Madesimo - Madesimo

Coat of arms and flag
Madesimo - Coat of arms
Madesimo - Flag
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Institutional website

Madesimo is a city of Lombardy.

To know

Located in Spluga Valley, is subdivided into the fractions of Madesimo, Pianazzo, Island is Montespluga. It is a place known for the practice of winter sports, with over 60 km of slopes, numerous cross-country skiing circuits, for excursions by snowmobile and snow kite.

How to orient yourself

How to get

State road to Chiavenna

By plane

Milan Malpensa Airport.

By car

SS36 or via Spluga, which flows from the Swiss border to Lecco on the Lake Como. The Spluga Pass is usually closed between November and April. If it is closed, Madesimo can only be reached from Chiavenna.

By bus

There is a good bus and train connection from Milan and Bergamo and from Milan airports.

How to get around

By car

The area around the Madesimo area is quite vast and mountainous. In winter, winter tires and / or snow chains may be required.

What see

Island Lake
  • Church of SS. Peter and Paul.
  • 1 Island Lake.
  • 2 Pianazzo waterfalls.
  • 3 Montespluga lake.

Events and parties

What to do

In winter

Ski slopes

Madesimo is part of the ski area of Valchiavenna (1550-2950m) with 58km of slopes. As such, it is one of the smaller ski resorts in the Alps. It is very popular with Italians, but well known in other European countries. On weekends it is usually very busy with locals. However, on weekdays it can be very quiet even during the holidays due to the Italian holiday system.

To access the ski area, it is not necessary to drive to Madesimo. You can leave your car at Campodolcino (1,000 m), from where a funicular ("Madesimo sky express") will take you to Motta at 1,700 m. From Motta, it is possible to access the entire ski area. The Campodolcino car park is free on weekdays and it is possible to rent skis and buy a ski pass at the valley station of the funicular. During the winter the roads can be completely blocked with snow, so to reach part of the hamlet it may require a set of touring or cross-country skis.

  • Mobility in the snow. As a popular ski resort, Madesimo offers various experiences to tourists, such as the opportunity to experience winter sports in the Alps and one such option is snow mobility. You can take advantage of this through the use of "Team Extreme": a local snow mobilization company in the Madesimo area. In recent years more and more people have made it a point to join the "Team Extreme". In accordance with local laws and regulations, "snow mobile" tours are based on safety restrictions and offer families, as well as individuals (Private Tours) are available, an enjoyable experience. Each trip takes place along prepared routes that wind along the Andossi ridge that connects Madesimo with its neighbor Montespluga. Other than individual snowmobile excursions, there are also group excursion possibilities along with an escort who will provide all the necessary support. The routes follow the slopes of the sides of the valley and are also suitable for the inexperienced 'pilot'. It is important to emphasize that well-maintained signs and trails ensure the safety of all concerned.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices

High prices


How to keep in touch

Spluga Pass


  • Spluga Pass. At the end of the Via Spluga is the Pass, which at 2,113 m is a real work of road engineering, taking into account the spectacular hairpin bends. The Swiss-Italian border is located at the top of the pass.
  • Montespluga
  • Campodolcino
  • Chiavenna
  • Splügen (CH)


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Madesimo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Madesimo
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