herwich


  • Glacharia & Creparia, Zeughausplatz 27, 4410 Liestal (in the middle of the town of Liestal). Tel.: 41 (0)61 921 72 80, Email: . The Glatscharia is known far and wide for its good ice cream and crepes. The small eatery offers around 20 types of ice cream Engadine Milk are made.Open: Tue-Sat 11.30am-6pm; Sun 14-18.





Web links

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