Metapontal - Metapont

Metapont, Metaponto, Latin: Metapontum, Greek Μεταπόντιον
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Metapont (Metaponto) is an archaeological site and a modern place belonging to the municipality Bernalda in the region Basilicata belongs.


Metapont was a colony of the Greek Achaeans in the 7th century. B.C. Founded as part of the colonization of "Magna Graecia". In the 6th century was Metaponton with the Greek colonies Sybaris and Croton allied and joined the troops of 413 Athens on his campaign after Sicily at.
In 510 BC. drew the Greek philosopher, mathematician and natural scientist Pythagoras of Croton to Metapont and founded a philosophy school here, he worked in Metapont until his death in 490 BC.

In the first Punic War, the cities on the coast of the Ionian Sea allied (Tarant, Thurium and Metapont, with those of Epirus and faced the Roman army under King Pyrrhus of Epirus, at the battle of Herakleia the troops of Metapont were in the year 280 BC. on the winning side. Later, the troops of Pyrrhus were subject to Rome, part of the Greek population fled and a Roman garrison was established in Metapontum.
Metapontium once again allied itself with the losing side when they joined forces in 207 BC. joined the Carthaginians under Hannibal and resisted the Romans, after another defeat Metapontium became a Roman provincial town. After the 1st century A.D. the decline of the city began, it became increasingly depopulated and was finally covered with alluvial land by the floods of the Bradano and Basento rivers.

In the Middle Ages, the Roman city was used as a quarry and numerous cities in the area were built with building materials from Metapont, including the two columns in the cathedral of Matera.
In modern times, in Metaponto a modern bathing resort built, the beaches attract a lot of bathing tourism, in Metapont that became Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Metaponto in which the finds from excavations along the Ionian coast are exhibited.

getting there

Map of Metapontium

By plane

The nearest international airport is that of 1 BariWebsite of this institutionBari in the Wikivoyage travel guide in a different languageBari in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBari in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBari (Q779805) in the Wikidata database(IATA: BRI), which is also served by low-cost airlines.

By train

The station 2 Metaponto is powered by Naples out with direct intercity trains over Potenza Reached in about four hours, the line from Potenza crosses the coastline here Tarant - Sibari and further after Cosenza

By bus

In the street

The easiest way to find Metapont is that of Caserta - Fisciano leading to the south A30, continue about the A2Salerno - Reggio Calabria to the knot Symbol: ASSignano-Potenza on the RA5 to Potenza and there from further on the well-developed SS407 reached.
Along the coast of the Ionian Sea from Tarent to Sibari leads the coastal road SS106 dell'Ionio directly at the ruins of the Greek Temple of Hera Tavole Palatine and then past a little north of Metapont.

From the intersection SS407/SS106 one arrives on a provincial road to Metapont, the archaeological museum is to the west of the place, the excavation site can be reached via an asphalted road which leads straight east from the place.


Metaponto: Plan of the archaeolog. Terrain
Montaponto: temple
Metaponto Theater
Metaponto: reconstruction of the temple

The distance between the archaeological museum and the excavation site is 2.5 km; in the summer heat, the distance is more convenient to cover in your own vehicle or taxi.

Tourist Attractions

1 Athena - temple: Temple C
2 Hera - temple: Temple AII was later built on top of the former temple A.
3 Apollo - temple: in the area of ​​an earlier temple B, temple BII was built at the same time as AII, the entire construction phases are between 570 and 530 BC.
Artemis Temple: only a few reconstructed Ionic capitals were put up again.
southwest of the agora is the Ekklesiasterion, here in the 4th century. B.C. a 4 theatre built.
  • Finds from the 5 Crucinia Necropolis, Jewelry and other grave goods are in the archaeological Museum exhibited.
  • the Hera Temple of 6 Tavole Palatine was located a little outside the sacred precinct of Metapont and is also worth a visit.
  • Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Metaponto, Via Aristea 21, Località Metaponto, 75012 Bernalda (MT). Tel.: 39 0835 745327, Email: . Finds from the city area, the necropolis of Crucinia and also the temple of Tavole Palatine are exhibited.Open: Mon 2 p.m.-8 p.m., Tue-Sun 9 a.m.-8 p.m.Price: € 2.50 / 1.25.
in the Metapontium Archaeological Museum are the


  • sightseeing the archaeological sites and the archaeological museum.
  • very close are the beaches of 1 Lido di Metaponto with lidi and free stretches of beach.
  • nearby is the 3 Marina dei Argonauti with berths for private yachts and boat rentals.
  • near the train station lie the ruins of the medieval 7 Torremare Castle.





  • There are a number of campsites, holiday villages and holiday complexes along the coastline of the Ionian Sea.


Practical advice



Web links

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