Mount Legnone - Monte Legnone

Mount Legnone
Panoramic view of Legnone from Lake Como
Mountain range

Mount Legnone is located in Lombardy.

To know

It is the highest peak in the province of Lecco and the westernmost sector of the Orobie Alps. The summit of Legnone rises to such a point that it is clearly visible from Milan and from Brianza.

Geographical notes

With a beautiful pyramidal shape with regular lines, it represents the mighty corner pillar between the basin of the Lake Como and the Valtellina, separating the latter from the Valvarrone, valley furrow adjacent to the Valsassina.

It is not very interesting mountaineering, since it is formed on all its sides especially by debris with the exception of the north side, which sinks for almost 2,500 meters on the plain of Delebio, however, in a rather irregular way and without a real rock face. However, it is very popular with hikers, also because the summit offers by far one of the best views of the Central Alps, having no summit of similar altitude in the vicinity and extending over the lake and the lower Valtellina so as to remain isolated from the Orobic ridge of which it is part.

In the Legnone massif there is a secondary peak, located to the west of the main peak, which takes the name of Legnoncino (1,711 m).

Territories and tourist destinations

How to get

How to get around

The normal ascent route, quite easy, is on the side of Val Varrone, starts from the Roccoli Lorla refuge and then climbs along the west ridge. Some passages at the top are equipped with fixed ropes to facilitate the ascent.

Another itinerary runs along the easy south-east ridge, starting from the Alpe Scoggione or Alpe Legnone refuges. The ridge can be reached at the Bocchetta alta del Legnone (2,395 m), on the Orobic watershed, along a military road. It presents some interesting trench artifacts dating back to the First World War, part of a second Italian defensive line that would have become "first" in the event of a breach of the combat line attested on the mountains of the Ortles-Cevedale group.

More challenging marked itineraries go up directly from the Alpe Scoggione refuge. The Direttissima involves the overcoming of short climbing passages up to the III degree.

It is best to avoid climbing it during thunderstorms because, perhaps due to the subsoil or the many larches present, several lightning strikes are discharged, which over the years have caused the injury of people and the death of some animals.

What see

What to do


Where to eat

You can eat in the shelters listed in the section Where stay.

Where stay

On the flanks of the Legnone there are the following shelters:

  • Roccoli Lorla Refuge (1,463 m). In the locality of the same name, between Legnone and Legnoncino, reachable by car from Dervio, owned by CAI Dervio.
  • Griera Refuge (1,734 m). In the locality of the same name, reachable on foot, by mountain bike or (with a permit) by jeep from Pagnona, owned by the Municipality of Pagnona.
  • Alpe Scoggione Refuge (1,575 m). On the long north ridge of the mountain, reachable from Colico, Rusico locality (900 m), owned by CAI Colico.
  • Alpe Legnone Refuge (1,696 m). On the long northeast ridge of the mountain, reachable from Delebio, hydroelectric power station (230 m), owned by the Azienda Regionale Foreste di Morbegno.


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Mount Legnone
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Mount Legnone
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