Lake Como - Lago di Como

Lake Como
Lake Como
Lake Como - Location
Area type
Tourism site

The Lake Como is in Lombardy.

To know

Located all in the territory, Lake Como is also called Lario and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in northern Italy for its scenic beauty and its natural environment.

Geographical notes

Between the Lombard Prealps and the plain, it goes as far as the border of the Valchiavenna and of Valtellina to the north; comes to Brianza in the southern plain. To the west and east it is respectively dominated by the mountains of territory of Como, which gives its name to the lake in general and more restrictively to the south-west branch, and from those of the territory of Lecco, which identifies only the south-eastern branch with its name; the portion of the lake that constitutes the north branch is also locally called the lake of Colico.

Its basin occupies the valley carved by the Adda glacier during the glaciations; the well-known mountain groups such as Grigne, Resegone, Legnone surround it.

A short distance from Milan and from its conurbation, constitutes for the Lombard capital (like the Lake Maggiore) a privileged destination for trips outside the city, facilitated by the A8 and A9 motorways of the Lakes.

When to go

The coastal centers have an intense attendance in the summer period; the charm of the lake, however, also attracts visitors in other seasons, albeit in much smaller numbers.


Created by the Adda glacier in the ice age, the lake enjoyed a mild climate after its formation following the retreat of the ice that favored human settlements since prehistoric times; the wealth of water, the abundance of fish and vegetation made it a particularly favorable place. Appreciated in Roman times as a place of rest and relaxation, it was celebrated by numerous Latin writers and poets: Cassiodorus, Strabone, and the locals Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger, natives of Como, the main Roman city in the area; other illustrious admirers were Paolo Diacono, Leonardo, up to Alessandro Manzoni who literally made him immortal by setting the Promessi Sposi there in the branch that turns at noon, that of Lecco.

Also important as a waterway for trade and for contacts with the populations of the north, it was always linked to the dominion of Milan, but periodically disputed by Swiss and Venetians. His ever-growing fame made him a must see Grand Tour which brought writers and travelers from Europe to Italy; Stendhal, Flaubert, Longfellow, among others, wrote about it.

Recent history sees crucial episodes in the period of the end of the Second World War, which they have inserted Dongo in the pages of national history. The interest that the lake has aroused in the mass media following the purchase of prestigious villas and the stay on its shores of famous celebrities known worldwide is recent news.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

The villages of Lake Como

On the eastern bank and on the branch of Lecco:

  • Abbadia Lariana - The name recalls the existence of a Benedictine abbey founded in the 9th century of which no significant traces remain today. In its territory is the Cenghen Waterfall (or Val Monastero Waterfall).
  • Lecco - City of metallurgical industries overlooking the lake where its branch of Lecco returns to the river and takes the name Adda. The lake, the river and the Resegone frame it.
  • Lierna - It is an ancient village where the villas of the lords of ancient Rome stood, including the Villa Commedia di Plinio, and the residence of Queens and Empress. It can only be reached by boat as there are no parking spaces, it is one of the most exclusive and secret villages of Lake Como. To maintain confidentiality, it is often removed from the maps, the administration reduces parking spaces and has blocked the stop of the public ferry, there are several international VIPs who stay in Lierna secretly. It is said that from Lierna you can enjoy the most beautiful view of Lake Como overlooking the promontory of Bellagio. There are few large hidden villas. George Clooney called it in 2007 "like Monte Carlo".
  • Mandello del Lario - It is one of the major centers on the eastern shore. It combines tourism and the mechanical and motorcycle industry - in 1921 Moto Guzzi settled here -. It preserves characteristic houses with medieval style arcades.
  • Varenna - Once it was part of Varenna, then the territory of Lierna disputed for centuries with Mandello wanted independence. The land of Lierna was also disputed in a 10-year war between Milan and Como -. It preserves characteristic houses with medieval style arcades and elements of the Belle Epoquè.

On the western bank and on the branch of Como:

  • Argegno
  • Cernobbio - It is in the center of that stretch of the western shore which has a large number of prestigious villas with large parks that have made it a destination for elite international tourism.
  • Como - Main city of the Lario, to which it has replaced the name with its own, Como was a Celtic city, then Roman, then an important municipality. It has a prestigious historic center, which makes it a city of art worthy of a non-distracted visit.
  • Moltrasio
  • Tremezzo - The rocky Grigne and the Bellagio peninsula frame this stretch of central lake where the town stands, overlooking the shore with arcaded houses and with steps that climb towards the hills behind.

On the banks of the northern branch of Colico:

  • Bellano - It has developed manufacturing activities, as well as being a place of climate tourism. It is famous thehorrid that the Pioverna stream forms in its vicinity.
  • Colico - Almost at the extreme limit of the lake to the north, at the confluence of the roads coming from Valtellina and from Chiavennasco, already lives a mountain dimension; it is a commercial and holiday center.
  • Gravedona - He proudly defended his freedom at the time of the Municipalities and was able to maintain a certain autonomy over time. Climate stay center has also developed industrial activities.
  • Menaggio - Center of beautiful atmospheres, located on a small promontory, with steep streets, steps, ancient houses, sudden glimpses of great suggestion.

In a unique position of exceptional beauty, on a promontory at the central point where the lake is divided into three branches:

  • Bellagio - The old village with its charming narrow streets juts out over the lake, almost the center of gravity of the arms in which it is divided. All around prestigious villas and large hotel parks indicate the tourist fortune of this enchanting lake center.

Other destinations

From the coastal centers of the eastern branch of the lake there is access to a series of valleys and mountain excursions.

Starting from some coastal towns it is possible to use ski lifts and reach places that enjoy an excellent panoramic position:

How to get

By plane

The eastern coast of Lake Como can be reached from the airports of

  • Milan Malpensa Airport
  • Milan Linate Airport
  • Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport

The western coast of Lake Como can be reached from the airports of

  • Milan Malpensa Airport
  • Lugano Agno Airport

By car

Lake Como can be reached with the following options: A8 Milan - Varese; A9 Lainate - Como - Chiasso; Switzerland A2 of the Gotthard.

On the train

The city of Lecco and the towns of the eastern coast of Lake Como can be reached by train through the

  • Milan-Lecco-Colico-Morbegno-Sondrio-Tirano line. Fast trains make some stops along the coast of the lake; while the accelerated trains stop at all stations.

The west coast of Lake Como can be reached by train to the city of Como. To then continue by public transport along the west coast of the lake it is necessary to use the bus.

The city of Como can be reached by train through two railway lines

  • Milan-Como-Chiasso line, which continues in Switzerland towards Lugano and Zurich. The line stops in Como at Como San Giovanni station and does not run along the west coast of Lake Como.
  • Milan-Saronno-Como line. The line is managed by the Northern Railways, stops in Como at Como Lago station and does not run along the west coast of Lake Como.

How to get around

By car

The entire perimeter of the lake can be traveled by car and allows you to stop in points where the boat does not dock and therefore discover less frequented places such as the museum "La Collezione della Barca Lariana" in Pianello Lario or the Naturalistic Oasis of Pian di Spagna. along the Mera canal from Sorico to Dascio and the Mezzola Lake.

For those who travel along Lake Como by car and want to change sides, they can be ferried (also for buses) from Cadenabbia or Menaggio to Bellano and Varenna or vice versa. The crossing takes about half an hour and the races are very frequent.

On boat

The most practical and most suggestive way to visit the coastal centers and experience the lake from within is to move using the numerous boats and ferries that make service between its banks.

By bike

Cyclists, on the other hand, can follow this itinerary which from Bellagio reaches Erba and Vallassina through Canzo and Magreglio, delightful holiday resorts to reach Colle del Ghisallo where the Sanctuary of the Madonna (protector of cyclists) is located. To descend, then cross Bellagio and return along the lake passing through Lezzeno, Nesso and Torno, which are characteristic villages scattered along its coasts.

What see

Como Cathedral
Villa Melzi - Bellagio
Santa Maria del Tiglio - Gravedona
Gorge of Pioverna
Broletto - Como
Villa Monastero Varenna
  • 1 Como Cathedral (to Como). It was built starting in 1396 and is one of the most valuable monuments in northern Italy. The façade was built between 1447 and 1489. Finally, Filippo Juvara's dome was built in 1770. Dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, the Cathedral occupies the site of the ancient Santa Maria Maggiore. Numerous tapestries and paintings made by protagonists of the Lombard Renaissance, including Gaudenzio Ferrari and Bernardino Luini, decorate the interior of the Cathedral. Como Cathedral on Wikipedia Como cathedral (Q1101730) on Wikidata
  • 2 Broletto (to Como). Built in Romanesque Gothic style in 1215, there are 15th century Renaissance inserts on the façade. In white, gray and red Lombard marble, with an ashlar civic tower, it was placed against the ancient cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore. The construction of the new temple involved the demolition of two arches of the building to make way for the greater width of the new Cathedral. Broletto di Como on Wikipedia Broletto di Como (Q2925991) on Wikidata
  • Cenghen waterfall (Val Monastero waterfall) (to Abbadia Lariana). It is located at an altitude of about 600 meters. It is formed by the Zerbo stream whose waters make a jump of about 50 meters. Easily reachable with a short walk along the Val Monastero, it is the only waterfall of some importance in the whole Grigne group.
  • 3 Villa Melzi (to Bellagio). In neoclassical forms, the soberly elegant villa was built between 1808 and 1810 by Giacomo Albertelli for the client Count Francesco Melzi, vice president of the Cisalpine Republic and chancellor of the kingdom of Italy, both states of Napoleonic memory. It overlooks the lake, and has hosted among the many personalities the emperors of Austria Francesco I, Ferdinando, Liszt. It was described by Stendhal in his accounts of the Grand Tour in Italy. The park "I Giardini di Villa Melzi" is one of the favorite destinations for tourists, and won the "Most beautiful park in Italy" award in 2016. Villa Melzi (Bellagio) on Wikipedia Villa Melzi d'Eril (Q650088) on Wikidata
  • 4 Villa Serbelloni (to Bellagio). Tradition says that the villa was built in the place where the villa of Pliny the Younger stood. Born as a noble country residence, in the fifteenth century it saw the transformation into a Villa. After an eighteenth-century expansion it became a hotel in the second half of the nineteenth century. Nowadays it is home to the Rockefeller Foundation in New York. It is surrounded by a large park that occupies the entire top of the Bellagio promontory on which it was built, and offers beautiful views of both southern branches. You can take a guided tour of the park alone. Villa Serbelloni on Wikipedia Villa Serbelloni (Q15133942) on Wikidata
  • Gorge of Pioverna (to Bellano). It is formed by the Pioverna stream that falls from high walls.
  • 5 Villa d'Este (to Cernobbio). Designed by Pellegrino Tibaldi in the 16th century for Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio, it has become one of the most renowned luxury hotels on Lake Como. It is often the site of high-level congresses, such as the Ambrosetti Forum, and is the seat of the Concorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este of vintage cars. The large and elegant garden, modified several times over the centuries compared to the sixteenth-century version, can be visited by appointment. Villa d'Este (Cernobbio) on Wikipedia Villa d'Este (Q1570585) on Wikidata
  • 6 Abbey of Piona (just south of Colico), @. In Comacina-inspired Romanesque style, it was founded by the Cluniac monks in the 12th century on the top of the peninsula from which you can enjoy a beautiful view. It was restored in the early twentieth century after a long period of neglect and decay and since 1927 it has been owned by the Abbey of Casamari, a remarkable Cistercian monastic complex located in the Lazio in the territory of Frosinone. Piona Abbey on Wikipedia abbey of Piona (Q661111) on Wikidata
  • 7 Santa Maria del Tiglio (to Gravedona). built in white marble and black stone it dates back to the 12th century and with the nearby parish of San Vincenzo, which displays a valuable Romanesque crypt, forms a valuable monumental area. Santa Maria preserves traces of the rich frescoes that once completely decorated its single nave. Church of Santa Maria del Tiglio on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria del Tiglio (Q3673798) on Wikidata
  • Romanesque basilica of S. Eufemia (onComacina Island). Important religious building located on theComacina Island, the only island on the lake. The ruins of its three-apsidal system remain. Its ruins, among which the vegetation insinuates itself, constitute an environment of rare suggestion.
Altar of the Sanctuary of Ossuccio
  • 8 Villa Monastero (to Varenna), 39 0341 295450, 39 0341 295598, fax: 39 0341 295441, @. The villa is a house museum with beautiful gardens. The buildings are used to host conventions, conferences and concerts. Villa Monastero on Wikipedia Villa Monastero (Q17494386) on Wikidata
  • 9 Sacred Mount of Ossuccio. it is part of the Sacred Prealpine Mountains included as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Sanctuary was built in the 16th century and can be reached along a characteristic Via Crucis, consisting of fourteen chapels with life-size statues, which starts from the road that runs along the lake. Sacro Monte della Beata Vergine del Soccorso on Wikipedia sacred mountain of the Beata Vergine del Soccorso (Q1472544) on Wikidata
Villa Balbianello
  • 10 Villa Carlotta, @. The most famous and visited villa-museum on Lake Como. It is located in Tremezzo (Tremezzina municipality), every year it hosts thousands of Italian and foreign visitors attracted by the vast botanical garden, which has 150 varieties of azaleas, and by the art collection that can be visited inside the villa, which boasts masterpieces by Hayez and sculptures from the Canova school. Villa Carlotta on Wikipedia Villa Carlotta (Q533156) on Wikidata

The namesake is found in Fiumelatte, a hamlet in the Varenna area Fiumelatte stream (so called because its sparkling waters take on the whiteness of milk); it is born every year in spring from a cave upstream, and after a path of only 250 meters it flows into the lake; this makes it the shortest watercourse in Italy, cited for this reason also by Leonardo da Vinci in Codex Atlanticus.

  • 11 Villa Balbianello, Via comoedia, 5 - Tremezzina, 39 0344 56110, @. Simple icon time.svgThu-Mon 10: 00-18: 00. It is located in Lenno (locality of the Tremezzina municipality), it is an elegant 18th century villa which in the past centuries has hosted many Italian intellectuals including Giovanni Berchet, Giuseppe Giusti and Alessandro Manzoni. It is possible to visit the art collections and relics of the explorations of Guido Monzino (last owner of the villa) inside the villa, and the large garden with panoramic loggia, in the past the location of scenes from numerous international films, including an episode of the Star Wars saga and 007 Casino Royale. Villa del Balbianello on Wikipedia Villa del Balbianello (Q1759446) on Wikidata

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch



  • Excursions in the numerous mountain valleys surrounding the lake
  • Excursions to the minor lakes of Como and Lecco
  • Excursion toecofraction of Baggero, the first eco-fraction in Italy


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lake Como
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Lake Como
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Lake Como
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but also contains information on how to get there and on the main attractions or activities to be carried out.