Map of the Memory of Lario - Mappa della Memoria del Lario

Map of the Memory of Lario
Fort Montecchio north
Itinerary type

Map of the Memory of Lario it is an itinerary that develops through Lombardy, on Lake Como.


During the last two world wars (the great war 1915-1918 and the second world war 1943-1945) there were places of history where important war events took place.

How to get

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: How to get to Lecco.

The itinerary could start from the city of Lecco.


Territorial Defense Paths

The territorial defense paths of the Great War.

Route 1

Route 2

  • 4 Colico
  • 5 Fort Montecchio Nord (to Colico). The fort was built between 1912 and 1914, within the Northern Frontier, the Italian defensive system towards Switzerland improperly known as the "Cadorna Line", with the function of barring the northern access to Lake Como Forte Montecchio Nord on Wikipedia Forte Montecchio Nord (Q496312) on Wikidata
  • 6 Fort of Fuentes (to Colico). During the First World War, in 1916 within the framework of the Italian defensive system on the North Frontier towards Switzerland, on the ruins of the old military structure, two armored posts for medium-caliber guns were built, intended to play the role of the nearby unarmed Montecchio Nord fort course of the previous year. Fort of Fuentes on Wikipedia Fort of Fuentes (Q1238871) on Wikidata
  • 7 Gallery of Mina di Verceia (to Verceia). Tunnel built between 1915 and 1917, it was full of mines ready to explode to collapse the road above to block the enemy's way.

Paths of Salvation

Paths of salvation to Switzerland in the years 1943-45.

Route 1

Paths of the Resistance

Places of the Resistance of the Lecco area

Route 1

  • 11 Lecco
  • 12 Plans of Erna
  • Stoppani hut - Destroyed in the Nazi roundup of autumn 1943.

Paths of Liberation

  • 13 Como
  • 14 Moltrasio
  • 15 Giulino The place where, on April 28, 1945, Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci were executed.
  • 16 Menaggio
  • 17 Pianello del Lario
  • 18 Musso
  • 19 Dongo At about 4 pm on April 27, 1945, during the inspection of the German column in the square in Dongo, Mussolini was recognized and arrested. There is an interactive museum on the Second World War.
  • 20 Germasino
  • 21 Pass Bridge The German column has been blocked.



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